blob: a668638148592e5c1039cd84f021c6252578f61a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* written by Walter Bright
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#include "root/dsystem.h" // memcmp()
#include "root/rmem.h"
#include "mars.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "attrib.h"
#include "cond.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "target.h"
#include "template.h"
#include "utf.h"
#include "mtype.h"
bool definitelyValueParameter(Expression *e);
Expression *semantic(Expression *e, Scope *sc);
StringExp *semanticString(Scope *sc, Expression *exp, const char *s);
/********************************* AttribDeclaration ****************************/
AttribDeclaration::AttribDeclaration(Dsymbols *decl)
: Dsymbol()
this->decl = decl;
Dsymbols *AttribDeclaration::include(Scope *, ScopeDsymbol *)
return decl;
int AttribDeclaration::apply(Dsymbol_apply_ft_t fp, void *param)
Dsymbols *d = include(_scope, NULL);
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
if (s)
if (s->apply(fp, param))
return 1;
return 0;
* Create a new scope if one or more given attributes
* are different from the sc's.
* If the returned scope != sc, the caller should pop
* the scope after it used.
Scope *AttribDeclaration::createNewScope(Scope *sc,
StorageClass stc, LINK linkage, CPPMANGLE cppmangle, Prot protection,
int explicitProtection, AlignDeclaration *aligndecl, PINLINE inlining)
Scope *sc2 = sc;
if (stc != sc->stc ||
linkage != sc->linkage ||
cppmangle != sc->cppmangle ||
!protection.isSubsetOf(sc->protection) ||
explicitProtection != sc->explicitProtection ||
aligndecl != sc->aligndecl ||
inlining != sc->inlining)
// create new one for changes
sc2 = sc->copy();
sc2->stc = stc;
sc2->linkage = linkage;
sc2->cppmangle = cppmangle;
sc2->protection = protection;
sc2->explicitProtection = explicitProtection;
sc2->aligndecl = aligndecl;
sc2->inlining = inlining;
return sc2;
* A hook point to supply scope for members.
* addMember, setScope, importAll, semantic, semantic2 and semantic3 will use this.
Scope *AttribDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
return sc;
void AttribDeclaration::addMember(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *sds)
Dsymbols *d = include(sc, sds);
if (d)
Scope *sc2 = newScope(sc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
//printf("\taddMember %s to %s\n", s->toChars(), sds->toChars());
s->addMember(sc2, sds);
if (sc2 != sc)
void AttribDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc)
Dsymbols *d = include(sc, NULL);
//printf("\tAttribDeclaration::setScope '%s', d = %p\n",toChars(), d);
if (d)
Scope *sc2 = newScope(sc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
if (sc2 != sc)
void AttribDeclaration::importAll(Scope *sc)
Dsymbols *d = include(sc, NULL);
//printf("\tAttribDeclaration::importAll '%s', d = %p\n", toChars(), d);
if (d)
Scope *sc2 = newScope(sc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
if (sc2 != sc)
void AttribDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
if (semanticRun != PASSinit)
semanticRun = PASSsemantic;
Dsymbols *d = include(sc, NULL);
//printf("\tAttribDeclaration::semantic '%s', d = %p\n",toChars(), d);
if (d)
Scope *sc2 = newScope(sc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
if (sc2 != sc)
semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
void AttribDeclaration::semantic2(Scope *sc)
Dsymbols *d = include(sc, NULL);
if (d)
Scope *sc2 = newScope(sc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
if (sc2 != sc)
void AttribDeclaration::semantic3(Scope *sc)
Dsymbols *d = include(sc, NULL);
if (d)
Scope *sc2 = newScope(sc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
if (sc2 != sc)
void AttribDeclaration::addComment(const utf8_t *comment)
//printf("AttribDeclaration::addComment %s\n", comment);
if (comment)
Dsymbols *d = include(NULL, NULL);
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
//printf("AttribDeclaration::addComment %s\n", s->toChars());
void AttribDeclaration::setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration *ad, unsigned *poffset, bool isunion)
Dsymbols *d = include(NULL, NULL);
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
s->setFieldOffset(ad, poffset, isunion);
bool AttribDeclaration::hasPointers()
Dsymbols *d = include(NULL, NULL);
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
if (s->hasPointers())
return true;
return false;
bool AttribDeclaration::hasStaticCtorOrDtor()
Dsymbols *d = include(NULL, NULL);
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
if (s->hasStaticCtorOrDtor())
return true;
return false;
const char *AttribDeclaration::kind() const
return "attribute";
bool AttribDeclaration::oneMember(Dsymbol **ps, Identifier *ident)
Dsymbols *d = include(NULL, NULL);
return Dsymbol::oneMembers(d, ps, ident);
void AttribDeclaration::checkCtorConstInit()
Dsymbols *d = include(NULL, NULL);
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
void AttribDeclaration::addLocalClass(ClassDeclarations *aclasses)
Dsymbols *d = include(NULL, NULL);
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
/************************* StorageClassDeclaration ****************************/
StorageClassDeclaration::StorageClassDeclaration(StorageClass stc, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
this->stc = stc;
Dsymbol *StorageClassDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new StorageClassDeclaration(stc, Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
bool StorageClassDeclaration::oneMember(Dsymbol **ps, Identifier *ident)
bool t = Dsymbol::oneMembers(decl, ps, ident);
if (t && *ps)
/* This is to deal with the following case:
* struct Tick {
* template to(T) { const T to() { ... } }
* }
* For eponymous function templates, the 'const' needs to get attached to 'to'
* before the semantic analysis of 'to', so that template overloading based on the
* 'this' pointer can be successful.
FuncDeclaration *fd = (*ps)->isFuncDeclaration();
if (fd)
/* Use storage_class2 instead of storage_class otherwise when we do .di generation
* we'll wind up with 'const const' rather than 'const'.
/* Don't think we need to worry about mutually exclusive storage classes here
fd->storage_class2 |= stc;
return t;
void StorageClassDeclaration::addMember(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *sds)
Dsymbols *d = include(sc, sds);
if (d)
Scope *sc2 = newScope(sc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
//printf("\taddMember %s to %s\n", s->toChars(), sds->toChars());
// STClocal needs to be attached before the member is added to the scope (because it influences the parent symbol)
if (Declaration *decl = s->isDeclaration())
decl->storage_class |= stc & STClocal;
if (StorageClassDeclaration *sdecl = s->isStorageClassDeclaration())
sdecl->stc |= stc & STClocal;
s->addMember(sc2, sds);
if (sc2 != sc)
Scope *StorageClassDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
StorageClass scstc = sc->stc;
/* These sets of storage classes are mutually exclusive,
* so choose the innermost or most recent one.
if (stc & (STCauto | STCscope | STCstatic | STCextern | STCmanifest))
scstc &= ~(STCauto | STCscope | STCstatic | STCextern | STCmanifest);
if (stc & (STCauto | STCscope | STCstatic | STCtls | STCmanifest | STCgshared))
scstc &= ~(STCauto | STCscope | STCstatic | STCtls | STCmanifest | STCgshared);
if (stc & (STCconst | STCimmutable | STCmanifest))
scstc &= ~(STCconst | STCimmutable | STCmanifest);
if (stc & (STCgshared | STCshared | STCtls))
scstc &= ~(STCgshared | STCshared | STCtls);
if (stc & (STCsafe | STCtrusted | STCsystem))
scstc &= ~(STCsafe | STCtrusted | STCsystem);
scstc |= stc;
//printf("scstc = x%llx\n", scstc);
return createNewScope(sc, scstc, sc->linkage, sc->cppmangle,
sc->protection, sc->explicitProtection, sc->aligndecl,
/********************************* DeprecatedDeclaration ****************************/
DeprecatedDeclaration::DeprecatedDeclaration(Expression *msg, Dsymbols *decl)
: StorageClassDeclaration(STCdeprecated, decl)
this->msg = msg;
this->msgstr = NULL;
Dsymbol *DeprecatedDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new DeprecatedDeclaration(msg->syntaxCopy(), Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
* Provides a new scope with `STCdeprecated` and `Scope.depdecl` set
* Calls `StorageClassDeclaration.newScope` (as it must be called or copied
* in any function overriding `newScope`), then set the `Scope`'s depdecl.
* Returns:
* Always a new scope, to use for this `DeprecatedDeclaration`'s members.
Scope *DeprecatedDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
Scope *scx = StorageClassDeclaration::newScope(sc);
// The enclosing scope is deprecated as well
if (scx == sc)
scx = sc->push();
scx->depdecl = this;
return scx;
void DeprecatedDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc)
//printf("DeprecatedDeclaration::setScope() %p\n", this);
if (decl)
Dsymbol::setScope(sc); // for forward reference
return AttribDeclaration::setScope(sc);
* Run the DeprecatedDeclaration's semantic2 phase then its members.
* The message set via a `DeprecatedDeclaration` can be either of:
* - a string literal
* - an enum
* - a static immutable
* So we need to call ctfe to resolve it.
* Afterward forwards to the members' semantic2.
void DeprecatedDeclaration::semantic2(Scope *sc)
const char *DeprecatedDeclaration::getMessage()
if (Scope *sc = _scope)
_scope = NULL;
sc = sc->startCTFE();
msg = ::semantic(msg, sc);
msg = resolveProperties(sc, msg);
sc = sc->endCTFE();
msg = msg->ctfeInterpret();
if (StringExp *se = msg->toStringExp())
msgstr = (char *)se->string;
msg->error("compile time constant expected, not '%s'", msg->toChars());
return msgstr;
/********************************* LinkDeclaration ****************************/
LinkDeclaration::LinkDeclaration(LINK p, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
//printf("LinkDeclaration(linkage = %d, decl = %p)\n", p, decl);
linkage = (p == LINKsystem) ? Target::systemLinkage() : p;
LinkDeclaration *LinkDeclaration::create(LINK p, Dsymbols *decl)
return new LinkDeclaration(p, decl);
Dsymbol *LinkDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new LinkDeclaration(linkage, Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
Scope *LinkDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
return createNewScope(sc, sc->stc, this->linkage, sc->cppmangle,
sc->protection, sc->explicitProtection, sc->aligndecl,
const char *LinkDeclaration::toChars()
return "extern ()";
/********************************* CPPMangleDeclaration ****************************/
CPPMangleDeclaration::CPPMangleDeclaration(CPPMANGLE p, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
//printf("CPPMangleDeclaration(cppmangle = %d, decl = %p)\n", p, decl);
cppmangle = p;
Dsymbol *CPPMangleDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new CPPMangleDeclaration(cppmangle, Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
Scope *CPPMangleDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
return createNewScope(sc, sc->stc, LINKcpp, this->cppmangle,
sc->protection, sc->explicitProtection, sc->aligndecl,
const char *CPPMangleDeclaration::toChars()
return "extern ()";
/********************************* ProtDeclaration ****************************/
* Params:
* loc = source location of attribute token
* p = protection attribute data
* decl = declarations which are affected by this protection attribute
ProtDeclaration::ProtDeclaration(Loc loc, Prot p, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
this->loc = loc;
this->protection = p;
this->pkg_identifiers = NULL;
//printf("decl = %p\n", decl);
* Params:
* loc = source location of attribute token
* pkg_identifiers = list of identifiers for a qualified package name
* decl = declarations which are affected by this protection attribute
ProtDeclaration::ProtDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifiers* pkg_identifiers, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
this->loc = loc;
this->protection.kind = PROTpackage;
this->protection.pkg = NULL;
this->pkg_identifiers = pkg_identifiers;
Dsymbol *ProtDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
if (protection.kind == PROTpackage)
return new ProtDeclaration(this->loc, pkg_identifiers, Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
return new ProtDeclaration(this->loc, protection, Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
Scope *ProtDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
if (pkg_identifiers)
return createNewScope(sc, sc->stc, sc->linkage, sc->cppmangle,
this->protection, 1, sc->aligndecl,
void ProtDeclaration::addMember(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *sds)
if (pkg_identifiers)
Dsymbol* tmp;
Package::resolve(pkg_identifiers, &tmp, NULL);
protection.pkg = tmp ? tmp->isPackage() : NULL;
pkg_identifiers = NULL;
if (protection.kind == PROTpackage && protection.pkg && sc->_module)
Module *m = sc->_module;
Package* pkg = m->parent ? m->parent->isPackage() : NULL;
if (!pkg || !protection.pkg->isAncestorPackageOf(pkg))
error("does not bind to one of ancestor packages of module '%s'",
return AttribDeclaration::addMember(sc, sds);
const char *ProtDeclaration::kind() const
return "protection attribute";
const char *ProtDeclaration::toPrettyChars(bool)
assert(protection.kind > PROTundefined);
OutBuffer buf;
protectionToBuffer(&buf, protection);
return buf.extractString();
/********************************* AlignDeclaration ****************************/
AlignDeclaration::AlignDeclaration(Loc loc, Expression *ealign, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
this->loc = loc;
this->ealign = ealign;
this->salign = 0;
Dsymbol *AlignDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new AlignDeclaration(loc,
ealign->syntaxCopy(), Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
Scope *AlignDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
return createNewScope(sc, sc->stc, sc->linkage, sc->cppmangle,
sc->protection, sc->explicitProtection, this,
void AlignDeclaration::semantic2(Scope *sc)
structalign_t AlignDeclaration::getAlignment(Scope *sc)
if (salign != 0)
return salign;
if (!ealign)
return salign = STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT;
sc = sc->startCTFE();
ealign = ::semantic(ealign, sc);
ealign = resolveProperties(sc, ealign);
sc = sc->endCTFE();
ealign = ealign->ctfeInterpret();
if (ealign->op == TOKerror)
return salign = STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT;
Type *tb = ealign->type->toBasetype();
sinteger_t n = ealign->toInteger();
if (n < 1 || n & (n - 1) || STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT < n || !tb->isintegral())
::error(loc, "alignment must be an integer positive power of 2, not %s", ealign->toChars());
return salign = STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT;
return salign = (structalign_t)n;
/********************************* AnonDeclaration ****************************/
AnonDeclaration::AnonDeclaration(Loc loc, bool isunion, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
this->loc = loc;
this->isunion = isunion;
this->sem = 0;
this->anonoffset = 0;
this->anonstructsize = 0;
this->anonalignsize = 0;
Dsymbol *AnonDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new AnonDeclaration(loc, isunion, Dsymbol::arraySyntaxCopy(decl));
void AnonDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc)
//printf("AnonDeclaration::setScope() %p\n", this);
if (decl)
void AnonDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
//printf("\tAnonDeclaration::semantic %s %p\n", isunion ? "union" : "struct", this);
Dsymbol *p = sc->parent->pastMixin();
AggregateDeclaration *ad = p->isAggregateDeclaration();
if (!ad)
::error(loc, "%s can only be a part of an aggregate, not %s %s",
kind(), p->kind(), p->toChars());
if (decl)
sc = sc->push();
sc->stc &= ~(STCauto | STCscope | STCstatic | STCtls | STCgshared);
sc->inunion = isunion;
sc->flags = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*decl)[i];
sc = sc->pop();
void AnonDeclaration::setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration *ad, unsigned *poffset, bool isunion)
//printf("\tAnonDeclaration::setFieldOffset %s %p\n", isunion ? "union" : "struct", this);
if (decl)
/* This works by treating an AnonDeclaration as an aggregate 'member',
* so in order to place that member we need to compute the member's
* size and alignment.
size_t fieldstart = ad->fields.dim;
/* Hackishly hijack ad's structsize and alignsize fields
* for use in our fake anon aggregate member.
unsigned savestructsize = ad->structsize;
unsigned savealignsize = ad->alignsize;
ad->structsize = 0;
ad->alignsize = 0;
unsigned offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*decl)[i];
s->setFieldOffset(ad, &offset, this->isunion);
if (this->isunion)
offset = 0;
/* Bugzilla 13613: If the fields in this->members had been already
* added in ad->fields, just update *poffset for the subsequent
* field offset calculation.
if (fieldstart == ad->fields.dim)
ad->structsize = savestructsize;
ad->alignsize = savealignsize;
*poffset = ad->structsize;
anonstructsize = ad->structsize;
anonalignsize = ad->alignsize;
ad->structsize = savestructsize;
ad->alignsize = savealignsize;
// 0 sized structs are set to 1 byte
// TODO: is this corect hebavior?
if (anonstructsize == 0)
anonstructsize = 1;
anonalignsize = 1;
structalign_t alignment = _scope->alignment();
/* Given the anon 'member's size and alignment,
* go ahead and place it.
anonoffset = AggregateDeclaration::placeField(
anonstructsize, anonalignsize, alignment,
&ad->structsize, &ad->alignsize,
// Add to the anon fields the base offset of this anonymous aggregate
//printf("anon fields, anonoffset = %d\n", anonoffset);
for (size_t i = fieldstart; i < ad->fields.dim; i++)
VarDeclaration *v = ad->fields[i];
//printf("\t[%d] %s %d\n", i, v->toChars(), v->offset);
v->offset += anonoffset;
const char *AnonDeclaration::kind() const
return (isunion ? "anonymous union" : "anonymous struct");
/********************************* PragmaDeclaration ****************************/
PragmaDeclaration::PragmaDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Expressions *args, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
this->loc = loc;
this->ident = ident;
this->args = args;
Dsymbol *PragmaDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
//printf("PragmaDeclaration::syntaxCopy(%s)\n", toChars());
return new PragmaDeclaration(loc, ident,
Scope *PragmaDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
if (ident == Id::Pinline)
PINLINE inlining = PINLINEdefault;
if (!args || args->dim == 0)
inlining = PINLINEdefault;
else if (args->dim != 1)
error("one boolean expression expected for pragma(inline), not %d", args->dim);
(*args)[0] = new ErrorExp();
Expression *e = (*args)[0];
if (e->op != TOKint64 || !e->type->equals(Type::tbool))
if (e->op != TOKerror)
error("pragma(inline, true or false) expected, not %s", e->toChars());
(*args)[0] = new ErrorExp();
else if (e->isBool(true))
inlining = PINLINEalways;
else if (e->isBool(false))
inlining = PINLINEnever;
return createNewScope(sc, sc->stc, sc->linkage, sc->cppmangle,
sc->protection, sc->explicitProtection, sc->aligndecl,
return sc;
static unsigned setMangleOverride(Dsymbol *s, char *sym)
AttribDeclaration *ad = s->isAttribDeclaration();
if (ad)
Dsymbols *decls = ad->include(NULL, NULL);
unsigned nestedCount = 0;
if (decls && decls->dim)
for (size_t i = 0; i < decls->dim; ++i)
nestedCount += setMangleOverride((*decls)[i], sym);
return nestedCount;
else if (s->isFuncDeclaration() || s->isVarDeclaration())
s->isDeclaration()->mangleOverride = sym;
return 1;
return 0;
void PragmaDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
// Should be merged with PragmaStatement
//printf("\tPragmaDeclaration::semantic '%s'\n",toChars());
if (ident == Id::msg)
if (args)
for (size_t i = 0; i < args->dim; i++)
Expression *e = (*args)[i];
sc = sc->startCTFE();
e = ::semantic(e, sc);
e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
sc = sc->endCTFE();
// pragma(msg) is allowed to contain types as well as expressions
e = ctfeInterpretForPragmaMsg(e);
if (e->op == TOKerror)
errorSupplemental(loc, "while evaluating pragma(msg, %s)", (*args)[i]->toChars());
StringExp *se = e->toStringExp();
if (se)
se = se->toUTF8(sc);
fprintf(stderr, "%.*s", (int)se->len, (char *)se->string);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", e->toChars());
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
goto Lnodecl;
else if (ident == Id::lib)
if (!args || args->dim != 1)
error("string expected for library name");
StringExp *se = semanticString(sc, (*args)[0], "library name");
if (!se)
goto Lnodecl;
(*args)[0] = se;
char *name = (char *)mem.xmalloc(se->len + 1);
memcpy(name, se->string, se->len);
name[se->len] = 0;
if (global.params.verbose)
message("library %s", name);
if (global.params.moduleDeps && !global.params.moduleDepsFile)
OutBuffer *ob = global.params.moduleDeps;
Module *imod = sc->instantiatingModule();
ob->writestring("depsLib ");
ob->writestring(" (");
escapePath(ob, imod->srcfile->toChars());
ob->writestring(") : ");
ob->writestring((char *) name);
goto Lnodecl;
else if (ident == Id::startaddress)
if (!args || args->dim != 1)
error("function name expected for start address");
/* Bugzilla 11980:
* resolveProperties and ctfeInterpret call are not necessary.
Expression *e = (*args)[0];
sc = sc->startCTFE();
e = ::semantic(e, sc);
sc = sc->endCTFE();
(*args)[0] = e;
Dsymbol *sa = getDsymbol(e);
if (!sa || !sa->isFuncDeclaration())
error("function name expected for start address, not '%s'", e->toChars());
goto Lnodecl;
else if (ident == Id::Pinline)
goto Ldecl;
else if (ident == Id::mangle)
if (!args)
args = new Expressions();
if (args->dim != 1)
error("string expected for mangled name");
(*args)[0] = new ErrorExp(); // error recovery
goto Ldecl;
StringExp *se = semanticString(sc, (*args)[0], "mangled name");
if (!se)
goto Ldecl;
(*args)[0] = se; // Will be used for later
if (!se->len)
error("zero-length string not allowed for mangled name");
goto Ldecl;
if (se->sz != 1)
error("mangled name characters can only be of type char");
goto Ldecl;
/* Note: D language specification should not have any assumption about backend
* implementation. Ideally pragma(mangle) can accept a string of any content.
* Therefore, this validation is compiler implementation specific.
for (size_t i = 0; i < se->len; )
utf8_t *p = (utf8_t *)se->string;
dchar_t c = p[i];
if (c < 0x80)
if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
(c != 0 && strchr("$%().:?@[]_", c)))
error("char 0x%02x not allowed in mangled name", c);
if (const char* msg = utf_decodeChar((utf8_t *)se->string, se->len, &i, &c))
error("%s", msg);
if (!isUniAlpha(c))
error("char 0x%04x not allowed in mangled name", c);
else if (global.params.ignoreUnsupportedPragmas)
if (global.params.verbose)
/* Print unrecognized pragmas
OutBuffer buf;
if (args)
for (size_t i = 0; i < args->dim; i++)
Expression *e = (*args)[i];
sc = sc->startCTFE();
e = ::semantic(e, sc);
e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
sc = sc->endCTFE();
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
if (i == 0)
buf.writestring(" (");
if (args->dim)
message("pragma %s", buf.peekString());
goto Lnodecl;
error("unrecognized pragma(%s)", ident->toChars());
if (decl)
Scope *sc2 = newScope(sc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*decl)[i];
if (ident == Id::mangle)
assert(args && args->dim == 1);
if (StringExp *se = (*args)[0]->toStringExp())
char *name = (char *)mem.xmalloc(se->len + 1);
memcpy(name, se->string, se->len);
name[se->len] = 0;
unsigned cnt = setMangleOverride(s, name);
if (cnt > 1)
error("can only apply to a single declaration");
if (sc2 != sc)
if (decl)
error("pragma is missing closing ';'");
goto Ldecl; // do them anyway, to avoid segfaults.
const char *PragmaDeclaration::kind() const
return "pragma";
/********************************* ConditionalDeclaration ****************************/
ConditionalDeclaration::ConditionalDeclaration(Condition *condition, Dsymbols *decl, Dsymbols *elsedecl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
this->condition = condition;
this->elsedecl = elsedecl;
Dsymbol *ConditionalDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new ConditionalDeclaration(condition->syntaxCopy(),
bool ConditionalDeclaration::oneMember(Dsymbol **ps, Identifier *ident)
//printf("ConditionalDeclaration::oneMember(), inc = %d\n", condition->inc);
if (condition->inc)
Dsymbols *d = condition->include(NULL, NULL) ? decl : elsedecl;
return Dsymbol::oneMembers(d, ps, ident);
bool res = (Dsymbol::oneMembers( decl, ps, ident) && *ps == NULL &&
Dsymbol::oneMembers(elsedecl, ps, ident) && *ps == NULL);
*ps = NULL;
return res;
// Decide if 'then' or 'else' code should be included
Dsymbols *ConditionalDeclaration::include(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *sds)
//printf("ConditionalDeclaration::include(sc = %p) _scope = %p\n", sc, _scope);
return condition->include(_scope ? _scope : sc, sds) ? decl : elsedecl;
void ConditionalDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc)
Dsymbols *d = include(sc, NULL);
//printf("\tConditionalDeclaration::setScope '%s', d = %p\n",toChars(), d);
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
void ConditionalDeclaration::addComment(const utf8_t *comment)
/* Because addComment is called by the parser, if we called
* include() it would define a version before it was used.
* But it's no problem to drill down to both decl and elsedecl,
* so that's the workaround.
if (comment)
Dsymbols *d = decl;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
if (d)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
//printf("ConditionalDeclaration::addComment %s\n", s->toChars());
d = elsedecl;
/***************************** StaticIfDeclaration ****************************/
StaticIfDeclaration::StaticIfDeclaration(Condition *condition,
Dsymbols *decl, Dsymbols *elsedecl)
: ConditionalDeclaration(condition, decl, elsedecl)
scopesym = NULL;
addisdone = false;
Dsymbol *StaticIfDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new StaticIfDeclaration(condition->syntaxCopy(),
* Different from other AttribDeclaration subclasses, include() call requires
* the completion of addMember and setScope phases.
Dsymbols *StaticIfDeclaration::include(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *)
//printf("StaticIfDeclaration::include(sc = %p) _scope = %p\n", sc, _scope);
if (condition->inc == 0)
assert(scopesym); // addMember is already done
assert(_scope); // setScope is already done
Dsymbols *d = ConditionalDeclaration::include(_scope, scopesym);
if (d && !addisdone)
// Add members lazily.
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
s->addMember(_scope, scopesym);
// Set the member scopes lazily.
for (size_t i = 0; i < d->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*d)[i];
addisdone = true;
return d;
return ConditionalDeclaration::include(sc, scopesym);
void StaticIfDeclaration::addMember(Scope *, ScopeDsymbol *sds)
//printf("StaticIfDeclaration::addMember() '%s'\n", toChars());
/* This is deferred until the condition evaluated later (by the include() call),
* so that expressions in the condition can refer to declarations
* in the same scope, such as:
* template Foo(int i)
* {
* const int j = i + 1;
* static if (j == 3)
* const int k;
* }
this->scopesym = sds;
void StaticIfDeclaration::importAll(Scope *)
// do not evaluate condition before semantic pass
void StaticIfDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc)
// do not evaluate condition before semantic pass
// But do set the scope, in case we need it for forward referencing
void StaticIfDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
const char *StaticIfDeclaration::kind() const
return "static if";
/***************************** CompileDeclaration *****************************/
// These are mixin declarations, like mixin("int x");
CompileDeclaration::CompileDeclaration(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
: AttribDeclaration(NULL)
//printf("CompileDeclaration(loc = %d)\n", loc.linnum);
this->loc = loc;
this->exp = exp;
this->scopesym = NULL;
this->compiled = false;
Dsymbol *CompileDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *)
//printf("CompileDeclaration::syntaxCopy('%s')\n", toChars());
return new CompileDeclaration(loc, exp->syntaxCopy());
void CompileDeclaration::addMember(Scope *, ScopeDsymbol *sds)
//printf("CompileDeclaration::addMember(sc = %p, sds = %p, memnum = %d)\n", sc, sds, memnum);
this->scopesym = sds;
void CompileDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc)
void CompileDeclaration::compileIt(Scope *sc)
//printf("CompileDeclaration::compileIt(loc = %d) %s\n", loc.linnum, exp->toChars());
StringExp *se = semanticString(sc, exp, "argument to mixin");
if (!se)
se = se->toUTF8(sc);
unsigned errors = global.errors;
Parser p(loc, sc->_module, (utf8_t *)se->string, se->len, 0);
decl = p.parseDeclDefs(0);
if (p.token.value != TOKeof)
exp->error("incomplete mixin declaration (%s)", se->toChars());
if (p.errors)
assert(global.errors != errors);
decl = NULL;
void CompileDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
if (!compiled)
AttribDeclaration::addMember(sc, scopesym);
compiled = true;
if (_scope && decl)
for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*decl)[i];
const char *CompileDeclaration::kind() const
return "mixin";
/***************************** UserAttributeDeclaration *****************************/
UserAttributeDeclaration::UserAttributeDeclaration(Expressions *atts, Dsymbols *decl)
: AttribDeclaration(decl)
this->atts = atts;
Dsymbol *UserAttributeDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
//printf("UserAttributeDeclaration::syntaxCopy('%s')\n", toChars());
return new UserAttributeDeclaration(
Scope *UserAttributeDeclaration::newScope(Scope *sc)
Scope *sc2 = sc;
if (atts && atts->dim)
// create new one for changes
sc2 = sc->copy();
sc2->userAttribDecl = this;
return sc2;
void UserAttributeDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc)
//printf("UserAttributeDeclaration::setScope() %p\n", this);
if (decl)
Dsymbol::setScope(sc); // for forward reference of UDAs
return AttribDeclaration::setScope(sc);
void UserAttributeDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
//printf("UserAttributeDeclaration::semantic() %p\n", this);
if (decl && !_scope)
Dsymbol::setScope(sc); // for function local symbols
return AttribDeclaration::semantic(sc);
static void udaExpressionEval(Scope *sc, Expressions *exps)
for (size_t i = 0; i < exps->dim; i++)
Expression *e = (*exps)[i];
if (e)
e = ::semantic(e, sc);
if (definitelyValueParameter(e))
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
if (e->op == TOKtuple)
TupleExp *te = (TupleExp *)e;
udaExpressionEval(sc, te->exps);
(*exps)[i] = e;
void UserAttributeDeclaration::semantic2(Scope *sc)
if (decl && atts && atts->dim && _scope)
_scope = NULL;
udaExpressionEval(sc, atts);
Expressions *UserAttributeDeclaration::concat(Expressions *udas1, Expressions *udas2)
Expressions *udas;
if (!udas1 || udas1->dim == 0)
udas = udas2;
else if (!udas2 || udas2->dim == 0)
udas = udas1;
/* Create a new tuple that combines them
* (do not append to left operand, as this is a copy-on-write operation)
udas = new Expressions();
udas->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), udas1));
udas->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), udas2));
return udas;
Expressions *UserAttributeDeclaration::getAttributes()
if (Scope *sc = _scope)
_scope = NULL;
arrayExpressionSemantic(atts, sc);
Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
if (userAttribDecl)
exps->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), userAttribDecl->getAttributes()));
if (atts && atts->dim)
exps->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), atts));
return exps;
const char *UserAttributeDeclaration::kind() const
return "UserAttribute";