blob: 3ab68885bfe053f68d2acca1302c691941db3843 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- E X P _ D B U G --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1996-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Alloc;
with Atree; use Atree;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Einfo.Entities; use Einfo.Entities;
with Einfo.Utils; use Einfo.Utils;
with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Output; use Output;
with Sem_Aux; use Sem_Aux;
with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinfo.Nodes; use Sinfo.Nodes;
with Sinfo.Utils; use Sinfo.Utils;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Table;
with Tbuild; use Tbuild;
with Urealp; use Urealp;
package body Exp_Dbug is
-- The following table is used to queue up the entities passed as
-- arguments to Qualify_Entity_Names for later processing when
-- Qualify_All_Entity_Names is called.
package Name_Qualify_Units is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Node_Id,
Table_Index_Type => Nat,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => Alloc.Name_Qualify_Units_Initial,
Table_Increment => Alloc.Name_Qualify_Units_Increment,
Table_Name => "Name_Qualify_Units");
-- Use of Qualification Flags --
-- There are two flags used to keep track of qualification of entities
-- Has_Fully_Qualified_Name
-- Has_Qualified_Name
-- The difference between these is as follows. Has_Qualified_Name is
-- set to indicate that the name has been qualified as required by the
-- spec of this package. As described there, this may involve the full
-- qualification for the name, but for some entities, notably procedure
-- local variables, this full qualification is not required.
-- The flag Has_Fully_Qualified_Name is set if indeed the name has been
-- fully qualified in the Ada sense. If Has_Fully_Qualified_Name is set,
-- then Has_Qualified_Name is also set, but the other way round is not
-- the case.
-- Consider the following example:
-- with ...
-- procedure X is
-- B : Ddd.Ttt;
-- procedure Y is ..
-- Here B is a procedure local variable, so it does not need fully
-- qualification. The flag Has_Qualified_Name will be set on the
-- first attempt to qualify B, to indicate that the job is done
-- and need not be redone.
-- But Y is qualified as x__y, since procedures are always fully
-- qualified, so the first time that an attempt is made to qualify
-- the name y, it will be replaced by x__y, and both flags are set.
-- Why the two flags? Well there are cases where we derive type names
-- from object names. As noted in the spec, type names are always
-- fully qualified. Suppose for example that the backend has to build
-- a padded type for variable B. then it will construct the PAD name
-- from B, but it requires full qualification, so the fully qualified
-- type name will be x__b___PAD. The two flags allow the circuit for
-- building this name to realize efficiently that b needs further
-- qualification.
-- Homonym_Suffix --
-- The string defined here (and its associated length) is used to gather
-- the homonym string that will be appended to Name_Buffer when the name
-- is complete. Strip_Suffixes appends to this string as does
-- Append_Homonym_Number, and Output_Homonym_Numbers_Suffix appends the
-- string to the end of Name_Buffer.
Homonym_Numbers : String (1 .. 256);
Homonym_Len : Natural := 0;
-- Local Procedures --
procedure Add_Uint_To_Buffer (U : Uint);
-- Add image of universal integer to Name_Buffer, updating Name_Len
procedure Add_Real_To_Buffer (U : Ureal);
-- Add nnn_ddd to Name_Buffer, where nnn and ddd are integer values of
-- the normalized numerator and denominator of the given real value.
procedure Append_Homonym_Number (E : Entity_Id);
-- If the entity E has homonyms in the same scope, then make an entry
-- in the Homonym_Numbers array, bumping Homonym_Count accordingly.
function Bounds_Match_Size (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determine whether the bounds of E match the size of the type. This is
-- used to determine whether encoding is required for a discrete type.
procedure Output_Homonym_Numbers_Suffix;
-- If homonym numbers are stored, then output them into Name_Buffer
procedure Prepend_String_To_Buffer (S : String);
-- Prepend given string to the contents of the string buffer, updating
-- the value in Name_Len (i.e. string is added at start of buffer).
procedure Prepend_Uint_To_Buffer (U : Uint);
-- Prepend image of universal integer to Name_Buffer, updating Name_Len
procedure Qualify_Entity_Name (Ent : Entity_Id);
-- If not already done, replaces the Chars field of the given entity
-- with the appropriate fully qualified name.
procedure Reset_Buffers;
-- Reset the contents of Name_Buffer and Homonym_Numbers by setting their
-- respective lengths to zero.
procedure Strip_Suffixes (BNPE_Suffix_Found : in out Boolean);
-- Given an qualified entity name in Name_Buffer, remove any plain X or
-- X{nb} qualification suffix. The contents of Name_Buffer is not changed
-- but Name_Len may be adjusted on return to remove the suffix. If a
-- BNPE suffix is found and stripped, then BNPE_Suffix_Found is set to
-- True. If no suffix is found, then BNPE_Suffix_Found is not modified.
-- This routine also searches for a homonym suffix, and if one is found
-- it is also stripped, and the entries are added to the global homonym
-- list (Homonym_Numbers) so that they can later be put back.
-- Add_Real_To_Buffer --
procedure Add_Real_To_Buffer (U : Ureal) is
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (Norm_Num (U));
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('_');
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (Norm_Den (U));
end Add_Real_To_Buffer;
-- Add_Uint_To_Buffer --
procedure Add_Uint_To_Buffer (U : Uint) is
if U < 0 then
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (-U);
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('m');
UI_Image (U, Decimal);
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (UI_Image_Buffer (1 .. UI_Image_Length));
end if;
end Add_Uint_To_Buffer;
-- Append_Homonym_Number --
procedure Append_Homonym_Number (E : Entity_Id) is
procedure Add_Nat_To_H (Nr : Nat);
-- Little procedure to append Nr to Homonym_Numbers
-- Add_Nat_To_H --
procedure Add_Nat_To_H (Nr : Nat) is
if Nr >= 10 then
Add_Nat_To_H (Nr / 10);
end if;
Homonym_Len := Homonym_Len + 1;
Homonym_Numbers (Homonym_Len) :=
Character'Val (Nr mod 10 + Character'Pos ('0'));
end Add_Nat_To_H;
-- Start of processing for Append_Homonym_Number
if Has_Homonym (E) then
if Homonym_Len > 0 then
Homonym_Len := Homonym_Len + 1;
Homonym_Numbers (Homonym_Len) := '_';
end if;
Add_Nat_To_H (Homonym_Number (E));
end if;
end Append_Homonym_Number;
-- Bounds_Match_Size --
function Bounds_Match_Size (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
Siz : Uint;
if not Is_OK_Static_Subtype (E) then
return False;
elsif Is_Integer_Type (E)
and then Subtypes_Statically_Match (E, Base_Type (E))
return True;
-- Here we check if the static bounds match the natural size, which is
-- the size passed through with the debugging information. This is the
-- Esize rounded up to 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 as appropriate.
Umark : constant Uintp.Save_Mark := Uintp.Mark;
Result : Boolean;
if Esize (E) <= 8 then
Siz := Uint_8;
elsif Esize (E) <= 16 then
Siz := Uint_16;
elsif Esize (E) <= 32 then
Siz := Uint_32;
elsif Esize (E) <= 64 then
Siz := Uint_64;
Siz := Uint_128;
end if;
if Is_Modular_Integer_Type (E) or else Is_Enumeration_Type (E) then
Result :=
Expr_Rep_Value (Type_Low_Bound (E)) = 0
and then
2 ** Siz - Expr_Rep_Value (Type_High_Bound (E)) = 1;
Result :=
Expr_Rep_Value (Type_Low_Bound (E)) + 2 ** (Siz - 1) = 0
and then
2 ** (Siz - 1) - Expr_Rep_Value (Type_High_Bound (E)) = 1;
end if;
Release (Umark);
return Result;
end if;
end Bounds_Match_Size;
-- Debug_Renaming_Declaration --
function Debug_Renaming_Declaration (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
pragma Assert
(Nkind (N) in N_Object_Renaming_Declaration
| N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
| N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration);
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Ent : constant Node_Id := Defining_Entity (N);
Nam : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
Ren : Node_Id;
Typ : Entity_Id;
Obj : Entity_Id;
Res : Node_Id;
Enable : Boolean := Nkind (N) = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration;
-- By default, we do not generate an encoding for renaming. This is
-- however done (in which case this is set to True) in a few cases:
-- - when a package is renamed,
-- - when the renaming involves a packed array,
-- - when the renaming involves a packed record.
Last_Is_Indexed_Comp : Boolean := False;
-- Whether the last subscript value was an indexed component access (XS)
procedure Enable_If_Packed_Array (N : Node_Id);
-- Enable encoding generation if N is a packed array
function Output_Subscript (N : Node_Id; S : String) return Boolean;
-- Outputs a single subscript value as ?nnn (subscript is compile time
-- known value with value nnn) or as ?e (subscript is local constant
-- with name e), where S supplies the proper string to use for ?.
-- Returns False if the subscript is not of an appropriate type to
-- output in one of these two forms. The result is prepended to the
-- name stored in Name_Buffer.
function Scope_Contains
(Outer : Entity_Id;
Inner : Entity_Id)
return Boolean;
-- Return whether Inner belongs to the Outer scope
-- Enable_If_Packed_Array --
procedure Enable_If_Packed_Array (N : Node_Id) is
T : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Etype (N));
Enable :=
or else
(Ekind (T) in Array_Kind
and then Present (Packed_Array_Impl_Type (T)));
end Enable_If_Packed_Array;
-- Output_Subscript --
function Output_Subscript (N : Node_Id; S : String) return Boolean is
if Compile_Time_Known_Value (N) then
Prepend_Uint_To_Buffer (Expr_Value (N));
elsif Nkind (N) = N_Identifier
and then Scope_Contains (Scope (Entity (N)), Ent)
and then Ekind (Entity (N)) in E_Constant | E_In_Parameter
Prepend_String_To_Buffer (Get_Name_String (Chars (Entity (N))));
return False;
end if;
Prepend_String_To_Buffer (S);
return True;
end Output_Subscript;
-- Scope_Contains --
function Scope_Contains
(Outer : Entity_Id;
Inner : Entity_Id)
return Boolean
Cur : Entity_Id := Scope (Inner);
while Present (Cur) loop
if Cur = Outer then
return True;
end if;
Cur := Scope (Cur);
end loop;
return False;
end Scope_Contains;
-- Start of processing for Debug_Renaming_Declaration
if not Comes_From_Source (N) and then not Needs_Debug_Info (Ent) then
return Empty;
end if;
-- Get renamed entity and compute suffix
Name_Len := 0;
Ren := Nam;
-- The expression that designates the renamed object is sometimes
-- expanded into bit-wise operations. We want to work instead on
-- array/record components accesses, so try to analyze the unexpanded
-- forms.
Ren := Original_Node (Ren);
case Nkind (Ren) is
when N_Expanded_Name
| N_Identifier
if No (Entity (Ren))
or else No (Renamed_Entity_Or_Object (Entity (Ren)))
end if;
-- This is a renaming of a renaming: traverse until the final
-- renaming to see if anything is packed along the way.
Ren := Renamed_Entity_Or_Object (Entity (Ren));
when N_Selected_Component =>
Sel_Id : constant Entity_Id :=
Entity (Selector_Name (Ren));
First_Bit : Uint;
-- If the renaming involves a call to a primitive function,
-- we are out of the scope of renaming encodings. We will
-- very likely create a variable to hold the renamed value
-- anyway, so the renaming entity will be available in
-- debuggers.
exit when Ekind (Sel_Id) not in E_Component | E_Discriminant;
First_Bit := Normalized_First_Bit (Sel_Id);
Enable :=
or else Is_Packed
(Underlying_Type (Etype (Prefix (Ren))))
or else (Present (First_Bit)
and then First_Bit /= Uint_0);
(Get_Name_String (Chars (Selector_Name (Ren))));
Prepend_String_To_Buffer ("XR");
Ren := Prefix (Ren);
Last_Is_Indexed_Comp := False;
when N_Indexed_Component =>
X : Node_Id;
Enable_If_Packed_Array (Prefix (Ren));
X := Last (Expressions (Ren));
while Present (X) loop
if not Output_Subscript (X, "XS") then
Set_Materialize_Entity (Ent);
return Empty;
end if;
Prev (X);
Last_Is_Indexed_Comp := True;
end loop;
Ren := Prefix (Ren);
when N_Slice =>
-- Assuming X is an array:
-- X (Y1 .. Y2) (Y3)
-- is equivalent to:
-- X (Y3)
-- GDB cannot handle packed array slices, so avoid describing
-- the slice if we can avoid it.
if not Last_Is_Indexed_Comp then
Enable_If_Packed_Array (Prefix (Ren));
Typ := Etype (First_Index (Etype (Ren)));
if not Output_Subscript (Type_High_Bound (Typ), "XS") then
Set_Materialize_Entity (Ent);
return Empty;
end if;
if not Output_Subscript (Type_Low_Bound (Typ), "XL") then
Set_Materialize_Entity (Ent);
return Empty;
end if;
Last_Is_Indexed_Comp := False;
end if;
Ren := Prefix (Ren);
when N_Explicit_Dereference =>
Prepend_String_To_Buffer ("XA");
Ren := Prefix (Ren);
Last_Is_Indexed_Comp := False;
-- For now, anything else simply results in no translation
when others =>
Set_Materialize_Entity (Ent);
return Empty;
end case;
end loop;
-- If we found no reason here to emit an encoding, stop now
if not Enable then
Set_Materialize_Entity (Ent);
return Empty;
end if;
Prepend_String_To_Buffer ("___XE");
-- Include the designation of the form of renaming
case Nkind (N) is
when N_Object_Renaming_Declaration =>
Prepend_String_To_Buffer ("___XR");
when N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration =>
Prepend_String_To_Buffer ("___XRE");
when N_Package_Renaming_Declaration =>
Prepend_String_To_Buffer ("___XRP");
when others =>
return Empty;
end case;
-- Add the name of the renaming entity to the front
Prepend_String_To_Buffer (Get_Name_String (Chars (Ent)));
-- If it is a child unit create a fully qualified name, to disambiguate
-- multiple child units with the same name and different parents.
if Nkind (N) = N_Package_Renaming_Declaration
and then Is_Child_Unit (Ent)
Prepend_String_To_Buffer ("__");
(Get_Name_String (Chars (Scope (Ent))));
end if;
-- Create the special object whose name is the debug encoding for the
-- renaming declaration.
-- For now, the object name contains the suffix encoding for the renamed
-- object, but not the name of the leading entity. The object is linked
-- the renamed entity using the Debug_Renaming_Link field. Then the
-- Qualify_Entity_Name procedure uses this link to create the proper
-- fully qualified name.
-- The reason we do things this way is that we really need to copy the
-- qualification of the renamed entity, and it is really much easier to
-- do this after the renamed entity has itself been fully qualified.
Obj := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => Name_Enter);
Res :=
Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => Obj,
Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of
(Standard_Debug_Renaming_Type, Loc));
Set_Debug_Renaming_Link (Obj, Entity (Ren));
Set_Debug_Info_Needed (Obj);
-- The renamed entity may be a temporary, e.g. the result of an
-- implicit dereference in an iterator. Indicate that the temporary
-- itself requires debug information. If the renamed entity comes
-- from source this is a no-op.
Set_Debug_Info_Needed (Entity (Ren));
-- Mark the object as internal so that it won't be initialized when
-- pragma Initialize_Scalars or Normalize_Scalars is in use.
Set_Is_Internal (Obj);
return Res;
-- If we get an exception, just figure it is a case that we cannot
-- successfully handle using our current approach, since this is
-- only for debugging, no need to take the compilation with us.
when others =>
return Make_Null_Statement (Loc);
end Debug_Renaming_Declaration;
-- Get_Encoded_Name --
-- Note: see spec for details on encodings
procedure Get_Encoded_Name (E : Entity_Id) is
Has_Suffix : Boolean;
-- If not generating code, there is no need to create encoded names, and
-- problems when the back-end is called to annotate types without full
-- code generation. See comments in Get_External_Name for additional
-- details.
-- However we do create encoded names if the back end is active, even
-- if Operating_Mode got reset. Otherwise any serious error reported
-- by the backend calling Error_Msg changes the Compilation_Mode to
-- Check_Semantics, which disables the functionality of this routine,
-- causing the generation of spurious additional errors.
-- Couldn't we just test Original_Operating_Mode here? ???
if Operating_Mode /= Generate_Code and then not Generating_Code then
end if;
Get_Name_String (Chars (E));
-- Nothing to do if we do not have a type
if not Is_Type (E)
-- Or if this is an enumeration base type
or else (Is_Enumeration_Type (E) and then Is_Base_Type (E))
-- Or if this is a dummy type for a renaming
or else (Name_Len >= 3 and then
Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 2 .. Name_Len) = "_XR")
or else (Name_Len >= 4 and then
(Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 3 .. Name_Len) = "_XRE"
or else
Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 3 .. Name_Len) = "_XRP"))
-- For all these cases, just return the name unchanged
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
end if;
Has_Suffix := True;
-- Generate GNAT encodings when asked to for fixed-point case
if GNAT_Encodings = DWARF_GNAT_Encodings_All
and then Is_Fixed_Point_Type (E)
Get_External_Name (E, True, "XF_");
Add_Real_To_Buffer (Delta_Value (E));
if Small_Value (E) /= Delta_Value (E) then
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('_');
Add_Real_To_Buffer (Small_Value (E));
end if;
-- Likewise for discrete case where bounds do not match size
elsif GNAT_Encodings = DWARF_GNAT_Encodings_All
and then Is_Discrete_Type (E)
and then not Bounds_Match_Size (E)
Lo : constant Node_Id := Type_Low_Bound (E);
Hi : constant Node_Id := Type_High_Bound (E);
Lo_Con : constant Boolean := Compile_Time_Known_Value (Lo);
Hi_Con : constant Boolean := Compile_Time_Known_Value (Hi);
Lo_Discr : constant Boolean :=
Nkind (Lo) = N_Identifier
and then Ekind (Entity (Lo)) = E_Discriminant;
Hi_Discr : constant Boolean :=
Nkind (Hi) = N_Identifier
and then Ekind (Entity (Hi)) = E_Discriminant;
Lo_Encode : constant Boolean := Lo_Con or Lo_Discr;
Hi_Encode : constant Boolean := Hi_Con or Hi_Discr;
Biased : constant Boolean := Has_Biased_Representation (E);
if Biased then
Get_External_Name (E, True, "XB");
Get_External_Name (E, True, "XD");
end if;
if Lo_Encode or Hi_Encode then
if Biased then
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('_');
if Lo_Encode then
if Hi_Encode then
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("LU_");
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("L_");
end if;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("U_");
end if;
end if;
if Lo_Con then
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (Expr_Rep_Value (Lo));
elsif Lo_Discr then
Get_Name_String_And_Append (Chars (Entity (Lo)));
end if;
if Lo_Encode and Hi_Encode then
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("__");
end if;
if Hi_Con then
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (Expr_Rep_Value (Hi));
elsif Hi_Discr then
Get_Name_String_And_Append (Chars (Entity (Hi)));
end if;
end if;
-- For all other cases, the encoded name is the normal type name
Has_Suffix := False;
Get_External_Name (E);
end if;
if Debug_Flag_B and then Has_Suffix then
Write_Str ("**** type ");
Write_Name (Chars (E));
Write_Str (" is encoded as ");
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end if;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
end Get_Encoded_Name;
-- Get_External_Name --
procedure Get_External_Name
(Entity : Entity_Id;
Has_Suffix : Boolean := False;
Suffix : String := "")
procedure Get_Qualified_Name_And_Append (Entity : Entity_Id);
-- Appends fully qualified name of given entity to Name_Buffer
-- Get_Qualified_Name_And_Append --
procedure Get_Qualified_Name_And_Append (Entity : Entity_Id) is
-- If the entity is a compilation unit, its scope is Standard,
-- there is no outer scope, and the no further qualification
-- is required.
-- If the front end has already computed a fully qualified name,
-- then it is also the case that no further qualification is
-- required.
if Present (Scope (Scope (Entity)))
and then not Has_Fully_Qualified_Name (Entity)
Get_Qualified_Name_And_Append (Scope (Entity));
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("__");
Get_Name_String_And_Append (Chars (Entity));
Append_Homonym_Number (Entity);
Get_Name_String_And_Append (Chars (Entity));
end if;
end Get_Qualified_Name_And_Append;
-- Local variables
E : Entity_Id := Entity;
-- Start of processing for Get_External_Name
-- If we are not in code generation mode, this procedure may still be
-- called from Back_End (more specifically - from gigi for doing type
-- representation annotation or some representation-specific checks).
-- But in this mode there is no need to mess with external names.
-- Furthermore, the call causes difficulties in this case because the
-- string representing the homonym number is not correctly reset as a
-- part of the call to Output_Homonym_Numbers_Suffix (which is not
-- called in gigi).
if Operating_Mode /= Generate_Code then
end if;
-- If this is a child unit, we want the child
if Nkind (E) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then
E := Defining_Identifier (Entity);
end if;
-- Case of interface name being used
if Ekind (E) in E_Constant
| E_Exception
| E_Function
| E_Procedure
| E_Variable
and then Present (Interface_Name (E))
and then No (Address_Clause (E))
and then not Has_Suffix
Append (Global_Name_Buffer, Strval (Interface_Name (E)));
-- All other cases besides the interface name case
-- If this is a library level subprogram (i.e. a subprogram that is a
-- compilation unit other than a subunit), then we prepend _ada_ to
-- ensure distinctions required as described in the spec.
-- Check explicitly for child units, because those are not flagged
-- as Compilation_Units by lib. Should they be ???
if Is_Subprogram (E)
and then (Is_Compilation_Unit (E) or Is_Child_Unit (E))
and then not Has_Suffix
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("_ada_");
end if;
-- If the entity is a subprogram instance that is not a compilation
-- unit, generate the name of the original Ada entity, which is the
-- one gdb needs.
if Is_Generic_Instance (E)
and then Is_Subprogram (E)
and then not Is_Compilation_Unit (Scope (E))
and then Ekind (Scope (E)) in E_Package | E_Package_Body
and then Present (Related_Instance (Scope (E)))
E := Related_Instance (Scope (E));
end if;
Get_Qualified_Name_And_Append (E);
end if;
if Has_Suffix then
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("___");
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Suffix);
end if;
-- Add a special prefix to distinguish Ghost entities. In Ignored Ghost
-- mode, these entities should not leak in the "living" space and they
-- should be removed by the compiler in a post-processing pass. Thus,
-- the prefix allows anyone to check that the final executable indeed
-- does not contain such entities, in such a case. Do not insert this
-- prefix for compilation units, whose name is used as a basis for the
-- name of the generated elaboration procedure and (when appropriate)
-- the executable produced. Only insert this prefix once, for Ghost
-- entities declared inside other Ghost entities. Three leading
-- underscores are used so that "___ghost_" is a unique substring of
-- names produced for Ghost entities, while "__ghost_" can appear in
-- names of entities inside a child/local package called "Ghost".
-- The compiler-generated finalizer for an enabled Ghost unit is treated
-- specially, as its name must be known to the binder, which has no
-- knowledge of Ghost status. In that case, the finalizer is not marked
-- as Ghost so that no prefix is added. Note that the special ___ghost_
-- prefix is retained when the Ghost unit is ignored, which still allows
-- inspecting the final executable for the presence of an ignored Ghost
-- finalizer procedure.
if Is_Ghost_Entity (E)
and then not Is_Compilation_Unit (E)
and then (Name_Len < 9
or else Name_Buffer (1 .. 9) /= "___ghost_")
Insert_Str_In_Name_Buffer ("___ghost_", 1);
end if;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
end Get_External_Name;
-- Get_Variant_Encoding --
procedure Get_Variant_Encoding (V : Node_Id) is
Choice : Node_Id;
procedure Choice_Val (Typ : Character; Choice : Node_Id);
-- Output encoded value for a single choice value. Typ is the key
-- character ('S', 'F', or 'T') that precedes the choice value.
-- Choice_Val --
procedure Choice_Val (Typ : Character; Choice : Node_Id) is
if Nkind (Choice) = N_Integer_Literal then
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Typ);
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (Intval (Choice));
-- Character literal with no entity present (this is the case
-- Standard.Character or Standard.Wide_Character as root type)
elsif Nkind (Choice) = N_Character_Literal
and then No (Entity (Choice))
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Typ);
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (Char_Literal_Value (Choice));
Ent : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Choice);
if Ekind (Ent) = E_Enumeration_Literal then
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Typ);
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (Enumeration_Rep (Ent));
pragma Assert (Ekind (Ent) = E_Constant);
Choice_Val (Typ, Constant_Value (Ent));
end if;
end if;
end Choice_Val;
-- Start of processing for Get_Variant_Encoding
Name_Len := 0;
Choice := First (Discrete_Choices (V));
while Present (Choice) loop
if Nkind (Choice) = N_Others_Choice then
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('O');
elsif Nkind (Choice) = N_Range then
Choice_Val ('R', Low_Bound (Choice));
Choice_Val ('T', High_Bound (Choice));
elsif Is_Entity_Name (Choice)
and then Is_Type (Entity (Choice))
Choice_Val ('R', Type_Low_Bound (Entity (Choice)));
Choice_Val ('T', Type_High_Bound (Entity (Choice)));
elsif Nkind (Choice) = N_Subtype_Indication then
Rang : constant Node_Id :=
Range_Expression (Constraint (Choice));
Choice_Val ('R', Low_Bound (Rang));
Choice_Val ('T', High_Bound (Rang));
Choice_Val ('S', Choice);
end if;
Next (Choice);
end loop;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
if Debug_Flag_B then
VP : constant Node_Id := Parent (V); -- Variant_Part
CL : constant Node_Id := Parent (VP); -- Component_List
RD : constant Node_Id := Parent (CL); -- Record_Definition
FT : constant Node_Id := Parent (RD); -- Full_Type_Declaration
Write_Str ("**** variant for type ");
Write_Name (Chars (Defining_Identifier (FT)));
Write_Str (" is encoded as ");
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end if;
end Get_Variant_Encoding;
-- Build_Subprogram_Instance_Renamings --
procedure Build_Subprogram_Instance_Renamings
(N : Node_Id;
Wrapper : Entity_Id)
Loc : Source_Ptr;
Decl : Node_Id;
E : Entity_Id;
E := First_Entity (Wrapper);
while Present (E) loop
if Nkind (Parent (E)) = N_Object_Declaration
and then Present (Corresponding_Generic_Association (Parent (E)))
and then Is_Elementary_Type (Etype (E))
Loc := Sloc (Expression (Parent (E)));
Decl := Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier =>
Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (E)),
Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (E), Loc),
Name => New_Occurrence_Of (E, Loc));
Append (Decl, Declarations (N));
Set_Debug_Info_Needed (Defining_Identifier (Decl));
end if;
Next_Entity (E);
end loop;
end Build_Subprogram_Instance_Renamings;
-- Get_Secondary_DT_External_Name --
procedure Get_Secondary_DT_External_Name
(Typ : Entity_Id;
Ancestor_Typ : Entity_Id;
Suffix_Index : Int)
Get_External_Name (Typ);
if Ancestor_Typ /= Typ then
Len : constant Natural := Name_Len;
Save_Str : constant String (1 .. Name_Len)
:= Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Get_External_Name (Ancestor_Typ);
-- Append the extended name of the ancestor to the
-- extended name of Typ
Name_Buffer (Len + 2 .. Len + Name_Len + 1) :=
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Name_Buffer (1 .. Len) := Save_Str;
Name_Buffer (Len + 1) := '_';
Name_Len := Len + Name_Len + 1;
end if;
Add_Nat_To_Name_Buffer (Suffix_Index);
end Get_Secondary_DT_External_Name;
-- Make_Packed_Array_Impl_Type_Name --
function Make_Packed_Array_Impl_Type_Name
(Typ : Entity_Id;
Csize : Uint)
return Name_Id
Get_Name_String (Chars (Typ));
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("___XP");
Add_Uint_To_Buffer (Csize);
return Name_Find;
end Make_Packed_Array_Impl_Type_Name;
-- Output_Homonym_Numbers_Suffix --
procedure Output_Homonym_Numbers_Suffix is
J : Natural;
if Homonym_Len > 0 then
-- Check for all 1's, in which case we do not output
J := 1;
exit when Homonym_Numbers (J) /= '1';
-- If we reached end of string we do not output
if J = Homonym_Len then
Homonym_Len := 0;
end if;
exit when Homonym_Numbers (J + 1) /= '_';
J := J + 2;
end loop;
-- If we exit the loop then suffix must be output
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("__");
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Homonym_Numbers (1 .. Homonym_Len));
Homonym_Len := 0;
end if;
end Output_Homonym_Numbers_Suffix;
-- Prepend_String_To_Buffer --
procedure Prepend_String_To_Buffer (S : String) is
N : constant Integer := S'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 + N .. Name_Len + N) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Name_Buffer (1 .. N) := S;
Name_Len := Name_Len + N;
end Prepend_String_To_Buffer;
-- Prepend_Uint_To_Buffer --
procedure Prepend_Uint_To_Buffer (U : Uint) is
if U < 0 then
Prepend_String_To_Buffer ("m");
Prepend_Uint_To_Buffer (-U);
UI_Image (U, Decimal);
Prepend_String_To_Buffer (UI_Image_Buffer (1 .. UI_Image_Length));
end if;
end Prepend_Uint_To_Buffer;
-- Qualify_All_Entity_Names --
procedure Qualify_All_Entity_Names is
E : Entity_Id;
Ent : Entity_Id;
Nod : Node_Id;
for J in Name_Qualify_Units.First .. Name_Qualify_Units.Last loop
Nod := Name_Qualify_Units.Table (J);
-- When a scoping construct is ignored Ghost, it is rewritten as
-- a null statement. Skip such constructs as they no longer carry
-- names.
if Nkind (Nod) = N_Null_Statement then
goto Continue;
end if;
E := Defining_Entity (Nod);
Qualify_Entity_Name (E);
-- Normally entities in the qualification list are scopes, but in the
-- case of a library-level package renaming there is an associated
-- variable that encodes the debugger name and that variable is
-- entered in the list since it occurs in the Aux_Decls list of the
-- compilation and doesn't have a normal scope.
if Ekind (E) /= E_Variable then
Ent := First_Entity (E);
while Present (Ent) loop
Qualify_Entity_Name (Ent);
Next_Entity (Ent);
-- There are odd cases where Last_Entity (E) = E. This happens
-- in the case of renaming of packages. This test avoids
-- getting stuck in such cases.
exit when Ent = E;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
end Qualify_All_Entity_Names;
-- Qualify_Entity_Name --
procedure Qualify_Entity_Name (Ent : Entity_Id) is
Full_Qualify_Name : String (1 .. Name_Buffer'Length);
Full_Qualify_Len : Natural := 0;
-- Used to accumulate fully qualified name of subprogram
procedure Fully_Qualify_Name (E : Entity_Id);
-- Used to qualify a subprogram or type name, where full
-- qualification up to Standard is always used. Name is set
-- in Full_Qualify_Name with the length in Full_Qualify_Len.
-- Note that this routine does not prepend the _ada_ string
-- required for library subprograms (this is done in the back end).
function Is_BNPE (S : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if S is a BNPE, i.e. Body-Nested Package Entity, which
-- is defined to be a package which is immediately nested within a
-- package body.
function Qualify_Needed (S : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Given a scope, determines if the scope is to be included in the
-- fully qualified name, True if so, False if not. Blocks and loops
-- are excluded from a qualified name.
procedure Set_BNPE_Suffix (E : Entity_Id);
-- Recursive routine to append the BNPE qualification suffix. Works
-- from right to left with E being the current entity in the list.
-- The result does NOT have the trailing n's and trailing b stripped.
-- The caller must do this required stripping.
procedure Set_Entity_Name (E : Entity_Id);
-- Internal recursive routine that does most of the work. This routine
-- leaves the result sitting in Name_Buffer and Name_Len.
BNPE_Suffix_Needed : Boolean := False;
-- Set true if a body-nested package entity suffix is required
Save_Chars : constant Name_Id := Chars (Ent);
-- Save original name
-- Fully_Qualify_Name --
procedure Fully_Qualify_Name (E : Entity_Id) is
Discard : Boolean := False;
-- Ignore empty entry (can happen in error cases)
if No (E) then
-- If this we are qualifying entities local to a generic instance,
-- use the name of the original instantiation, not that of the
-- anonymous subprogram in the wrapper package, so that gdb doesn't
-- have to know about these.
elsif Is_Generic_Instance (E)
and then Is_Subprogram (E)
and then not Comes_From_Source (E)
and then not Is_Compilation_Unit (Scope (E))
Fully_Qualify_Name (Related_Instance (Scope (E)));
end if;
-- If we reached fully qualified name, then just copy it
if Has_Fully_Qualified_Name (E) then
Get_Name_String (Chars (E));
Strip_Suffixes (Discard);
Full_Qualify_Name (1 .. Name_Len) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Full_Qualify_Len := Name_Len;
Set_Has_Fully_Qualified_Name (Ent);
-- Case of non-fully qualified name
if Scope (E) = Standard_Standard then
Set_Has_Fully_Qualified_Name (Ent);
Fully_Qualify_Name (Scope (E));
Full_Qualify_Name (Full_Qualify_Len + 1) := '_';
Full_Qualify_Name (Full_Qualify_Len + 2) := '_';
Full_Qualify_Len := Full_Qualify_Len + 2;
end if;
if Has_Qualified_Name (E) then
Get_Unqualified_Name_String (Chars (E));
Get_Name_String (Chars (E));
end if;
-- Here we do one step of the qualification
(Full_Qualify_Len + 1 .. Full_Qualify_Len + Name_Len) :=
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Full_Qualify_Len := Full_Qualify_Len + Name_Len;
Append_Homonym_Number (E);
end if;
if Is_BNPE (E) then
BNPE_Suffix_Needed := True;
end if;
end Fully_Qualify_Name;
-- Is_BNPE --
function Is_BNPE (S : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
return Ekind (S) = E_Package and then Is_Package_Body_Entity (S);
end Is_BNPE;
-- Qualify_Needed --
function Qualify_Needed (S : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
-- If we got all the way to Standard, then we have certainly
-- fully qualified the name, so set the flag appropriately,
-- and then return False, since we are most certainly done.
if S = Standard_Standard then
Set_Has_Fully_Qualified_Name (Ent, True);
return False;
-- Otherwise figure out if further qualification is required
return Is_Subprogram (Ent)
or else Ekind (Ent) = E_Subprogram_Body
or else (Ekind (S) /= E_Block
and then Ekind (S) /= E_Loop
and then not Is_Dynamic_Scope (S));
end if;
end Qualify_Needed;
-- Set_BNPE_Suffix --
procedure Set_BNPE_Suffix (E : Entity_Id) is
S : constant Entity_Id := Scope (E);
if Qualify_Needed (S) then
Set_BNPE_Suffix (S);
if Is_BNPE (E) then
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('b');
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('n');
end if;
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('X');
end if;
end Set_BNPE_Suffix;
-- Set_Entity_Name --
procedure Set_Entity_Name (E : Entity_Id) is
S : constant Entity_Id := Scope (E);
-- If we reach an already qualified name, just take the encoding
-- except that we strip the package body suffixes, since these
-- will be separately put on later.
if Has_Qualified_Name (E) then
Get_Name_String_And_Append (Chars (E));
Strip_Suffixes (BNPE_Suffix_Needed);
-- If the top level name we are adding is itself fully
-- qualified, then that means that the name that we are
-- preparing for the Fully_Qualify_Name call will also
-- generate a fully qualified name.
if Has_Fully_Qualified_Name (E) then
Set_Has_Fully_Qualified_Name (Ent);
end if;
-- Case where upper level name is not encoded yet
-- Recurse if further qualification required
if Qualify_Needed (S) then
Set_Entity_Name (S);
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("__");
end if;
-- Otherwise get name and note if it is a BNPE
Get_Name_String_And_Append (Chars (E));
if Is_BNPE (E) then
BNPE_Suffix_Needed := True;
end if;
Append_Homonym_Number (E);
end if;
end Set_Entity_Name;
-- Start of processing for Qualify_Entity_Name
if Has_Qualified_Name (Ent) then
-- If the entity is a variable encoding the debug name for an object
-- renaming, then the qualified name of the entity associated with the
-- renamed object can now be incorporated in the debug name.
elsif Ekind (Ent) = E_Variable
and then Present (Debug_Renaming_Link (Ent))
Name_Len := 0;
Qualify_Entity_Name (Debug_Renaming_Link (Ent));
Get_Name_String (Chars (Ent));
-- Retrieve the now-qualified name of the renamed entity and insert
-- it in the middle of the name, just preceding the suffix encoding
-- describing the renamed object.
Renamed_Id : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Chars (Debug_Renaming_Link (Ent)));
Insert_Len : constant Integer := Renamed_Id'Length + 1;
Index : Natural := Name_Len - 3;
-- Loop backwards through the name to find the start of the "___"
-- sequence associated with the suffix.
while Index >= Name_Buffer'First
and then (Name_Buffer (Index + 1) /= '_'
or else Name_Buffer (Index + 2) /= '_'
or else Name_Buffer (Index + 3) /= '_')
Index := Index - 1;
end loop;
pragma Assert (Name_Buffer (Index + 1 .. Index + 3) = "___");
-- Insert an underscore separator and the entity name just in
-- front of the suffix.
Name_Buffer (Index + 1 + Insert_Len .. Name_Len + Insert_Len) :=
Name_Buffer (Index + 1 .. Name_Len);
Name_Buffer (Index + 1) := '_';
Name_Buffer (Index + 2 .. Index + Insert_Len) := Renamed_Id;
Name_Len := Name_Len + Insert_Len;
-- Reset the name of the variable to the new name that includes the
-- name of the renamed entity.
Set_Chars (Ent, Name_Enter);
-- If the entity needs qualification by its scope then develop it
-- here, add the variable's name, and again reset the entity name.
if Qualify_Needed (Scope (Ent)) then
Name_Len := 0;
Set_Entity_Name (Scope (Ent));
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("__");
Get_Name_String_And_Append (Chars (Ent));
Set_Chars (Ent, Name_Enter);
end if;
Set_Has_Qualified_Name (Ent);
elsif Is_Subprogram (Ent)
or else Ekind (Ent) = E_Subprogram_Body
or else Is_Type (Ent)
or else Ekind (Ent) = E_Exception
Fully_Qualify_Name (Ent);
Name_Len := Full_Qualify_Len;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Full_Qualify_Name (1 .. Name_Len);
-- Qualification needed for enumeration literals when generating C code
-- (to simplify their management in the backend).
elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
and then Ekind (Ent) = E_Enumeration_Literal
and then Scope (Ultimate_Alias (Ent)) /= Standard_Standard
Fully_Qualify_Name (Ent);
Name_Len := Full_Qualify_Len;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Full_Qualify_Name (1 .. Name_Len);
elsif Qualify_Needed (Scope (Ent)) then
Name_Len := 0;
Set_Entity_Name (Ent);
Set_Has_Qualified_Name (Ent);
-- If a variable is hidden by a subsequent loop variable, qualify
-- the name of that loop variable to prevent visibility issues when
-- translating to C. Note that gdb probably never handled properly
-- this accidental hiding, given that loops are not scopes at
-- runtime. We also qualify a name if it hides an outer homonym,
-- and both are declared in blocks.
if Modify_Tree_For_C and then Ekind (Ent) = E_Variable then
if Present (Hiding_Loop_Variable (Ent)) then
Var : constant Entity_Id := Hiding_Loop_Variable (Ent);
Set_Entity_Name (Var);
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('L');
Set_Chars (Var, Name_Enter);
elsif Present (Homonym (Ent))
and then Ekind (Scope (Ent)) = E_Block
and then Ekind (Scope (Homonym (Ent))) = E_Block
Set_Entity_Name (Ent);
Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('B');
Set_Chars (Ent, Name_Enter);
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Fall through with a fully qualified name in Name_Buffer/Name_Len
-- Add body-nested package suffix if required
if BNPE_Suffix_Needed
and then Ekind (Ent) /= E_Enumeration_Literal
Set_BNPE_Suffix (Ent);
-- Strip trailing n's and last trailing b as required. Note that
-- we know there is at least one b, or no suffix would be generated.
while Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 'n' loop
Name_Len := Name_Len - 1;
end loop;
Name_Len := Name_Len - 1;
end if;
Set_Chars (Ent, Name_Enter);
Set_Has_Qualified_Name (Ent);
if Debug_Flag_BB then
Write_Str ("*** ");
Write_Name (Save_Chars);
Write_Str (" qualified as ");
Write_Name (Chars (Ent));
end if;
end Qualify_Entity_Name;
-- Qualify_Entity_Names --
procedure Qualify_Entity_Names (N : Node_Id) is
Name_Qualify_Units.Append (N);
end Qualify_Entity_Names;
-- Reset_Buffers --
procedure Reset_Buffers is
Name_Len := 0;
Homonym_Len := 0;
end Reset_Buffers;
-- Strip_Suffixes --
procedure Strip_Suffixes (BNPE_Suffix_Found : in out Boolean) is
SL : Natural;
pragma Warnings (Off, BNPE_Suffix_Found);
-- Since this procedure only ever sets the flag
-- Search for and strip BNPE suffix
for J in reverse 2 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (J) = 'X' then
Name_Len := J - 1;
BNPE_Suffix_Found := True;
end if;
exit when Name_Buffer (J) /= 'b' and then Name_Buffer (J) /= 'n';
end loop;
-- Search for and strip homonym numbers suffix
for J in reverse 2 .. Name_Len - 2 loop
if Name_Buffer (J) = '_'
and then Name_Buffer (J + 1) = '_'
if Name_Buffer (J + 2) in '0' .. '9' then
if Homonym_Len > 0 then
Homonym_Len := Homonym_Len + 1;
Homonym_Numbers (Homonym_Len) := '-';
end if;
SL := Name_Len - (J + 1);
Homonym_Numbers (Homonym_Len + 1 .. Homonym_Len + SL) :=
Name_Buffer (J + 2 .. Name_Len);
Name_Len := J - 1;
Homonym_Len := Homonym_Len + SL;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Strip_Suffixes;
end Exp_Dbug;