blob: fbca54b7dae0e2e23b1b801e083f689369603c0c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* written by Walter Bright
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#include "root/dsystem.h"
#include "root/root.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "enum.h"
#include "mtype.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "init.h"
Expression *semantic(Expression *e, Scope *sc);
/********************************* EnumDeclaration ****************************/
EnumDeclaration::EnumDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, Type *memtype)
: ScopeDsymbol(id)
//printf("EnumDeclaration() %s\n", toChars());
this->loc = loc;
type = new TypeEnum(this);
this->memtype = memtype;
maxval = NULL;
minval = NULL;
defaultval = NULL;
sinit = NULL;
isdeprecated = false;
protection = Prot(PROTundefined);
parent = NULL;
added = false;
inuse = 0;
Dsymbol *EnumDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
EnumDeclaration *ed = new EnumDeclaration(loc, ident,
memtype ? memtype->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
return ScopeDsymbol::syntaxCopy(ed);
void EnumDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc)
if (semanticRun > PASSinit)
void EnumDeclaration::addMember(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *sds)
/* Anonymous enum members get added to enclosing scope.
ScopeDsymbol *scopesym = isAnonymous() ? sds : this;
if (!isAnonymous())
ScopeDsymbol::addMember(sc, sds);
if (!symtab)
symtab = new DsymbolTable();
if (members)
for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
EnumMember *em = (*members)[i]->isEnumMember();
em->ed = this;
//printf("add %s to scope %s\n", em->toChars(), scopesym->toChars());
em->addMember(sc, isAnonymous() ? scopesym : this);
added = true;
void EnumDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
//printf("EnumDeclaration::semantic(sd = %p, '%s') %s\n", sc->scopesym, sc->scopesym->toChars(), toChars());
//printf("EnumDeclaration::semantic() %p %s\n", this, toChars());
if (semanticRun >= PASSsemanticdone)
return; // semantic() already completed
if (semanticRun == PASSsemantic)
::error(loc, "circular reference to enum base type %s", memtype->toChars());
errors = true;
semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
unsigned dprogress_save = Module::dprogress;
Scope *scx = NULL;
if (_scope)
sc = _scope;
scx = _scope; // save so we don't make redundant copies
_scope = NULL;
parent = sc->parent;
type = type->semantic(loc, sc);
protection = sc->protection;
if (sc->stc & STCdeprecated)
isdeprecated = true;
userAttribDecl = sc->userAttribDecl;
semanticRun = PASSsemantic;
if (!members && !memtype) // enum ident;
semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
if (!symtab)
symtab = new DsymbolTable();
/* The separate, and distinct, cases are:
* 1. enum { ... }
* 2. enum : memtype { ... }
* 3. enum ident { ... }
* 4. enum ident : memtype { ... }
* 5. enum ident : memtype;
* 6. enum ident;
if (memtype)
memtype = memtype->semantic(loc, sc);
/* Check to see if memtype is forward referenced
if (memtype->ty == Tenum)
EnumDeclaration *sym = (EnumDeclaration *)memtype->toDsymbol(sc);
if (!sym->memtype || !sym->members || !sym->symtab || sym->_scope)
// memtype is forward referenced, so try again later
_scope = scx ? scx : sc->copy();
Module::dprogress = dprogress_save;
//printf("\tdeferring %s\n", toChars());
semanticRun = PASSinit;
if (memtype->ty == Tvoid)
error("base type must not be void");
memtype = Type::terror;
if (memtype->ty == Terror)
errors = true;
if (members)
for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i];
s->errors = true; // poison all the members
semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
if (!members) // enum ident : memtype;
if (members->dim == 0)
error("enum %s must have at least one member", toChars());
errors = true;
Scope *sce;
if (isAnonymous())
sce = sc;
sce = sc->push(this);
sce->parent = this;
sce = sce->startCTFE();
sce->setNoFree(); // needed for getMaxMinValue()
/* Each enum member gets the sce scope
for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
EnumMember *em = (*members)[i]->isEnumMember();
if (em)
em->_scope = sce;
if (!added)
/* addMember() is not called when the EnumDeclaration appears as a function statement,
* so we have to do what addMember() does and install the enum members in the right symbol
* table
ScopeDsymbol *scopesym = NULL;
if (isAnonymous())
/* Anonymous enum members get added to enclosing scope.
for (Scope *sct = sce; 1; sct = sct->enclosing)
if (sct->scopesym)
scopesym = sct->scopesym;
if (!sct->scopesym->symtab)
sct->scopesym->symtab = new DsymbolTable();
// Otherwise enum members are in the EnumDeclaration's symbol table
scopesym = this;
for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
EnumMember *em = (*members)[i]->isEnumMember();
if (em)
em->ed = this;
em->addMember(sc, scopesym);
for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
EnumMember *em = (*members)[i]->isEnumMember();
if (em)
//printf("defaultval = %lld\n", defaultval);
//if (defaultval) printf("defaultval: %s %s\n", defaultval->toChars(), defaultval->type->toChars());
//printf("members = %s\n", members->toChars());
* Get the value of the .max/.min property as an Expression
* Input:
* id Id::max or Id::min
Expression *EnumDeclaration::getMaxMinValue(Loc loc, Identifier *id)
bool first = true;
Expression **pval = (id == Id::max) ? &maxval : &minval;
if (inuse)
error(loc, "recursive definition of .%s property", id->toChars());
goto Lerrors;
if (*pval)
goto Ldone;
if (_scope)
if (errors)
goto Lerrors;
if (semanticRun == PASSinit || !members)
if (isSpecial())
/* Allow these special enums to not need a member list
return memtype->getProperty(loc, id, 0);
error("is forward referenced looking for .%s", id->toChars());
goto Lerrors;
if (!(memtype && memtype->isintegral()))
error(loc, "has no .%s property because base type %s is not an integral type",
memtype ? memtype->toChars() : "");
goto Lerrors;
for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
EnumMember *em = (*members)[i]->isEnumMember();
if (!em)
if (em->errors)
goto Lerrors;
Expression *e = em->value();
if (first)
*pval = e;
first = false;
/* In order to work successfully with UDTs,
* build expressions to do the comparisons,
* and let the semantic analyzer and constant
* folder give us the result.
/* Compute:
* if (e > maxval)
* maxval = e;
Expression *ec = new CmpExp(id == Id::max ? TOKgt : TOKlt, em->loc, e, *pval);
ec = ::semantic(ec, em->_scope);
ec = ec->ctfeInterpret();
if (ec->toInteger())
*pval = e;
Expression *e = *pval;
if (e->op != TOKerror)
e = e->copy();
e->loc = loc;
return e;
*pval = new ErrorExp();
return *pval;
* Determine if enum is a 'special' one.
* Returns:
* true if special
bool EnumDeclaration::isSpecial() const
return (ident == Id::__c_long ||
ident == Id::__c_ulong ||
ident == Id::__c_longlong ||
ident == Id::__c_ulonglong ||
ident == Id::__c_long_double) && memtype;
Expression *EnumDeclaration::getDefaultValue(Loc loc)
//printf("EnumDeclaration::getDefaultValue() %p %s\n", this, toChars());
if (defaultval)
return defaultval;
if (_scope)
if (errors)
goto Lerrors;
if (semanticRun == PASSinit || !members)
if (isSpecial())
/* Allow these special enums to not need a member list
return memtype->defaultInit(loc);
error(loc, "forward reference of %s.init", toChars());
goto Lerrors;
for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
EnumMember *em = (*members)[i]->isEnumMember();
if (em)
defaultval = em->value();
return defaultval;
defaultval = new ErrorExp();
return defaultval;
Type *EnumDeclaration::getMemtype(Loc loc)
if (loc.linnum == 0)
loc = this->loc;
if (_scope)
/* Enum is forward referenced. We don't need to resolve the whole thing,
* just the base type
if (memtype)
memtype = memtype->semantic(loc, _scope);
if (!isAnonymous() && members)
memtype = Type::tint32;
if (!memtype)
if (!isAnonymous() && members)
memtype = Type::tint32;
error(loc, "is forward referenced looking for base type");
return Type::terror;
return memtype;
bool EnumDeclaration::oneMember(Dsymbol **ps, Identifier *ident)
if (isAnonymous())
return Dsymbol::oneMembers(members, ps, ident);
return Dsymbol::oneMember(ps, ident);
Type *EnumDeclaration::getType()
return type;
const char *EnumDeclaration::kind() const
return "enum";
bool EnumDeclaration::isDeprecated()
return isdeprecated;
Prot EnumDeclaration::prot()
return protection;
Dsymbol *EnumDeclaration::search(const Loc &loc, Identifier *ident, int flags)
//printf("%s.EnumDeclaration::search('%s')\n", toChars(), ident->toChars());
if (_scope)
// Try one last time to resolve this enum
if (!members || !symtab || _scope)
error("is forward referenced when looking for '%s'", ident->toChars());
return NULL;
Dsymbol *s = ScopeDsymbol::search(loc, ident, flags);
return s;
/********************************* EnumMember ****************************/
EnumMember::EnumMember(Loc loc, Identifier *id, Expression *value, Type *origType)
: VarDeclaration(loc, NULL, id ? id : Id::empty, new ExpInitializer(loc, value))
this->ed = NULL;
this->origValue = value;
this->origType = origType;
Expression *&EnumMember::value()
return ((ExpInitializer*)_init)->exp;
Dsymbol *EnumMember::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
return new EnumMember(loc, ident,
value() ? value()->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
origType ? origType->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
const char *EnumMember::kind() const
return "enum member";
void EnumMember::semantic(Scope *sc)
//printf("EnumMember::semantic() %s\n", toChars());
if (errors || semanticRun >= PASSsemanticdone)
if (semanticRun == PASSsemantic)
error("circular reference to enum member");
errors = true;
semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
if (ed->errors)
goto Lerrors;
if (errors || semanticRun >= PASSsemanticdone)
if (_scope)
sc = _scope;
if (!sc)
semanticRun = PASSsemantic;
protection = ed->isAnonymous() ? ed->protection : Prot(PROTpublic);
linkage = LINKd;
storage_class = STCmanifest;
userAttribDecl = ed->isAnonymous() ? ed->userAttribDecl : NULL;
// The first enum member is special
bool first = (this == (*ed->members)[0]);
if (origType)
origType = origType->semantic(loc, sc);
type = origType;
assert(value()); // "type id;" is not a valid enum member declaration
if (value())
Expression *e = value();
assert(e->dyncast() == DYNCAST_EXPRESSION);
e = ::semantic(e, sc);
e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
if (e->op == TOKerror)
goto Lerrors;
if (first && !ed->memtype && !ed->isAnonymous())
ed->memtype = e->type;
if (ed->memtype->ty == Terror)
ed->errors = true;
goto Lerrors;
if (ed->memtype->ty != Terror)
/* Bugzilla 11746: All of named enum members should have same type
* with the first member. If the following members were referenced
* during the first member semantic, their types should be unified.
for (size_t i = 0; i < ed->members->dim; i++)
EnumMember *em = (*ed->members)[i]->isEnumMember();
if (!em || em == this || em->semanticRun < PASSsemanticdone || em->origType)
//printf("[%d] em = %s, em->semanticRun = %d\n", i, toChars(), em->semanticRun);
Expression *ev = em->value();
ev = ev->implicitCastTo(sc, ed->memtype);
ev = ev->ctfeInterpret();
ev = ev->castTo(sc, ed->type);
if (ev->op == TOKerror)
ed->errors = true;
em->value() = ev;
if (ed->errors)
ed->memtype = Type::terror;
goto Lerrors;
if (ed->memtype && !origType)
e = e->implicitCastTo(sc, ed->memtype);
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
// save origValue for better json output
origValue = e;
if (!ed->isAnonymous())
e = e->castTo(sc, ed->type);
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
else if (origType)
e = e->implicitCastTo(sc, origType);
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
// save origValue for better json output
origValue = e;
value() = e;
else if (first)
Type *t;
if (ed->memtype)
t = ed->memtype;
t = Type::tint32;
if (!ed->isAnonymous())
ed->memtype = t;
Expression *e = new IntegerExp(loc, 0, Type::tint32);
e = e->implicitCastTo(sc, t);
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
// save origValue for better json output
origValue = e;
if (!ed->isAnonymous())
e = e->castTo(sc, ed->type);
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
value() = e;
/* Find the previous enum member,
* and set this to be the previous value + 1
EnumMember *emprev = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ed->members->dim; i++)
EnumMember *em = (*ed->members)[i]->isEnumMember();
if (em)
if (em == this)
emprev = em;
if (emprev->semanticRun < PASSsemanticdone) // if forward reference
emprev->semantic(emprev->_scope); // resolve it
if (emprev->errors)
goto Lerrors;
Expression *eprev = emprev->value();
Type *tprev = eprev->type->equals(ed->type) ? ed->memtype : eprev->type;
Expression *emax = tprev->getProperty(ed->loc, Id::max, 0);
emax = ::semantic(emax, sc);
emax = emax->ctfeInterpret();
// Set value to (eprev + 1).
// But first check that (eprev != emax)
Expression *e = new EqualExp(TOKequal, loc, eprev, emax);
e = ::semantic(e, sc);
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
if (e->toInteger())
error("initialization with (%s.%s + 1) causes overflow for type '%s'", emprev->ed->toChars(), emprev->toChars(), ed->type->toBasetype()->toChars());
goto Lerrors;
// Now set e to (eprev + 1)
e = new AddExp(loc, eprev, new IntegerExp(loc, 1, Type::tint32));
e = ::semantic(e, sc);
e = e->castTo(sc, eprev->type);
e = e->ctfeInterpret();
// save origValue (without cast) for better json output
if (e->op != TOKerror) // avoid duplicate diagnostics
origValue = new AddExp(loc, emprev->origValue, new IntegerExp(loc, 1, Type::tint32));
origValue = ::semantic(origValue, sc);
origValue = origValue->ctfeInterpret();
if (e->op == TOKerror)
goto Lerrors;
if (e->type->isfloating())
// Check that e != eprev (not always true for floats)
Expression *etest = new EqualExp(TOKequal, loc, e, eprev);
etest = ::semantic(etest, sc);
etest = etest->ctfeInterpret();
if (etest->toInteger())
error("has inexact value, due to loss of precision");
goto Lerrors;
value() = e;
if (!origType)
type = value()->type;
semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
Expression *EnumMember::getVarExp(Loc loc, Scope *sc)
if (errors)
return new ErrorExp();
Expression *e = new VarExp(loc, this);
return ::semantic(e, sc);