blob: 2d3a11237cbbccfcd42da4bd89e67f9e1447f176 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* written by Walter Bright
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#include "root/dsystem.h"
#include "statement.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "cond.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "staticassert.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "declaration.h"
#include "aggregate.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "hdrgen.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "template.h"
#include "attrib.h"
#include "import.h"
bool walkPostorder(Statement *s, StoppableVisitor *v);
StorageClass mergeFuncAttrs(StorageClass s1, FuncDeclaration *f);
bool checkEscapeRef(Scope *sc, Expression *e, bool gag);
VarDeclaration *copyToTemp(StorageClass stc, const char *name, Expression *e);
Expression *semantic(Expression *e, Scope *sc);
StringExp *semanticString(Scope *sc, Expression *exp, const char *s);
Identifier *fixupLabelName(Scope *sc, Identifier *ident)
unsigned flags = (sc->flags & SCOPEcontract);
const char *id = ident->toChars();
if (flags && flags != SCOPEinvariant &&
!(id[0] == '_' && id[1] == '_'))
/* CTFE requires FuncDeclaration::labtab for the interpretation.
* So fixing the label name inside in/out contracts is necessary
* for the uniqueness in labtab.
const char *prefix = flags == SCOPErequire ? "__in_" : "__out_";
OutBuffer buf;
buf.printf("%s%s", prefix, ident->toChars());
const char *name = buf.extractString();
ident = Identifier::idPool(name);
return ident;
LabelStatement *checkLabeledLoop(Scope *sc, Statement *statement)
if (sc->slabel && sc->slabel->statement == statement)
return sc->slabel;
return NULL;
* Check an assignment is used as a condition.
* Intended to be use before the `semantic` call on `e`.
* Params:
* e = condition expression which is not yet run semantic analysis.
* Returns:
* `e` or ErrorExp.
Expression *checkAssignmentAsCondition(Expression *e)
Expression *ec = e;
while (ec->op == TOKcomma)
ec = ((CommaExp *)ec)->e2;
if (ec->op == TOKassign)
ec->error("assignment cannot be used as a condition, perhaps == was meant?");
return new ErrorExp();
return e;
/// Return a type identifier reference to 'object.Throwable'
TypeIdentifier *getThrowable()
TypeIdentifier *tid = new TypeIdentifier(Loc(), Id::empty);
return tid;
/******************************** Statement ***************************/
Statement::Statement(Loc loc)
: loc(loc)
// If this is an in{} contract scope statement (skip for determining
// inlineStatus of a function body for header content)
Statement *Statement::syntaxCopy()
return NULL;
void Statement::print()
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", toChars());
const char *Statement::toChars()
HdrGenState hgs;
OutBuffer buf;
::toCBuffer(this, &buf, &hgs);
return buf.extractString();
void Statement::error(const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
::verror(loc, format, ap);
va_end( ap );
void Statement::warning(const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
::vwarning(loc, format, ap);
va_end( ap );
void Statement::deprecation(const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
::vdeprecation(loc, format, ap);
va_end( ap );
bool Statement::hasBreak()
return false;
bool Statement::hasContinue()
return false;
/* ============================================== */
// true if statement uses exception handling
bool Statement::usesEH()
class UsesEH : public StoppableVisitor
void visit(Statement *) {}
void visit(TryCatchStatement *) { stop = true; }
void visit(TryFinallyStatement *) { stop = true; }
void visit(OnScopeStatement *) { stop = true; }
void visit(SynchronizedStatement *) { stop = true; }
UsesEH ueh;
return walkPostorder(this, &ueh);
/* ============================================== */
// true if statement 'comes from' somewhere else, like a goto
bool Statement::comeFrom()
class ComeFrom : public StoppableVisitor
void visit(Statement *) {}
void visit(CaseStatement *) { stop = true; }
void visit(DefaultStatement *) { stop = true; }
void visit(LabelStatement *) { stop = true; }
void visit(AsmStatement *) { stop = true; }
ComeFrom cf;
return walkPostorder(this, &cf);
/* ============================================== */
// Return true if statement has executable code.
bool Statement::hasCode()
class HasCode : public StoppableVisitor
void visit(Statement *)
stop = true;
void visit(ExpStatement *s)
if (s->exp != NULL)
stop = s->exp->hasCode();
void visit(CompoundStatement *) {}
void visit(ScopeStatement *) {}
void visit(ImportStatement *) {}
HasCode hc;
return walkPostorder(this, &hc);
Statement *Statement::last()
return this;
* If this statement has code that needs to run in a finally clause
* at the end of the current scope, return that code in the form of
* a Statement.
* Output:
* *sentry code executed upon entry to the scope
* *sexception code executed upon exit from the scope via exception
* *sfinally code executed in finally block
Statement *Statement::scopeCode(Scope *, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally)
*sentry = NULL;
*sexception = NULL;
*sfinally = NULL;
return this;
* Flatten out the scope by presenting the statement
* as an array of statements.
* Returns NULL if no flattening necessary.
Statements *Statement::flatten(Scope *)
return NULL;
/******************************** ErrorStatement ***************************/
: Statement(Loc())
assert(global.gaggedErrors || global.errors);
Statement *ErrorStatement::syntaxCopy()
return this;
/******************************** PeelStatement ***************************/
PeelStatement::PeelStatement(Statement *s)
: Statement(s->loc)
this->s = s;
/******************************** ExpStatement ***************************/
ExpStatement::ExpStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
: Statement(loc)
this->exp = exp;
ExpStatement::ExpStatement(Loc loc, Dsymbol *declaration)
: Statement(loc)
this->exp = new DeclarationExp(loc, declaration);
ExpStatement *ExpStatement::create(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
return new ExpStatement(loc, exp);
Statement *ExpStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new ExpStatement(loc, exp ? exp->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
Statement *ExpStatement::scopeCode(Scope *, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally)
*sentry = NULL;
*sexception = NULL;
*sfinally = NULL;
if (exp)
if (exp->op == TOKdeclaration)
DeclarationExp *de = (DeclarationExp *)(exp);
VarDeclaration *v = de->declaration->isVarDeclaration();
if (v && !v->isDataseg())
if (v->needsScopeDtor())
//printf("dtor is: "); v->edtor->print();
*sfinally = new DtorExpStatement(loc, v->edtor, v);
v->storage_class |= STCnodtor; // don't add in dtor again
return this;
* Convert TemplateMixin members (== Dsymbols) to Statements.
Statement *toStatement(Dsymbol *s)
class ToStmt : public Visitor
Statement *result;
this->result = NULL;
Statement *visitMembers(Loc loc, Dsymbols *a)
if (!a)
return NULL;
Statements *statements = new Statements();
for (size_t i = 0; i < a->dim; i++)
return new CompoundStatement(loc, statements);
void visit(Dsymbol *s)
::error(Loc(), "Internal Compiler Error: cannot mixin %s %s\n", s->kind(), s->toChars());
result = new ErrorStatement();
void visit(TemplateMixin *tm)
Statements *a = new Statements();
for (size_t i = 0; i < tm->members->dim; i++)
Statement *s = toStatement((*tm->members)[i]);
if (s)
result = new CompoundStatement(tm->loc, a);
/* An actual declaration symbol will be converted to DeclarationExp
* with ExpStatement.
Statement *declStmt(Dsymbol *s)
DeclarationExp *de = new DeclarationExp(s->loc, s);
de->type = Type::tvoid; // avoid repeated semantic
return new ExpStatement(s->loc, de);
void visit(VarDeclaration *d) { result = declStmt(d); }
void visit(AggregateDeclaration *d) { result = declStmt(d); }
void visit(FuncDeclaration *d) { result = declStmt(d); }
void visit(EnumDeclaration *d) { result = declStmt(d); }
void visit(AliasDeclaration *d) { result = declStmt(d); }
void visit(TemplateDeclaration *d) { result = declStmt(d); }
/* All attributes have been already picked by the semantic analysis of
* 'bottom' declarations (function, struct, class, etc).
* So we don't have to copy them.
void visit(StorageClassDeclaration *d) { result = visitMembers(d->loc, d->decl); }
void visit(DeprecatedDeclaration *d) { result = visitMembers(d->loc, d->decl); }
void visit(LinkDeclaration *d) { result = visitMembers(d->loc, d->decl); }
void visit(ProtDeclaration *d) { result = visitMembers(d->loc, d->decl); }
void visit(AlignDeclaration *d) { result = visitMembers(d->loc, d->decl); }
void visit(UserAttributeDeclaration *d) { result = visitMembers(d->loc, d->decl); }
void visit(StaticAssert *) {}
void visit(Import *) {}
void visit(PragmaDeclaration *) {}
void visit(ConditionalDeclaration *d)
result = visitMembers(d->loc, d->include(NULL, NULL));
void visit(CompileDeclaration *d)
result = visitMembers(d->loc, d->include(NULL, NULL));
if (!s)
return NULL;
ToStmt v;
return v.result;
Statements *ExpStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
/* Bugzilla 14243: expand template mixin in statement scope
* to handle variable destructors.
if (exp && exp->op == TOKdeclaration)
Dsymbol *d = ((DeclarationExp *)exp)->declaration;
if (TemplateMixin *tm = d->isTemplateMixin())
Expression *e = semantic(exp, sc);
if (e->op == TOKerror || tm->errors)
Statements *a = new Statements();
a->push(new ErrorStatement());
return a;
Statement *s = toStatement(tm);
Statements *a = new Statements();
return a;
return NULL;
/******************************** DtorExpStatement ***************************/
DtorExpStatement::DtorExpStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, VarDeclaration *v)
: ExpStatement(loc, exp)
this->var = v;
Statement *DtorExpStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new DtorExpStatement(loc, exp ? exp->syntaxCopy() : NULL, var);
/******************************** CompileStatement ***************************/
CompileStatement::CompileStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
: Statement(loc)
this->exp = exp;
Statement *CompileStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new CompileStatement(loc, exp->syntaxCopy());
static Statements *errorStatements()
Statements *a = new Statements();
a->push(new ErrorStatement());
return a;
Statements *CompileStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
//printf("CompileStatement::flatten() %s\n", exp->toChars());
StringExp *se = semanticString(sc, exp, "argument to mixin");
if (!se)
return errorStatements();
se = se->toUTF8(sc);
unsigned errors = global.errors;
Parser p(loc, sc->_module, (utf8_t *)se->string, se->len, 0);
Statements *a = new Statements();
while (p.token.value != TOKeof)
Statement *s = p.parseStatement(PSsemi | PScurlyscope);
if (!s || p.errors)
assert(!p.errors || global.errors != errors); // make sure we caught all the cases
return errorStatements();
return a;
/******************************** CompoundStatement ***************************/
CompoundStatement::CompoundStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s)
: Statement(loc)
statements = s;
CompoundStatement::CompoundStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s1, Statement *s2)
: Statement(loc)
statements = new Statements();
CompoundStatement::CompoundStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s1)
: Statement(loc)
statements = new Statements();
CompoundStatement *CompoundStatement::create(Loc loc, Statement *s1, Statement *s2)
return new CompoundStatement(loc, s1, s2);
Statement *CompoundStatement::syntaxCopy()
Statements *a = new Statements();
for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
Statement *s = (*statements)[i];
(*a)[i] = s ? s->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
return new CompoundStatement(loc, a);
Statements *CompoundStatement::flatten(Scope *)
return statements;
ReturnStatement *CompoundStatement::isReturnStatement()
ReturnStatement *rs = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
Statement *s = (*statements)[i];
if (s)
rs = s->isReturnStatement();
if (rs)
return rs;
Statement *CompoundStatement::last()
Statement *s = NULL;
for (size_t i = statements->dim; i; --i)
{ s = (*statements)[i - 1];
if (s)
s = s->last();
if (s)
return s;
/******************************** CompoundDeclarationStatement ***************************/
CompoundDeclarationStatement::CompoundDeclarationStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s)
: CompoundStatement(loc, s)
statements = s;
Statement *CompoundDeclarationStatement::syntaxCopy()
Statements *a = new Statements();
for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
Statement *s = (*statements)[i];
(*a)[i] = s ? s->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
return new CompoundDeclarationStatement(loc, a);
/**************************** UnrolledLoopStatement ***************************/
UnrolledLoopStatement::UnrolledLoopStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s)
: Statement(loc)
statements = s;
Statement *UnrolledLoopStatement::syntaxCopy()
Statements *a = new Statements();
for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
Statement *s = (*statements)[i];
(*a)[i] = s ? s->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
return new UnrolledLoopStatement(loc, a);
bool UnrolledLoopStatement::hasBreak()
return true;
bool UnrolledLoopStatement::hasContinue()
return true;
/******************************** ScopeStatement ***************************/
ScopeStatement::ScopeStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s, Loc endloc)
: Statement(loc)
this->statement = s;
this->endloc = endloc;
Statement *ScopeStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new ScopeStatement(loc, statement ? statement->syntaxCopy() : NULL, endloc);
ReturnStatement *ScopeStatement::isReturnStatement()
if (statement)
return statement->isReturnStatement();
return NULL;
bool ScopeStatement::hasBreak()
//printf("ScopeStatement::hasBreak() %s\n", toChars());
return statement ? statement->hasBreak() : false;
bool ScopeStatement::hasContinue()
return statement ? statement->hasContinue() : false;
/******************************** WhileStatement ***************************/
WhileStatement::WhileStatement(Loc loc, Expression *c, Statement *b, Loc endloc)
: Statement(loc)
condition = c;
_body = b;
this->endloc = endloc;
Statement *WhileStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new WhileStatement(loc,
_body ? _body->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
bool WhileStatement::hasBreak()
return true;
bool WhileStatement::hasContinue()
return true;
/******************************** DoStatement ***************************/
DoStatement::DoStatement(Loc loc, Statement *b, Expression *c, Loc endloc)
: Statement(loc)
_body = b;
condition = c;
this->endloc = endloc;
Statement *DoStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new DoStatement(loc,
_body ? _body->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
bool DoStatement::hasBreak()
return true;
bool DoStatement::hasContinue()
return true;
/******************************** ForStatement ***************************/
ForStatement::ForStatement(Loc loc, Statement *init, Expression *condition, Expression *increment, Statement *body, Loc endloc)
: Statement(loc)
this->_init = init;
this->condition = condition;
this->increment = increment;
this->_body = body;
this->endloc = endloc;
this->relatedLabeled = NULL;
Statement *ForStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new ForStatement(loc,
_init ? _init->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
condition ? condition->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
increment ? increment->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
Statement *ForStatement::scopeCode(Scope *sc, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally)
Statement::scopeCode(sc, sentry, sexception, sfinally);
return this;
bool ForStatement::hasBreak()
return true;
bool ForStatement::hasContinue()
return true;
/******************************** ForeachStatement ***************************/
ForeachStatement::ForeachStatement(Loc loc, TOK op, Parameters *parameters,
Expression *aggr, Statement *body, Loc endloc)
: Statement(loc)
this->op = op;
this->parameters = parameters;
this->aggr = aggr;
this->_body = body;
this->endloc = endloc;
this->key = NULL;
this->value = NULL;
this->func = NULL;
this->cases = NULL;
this->gotos = NULL;
Statement *ForeachStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new ForeachStatement(loc, op,
_body ? _body->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
bool ForeachStatement::checkForArgTypes()
bool result = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters->dim; i++)
Parameter *p = (*parameters)[i];
if (!p->type)
error("cannot infer type for %s", p->ident->toChars());
p->type = Type::terror;
result = true;
return result;
bool ForeachStatement::hasBreak()
return true;
bool ForeachStatement::hasContinue()
return true;
/**************************** ForeachRangeStatement ***************************/
ForeachRangeStatement::ForeachRangeStatement(Loc loc, TOK op, Parameter *prm,
Expression *lwr, Expression *upr, Statement *body, Loc endloc)
: Statement(loc)
this->op = op;
this->prm = prm;
this->lwr = lwr;
this->upr = upr;
this->_body = body;
this->endloc = endloc;
this->key = NULL;
Statement *ForeachRangeStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new ForeachRangeStatement(loc, op,
_body ? _body->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
bool ForeachRangeStatement::hasBreak()
return true;
bool ForeachRangeStatement::hasContinue()
return true;
/******************************** IfStatement ***************************/
IfStatement::IfStatement(Loc loc, Parameter *prm, Expression *condition, Statement *ifbody, Statement *elsebody, Loc endloc)
: Statement(loc)
this->prm = prm;
this->condition = condition;
this->ifbody = ifbody;
this->elsebody = elsebody;
this->endloc = endloc;
this->match = NULL;
Statement *IfStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new IfStatement(loc,
prm ? prm->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
ifbody ? ifbody->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
elsebody ? elsebody->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
/******************************** ConditionalStatement ***************************/
ConditionalStatement::ConditionalStatement(Loc loc, Condition *condition, Statement *ifbody, Statement *elsebody)
: Statement(loc)
this->condition = condition;
this->ifbody = ifbody;
this->elsebody = elsebody;
Statement *ConditionalStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new ConditionalStatement(loc,
elsebody ? elsebody->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
Statements *ConditionalStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
Statement *s;
if (condition->include(sc, NULL))
DebugCondition *dc = condition->isDebugCondition();
if (dc)
s = new DebugStatement(loc, ifbody);
s = ifbody;
s = elsebody;
Statements *a = new Statements();
return a;
/******************************** PragmaStatement ***************************/
PragmaStatement::PragmaStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Expressions *args, Statement *body)
: Statement(loc)
this->ident = ident;
this->args = args;
this->_body = body;
Statement *PragmaStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new PragmaStatement(loc, ident,
_body ? _body->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
/******************************** StaticAssertStatement ***************************/
StaticAssertStatement::StaticAssertStatement(StaticAssert *sa)
: Statement(sa->loc)
this->sa = sa;
Statement *StaticAssertStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new StaticAssertStatement((StaticAssert *)sa->syntaxCopy(NULL));
/******************************** SwitchStatement ***************************/
SwitchStatement::SwitchStatement(Loc loc, Expression *c, Statement *b, bool isFinal)
: Statement(loc)
this->condition = c;
this->_body = b;
this->isFinal = isFinal;
sdefault = NULL;
tf = NULL;
cases = NULL;
hasNoDefault = 0;
hasVars = 0;
lastVar = NULL;
Statement *SwitchStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new SwitchStatement(loc,
bool SwitchStatement::hasBreak()
return true;
static bool checkVar(SwitchStatement *s, VarDeclaration *vd)
if (!vd || vd->isDataseg() || (vd->storage_class & STCmanifest))
return false;
VarDeclaration *last = s->lastVar;
while (last && last != vd)
last = last->lastVar;
if (last == vd)
// All good, the label's scope has no variables
else if (vd->storage_class & STCexptemp)
// Lifetime ends at end of expression, so no issue with skipping the statement
else if (vd->ident == Id::withSym)
s->deprecation("'switch' skips declaration of 'with' temporary at %s", vd->loc.toChars());
return true;
s->deprecation("'switch' skips declaration of variable %s at %s", vd->toPrettyChars(), vd->loc.toChars());
return true;
return false;
bool SwitchStatement::checkLabel()
const bool error = true;
if (sdefault && checkVar(this, sdefault->lastVar))
return !error; // return error once fully deprecated
for (size_t i = 0; i < cases->dim; i++)
CaseStatement *scase = (*cases)[i];
if (scase && checkVar(this, scase->lastVar))
return !error; // return error once fully deprecated
return !error;
/******************************** CaseStatement ***************************/
CaseStatement::CaseStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *s)
: Statement(loc)
this->exp = exp;
this->statement = s;
index = 0;
lastVar = NULL;
Statement *CaseStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new CaseStatement(loc,
int CaseStatement::compare(RootObject *obj)
// Sort cases so we can do an efficient lookup
CaseStatement *cs2 = (CaseStatement *)(obj);
return exp->compare(cs2->exp);
/******************************** CaseRangeStatement ***************************/
CaseRangeStatement::CaseRangeStatement(Loc loc, Expression *first,
Expression *last, Statement *s)
: Statement(loc)
this->first = first;
this->last = last;
this->statement = s;
Statement *CaseRangeStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new CaseRangeStatement(loc,
/******************************** DefaultStatement ***************************/
DefaultStatement::DefaultStatement(Loc loc, Statement *s)
: Statement(loc)
this->statement = s;
this->lastVar = NULL;
Statement *DefaultStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new DefaultStatement(loc, statement->syntaxCopy());
/******************************** GotoDefaultStatement ***************************/
GotoDefaultStatement::GotoDefaultStatement(Loc loc)
: Statement(loc)
sw = NULL;
Statement *GotoDefaultStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new GotoDefaultStatement(loc);
/******************************** GotoCaseStatement ***************************/
GotoCaseStatement::GotoCaseStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
: Statement(loc)
cs = NULL;
this->exp = exp;
Statement *GotoCaseStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new GotoCaseStatement(loc, exp ? exp->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
/******************************** SwitchErrorStatement ***************************/
SwitchErrorStatement::SwitchErrorStatement(Loc loc)
: Statement(loc)
/******************************** ReturnStatement ***************************/
ReturnStatement::ReturnStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
: Statement(loc)
this->exp = exp;
this->caseDim = 0;
Statement *ReturnStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new ReturnStatement(loc, exp ? exp->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
/******************************** BreakStatement ***************************/
BreakStatement::BreakStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident)
: Statement(loc)
this->ident = ident;
Statement *BreakStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new BreakStatement(loc, ident);
/******************************** ContinueStatement ***************************/
ContinueStatement::ContinueStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident)
: Statement(loc)
this->ident = ident;
Statement *ContinueStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new ContinueStatement(loc, ident);
/******************************** SynchronizedStatement ***************************/
SynchronizedStatement::SynchronizedStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *body)
: Statement(loc)
this->exp = exp;
this->_body = body;
Statement *SynchronizedStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new SynchronizedStatement(loc,
exp ? exp->syntaxCopy() : NULL,
_body ? _body->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
bool SynchronizedStatement::hasBreak()
return false; //true;
bool SynchronizedStatement::hasContinue()
return false; //true;
/******************************** WithStatement ***************************/
WithStatement::WithStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp, Statement *body, Loc endloc)
: Statement(loc)
this->exp = exp;
this->_body = body;
this->endloc = endloc;
wthis = NULL;
Statement *WithStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new WithStatement(loc,
_body ? _body->syntaxCopy() : NULL, endloc);
/******************************** TryCatchStatement ***************************/
TryCatchStatement::TryCatchStatement(Loc loc, Statement *body, Catches *catches)
: Statement(loc)
this->_body = body;
this->catches = catches;
Statement *TryCatchStatement::syntaxCopy()
Catches *a = new Catches();
for (size_t i = 0; i < a->dim; i++)
Catch *c = (*catches)[i];
(*a)[i] = c->syntaxCopy();
return new TryCatchStatement(loc, _body->syntaxCopy(), a);
bool TryCatchStatement::hasBreak()
return false;
/******************************** Catch ***************************/
Catch::Catch(Loc loc, Type *t, Identifier *id, Statement *handler)
//printf("Catch(%s, loc = %s)\n", id->toChars(), loc.toChars());
this->loc = loc;
this->type = t;
this->ident = id;
this->handler = handler;
var = NULL;
errors = false;
internalCatch = false;
Catch *Catch::syntaxCopy()
Catch *c = new Catch(loc,
type ? type->syntaxCopy() : getThrowable(),
(handler ? handler->syntaxCopy() : NULL));
c->internalCatch = internalCatch;
return c;
/****************************** TryFinallyStatement ***************************/
TryFinallyStatement::TryFinallyStatement(Loc loc, Statement *body, Statement *finalbody)
: Statement(loc)
this->_body = body;
this->finalbody = finalbody;
TryFinallyStatement *TryFinallyStatement::create(Loc loc, Statement *body, Statement *finalbody)
return new TryFinallyStatement(loc, body, finalbody);
Statement *TryFinallyStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new TryFinallyStatement(loc,
_body->syntaxCopy(), finalbody->syntaxCopy());
bool TryFinallyStatement::hasBreak()
return false; //true;
bool TryFinallyStatement::hasContinue()
return false; //true;
/****************************** OnScopeStatement ***************************/
OnScopeStatement::OnScopeStatement(Loc loc, TOK tok, Statement *statement)
: Statement(loc)
this->tok = tok;
this->statement = statement;
Statement *OnScopeStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new OnScopeStatement(loc, tok, statement->syntaxCopy());
Statement *OnScopeStatement::scopeCode(Scope *, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexception, Statement **sfinally)
*sentry = NULL;
*sexception = NULL;
*sfinally = NULL;
Statement *s = new PeelStatement(statement);
switch (tok)
case TOKon_scope_exit:
*sfinally = s;
case TOKon_scope_failure:
*sexception = s;
case TOKon_scope_success:
/* Create:
* sentry: bool x = false;
* sexception: x = true;
* sfinally: if (!x) statement;
VarDeclaration *v = copyToTemp(0, "__os", new IntegerExp(Loc(), 0, Type::tbool));
*sentry = new ExpStatement(loc, v);
Expression *e = new IntegerExp(Loc(), 1, Type::tbool);
e = new AssignExp(Loc(), new VarExp(Loc(), v), e);
*sexception = new ExpStatement(Loc(), e);
e = new VarExp(Loc(), v);
e = new NotExp(Loc(), e);
*sfinally = new IfStatement(Loc(), NULL, e, s, NULL, Loc());
return NULL;
/******************************** ThrowStatement ***************************/
ThrowStatement::ThrowStatement(Loc loc, Expression *exp)
: Statement(loc)
this->exp = exp;
this->internalThrow = false;
Statement *ThrowStatement::syntaxCopy()
ThrowStatement *s = new ThrowStatement(loc, exp->syntaxCopy());
s->internalThrow = internalThrow;
return s;
/******************************** DebugStatement **************************/
DebugStatement::DebugStatement(Loc loc, Statement *statement)
: Statement(loc)
this->statement = statement;
Statement *DebugStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new DebugStatement(loc,
statement ? statement->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
Statements *DebugStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
Statements *a = statement ? statement->flatten(sc) : NULL;
if (a)
for (size_t i = 0; i < a->dim; i++)
{ Statement *s = (*a)[i];
s = new DebugStatement(loc, s);
(*a)[i] = s;
return a;
/******************************** GotoStatement ***************************/
GotoStatement::GotoStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident)
: Statement(loc)
this->ident = ident;
this->label = NULL;
this->tf = NULL;
this->os = NULL;
this->lastVar = NULL;
Statement *GotoStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new GotoStatement(loc, ident);
bool GotoStatement::checkLabel()
if (!label->statement)
error("label '%s' is undefined", label->toChars());
return true;
if (label->statement->os != os)
if (os && os->tok == TOKon_scope_failure && !label->statement->os)
// Jump out from scope(failure) block is allowed.
if (label->statement->os)
error("cannot goto in to %s block", Token::toChars(label->statement->os->tok));
error("cannot goto out of %s block", Token::toChars(os->tok));
return true;
if (label->statement->tf != tf)
error("cannot goto in or out of finally block");
return true;
VarDeclaration *vd = label->statement->lastVar;
if (!vd || vd->isDataseg() || (vd->storage_class & STCmanifest))
return false;
VarDeclaration *last = lastVar;
while (last && last != vd)
last = last->lastVar;
if (last == vd)
// All good, the label's scope has no variables
else if (vd->ident == Id::withSym)
error("goto skips declaration of with temporary at %s", vd->loc.toChars());
return true;
error("goto skips declaration of variable %s at %s", vd->toPrettyChars(), vd->loc.toChars());
return true;
return false;
/******************************** LabelStatement ***************************/
LabelStatement::LabelStatement(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Statement *statement)
: Statement(loc)
this->ident = ident;
this->statement = statement;
this->tf = NULL;
this->os = NULL;
this->lastVar = NULL;
this->gotoTarget = NULL;
this->breaks = false;
Statement *LabelStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new LabelStatement(loc, ident, statement ? statement->syntaxCopy() : NULL);
Statement *LabelStatement::scopeCode(Scope *sc, Statement **sentry, Statement **sexit, Statement **sfinally)
if (statement)
statement = statement->scopeCode(sc, sentry, sexit, sfinally);
*sentry = NULL;
*sexit = NULL;
*sfinally = NULL;
return this;
Statements *LabelStatement::flatten(Scope *sc)
Statements *a = NULL;
if (statement)
a = statement->flatten(sc);
if (a)
if (!a->dim)
a->push(new ExpStatement(loc, (Expression *)NULL));
// reuse 'this' LabelStatement
this->statement = (*a)[0];
(*a)[0] = this;
return a;
/******************************** LabelDsymbol ***************************/
LabelDsymbol::LabelDsymbol(Identifier *ident)
: Dsymbol(ident)
statement = NULL;
LabelDsymbol *LabelDsymbol::create(Identifier *ident)
return new LabelDsymbol(ident);
LabelDsymbol *LabelDsymbol::isLabel() // is this a LabelDsymbol()?
return this;
/************************ AsmStatement ***************************************/
AsmStatement::AsmStatement(Loc loc, Token *tokens)
: Statement(loc)
this->tokens = tokens;
Statement *AsmStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new AsmStatement(loc, tokens);
/************************ InlineAsmStatement **********************************/
InlineAsmStatement::InlineAsmStatement(Loc loc, Token *tokens)
: AsmStatement(loc, tokens)
asmcode = NULL;
asmalign = 0;
refparam = false;
naked = false;
regs = 0;
Statement *InlineAsmStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new InlineAsmStatement(loc, tokens);
/************************ GccAsmStatement ***************************************/
GccAsmStatement::GccAsmStatement(Loc loc, Token *tokens)
: AsmStatement(loc, tokens)
this->stc = STCundefined;
this->insn = NULL;
this->args = NULL;
this->outputargs = 0;
this->names = NULL;
this->constraints = NULL;
this->clobbers = NULL;
this->labels = NULL;
this->gotos = NULL;
Statement *GccAsmStatement::syntaxCopy()
return new GccAsmStatement(loc, tokens);
/************************ CompoundAsmStatement ***************************************/
CompoundAsmStatement::CompoundAsmStatement(Loc loc, Statements *s, StorageClass stc)
: CompoundStatement(loc, s)
this->stc = stc;
CompoundAsmStatement *CompoundAsmStatement::syntaxCopy()
Statements *a = new Statements();
for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
Statement *s = (*statements)[i];
(*a)[i] = s ? s->syntaxCopy() : NULL;
return new CompoundAsmStatement(loc, a, stc);
Statements *CompoundAsmStatement::flatten(Scope *)
return NULL;
/************************ ImportStatement ***************************************/
ImportStatement::ImportStatement(Loc loc, Dsymbols *imports)
: Statement(loc)
this->imports = imports;
Statement *ImportStatement::syntaxCopy()
Dsymbols *m = new Dsymbols();
for (size_t i = 0; i < imports->dim; i++)
Dsymbol *s = (*imports)[i];
(*m)[i] = s->syntaxCopy(NULL);
return new ImportStatement(loc, m);