blob: 2858a3318cca7727d9715e88495420989674bade [file] [log] [blame]
/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
* Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* written by Walter Bright
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#pragma once
#include "root/root.h"
#include "arraytypes.h"
#include "dsymbol.h"
struct OutBuffer;
class Identifier;
class TemplateInstance;
class TemplateParameter;
class TemplateTypeParameter;
class TemplateThisParameter;
class TemplateValueParameter;
class TemplateAliasParameter;
class TemplateTupleParameter;
class Type;
class TypeQualified;
class TypeTypeof;
struct Scope;
class Expression;
class AliasDeclaration;
class FuncDeclaration;
class Parameter;
enum MATCH;
enum PASS;
class Tuple : public RootObject
Objects objects;
// kludge for template.isType()
int dyncast() const { return DYNCAST_TUPLE; }
const char *toChars() { return objects.toChars(); }
struct TemplatePrevious
TemplatePrevious *prev;
Scope *sc;
Objects *dedargs;
class TemplateDeclaration : public ScopeDsymbol
TemplateParameters *parameters; // array of TemplateParameter's
TemplateParameters *origParameters; // originals for Ddoc
Expression *constraint;
// Hash table to look up TemplateInstance's of this TemplateDeclaration
void *instances;
TemplateDeclaration *overnext; // next overloaded TemplateDeclaration
TemplateDeclaration *overroot; // first in overnext list
FuncDeclaration *funcroot; // first function in unified overload list
Dsymbol *onemember; // if !=NULL then one member of this template
bool literal; // this template declaration is a literal
bool ismixin; // template declaration is only to be used as a mixin
bool isstatic; // this is static template declaration
Prot protection;
TemplatePrevious *previous; // threaded list of previous instantiation attempts on stack
TemplateDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *id, TemplateParameters *parameters,
Expression *constraint, Dsymbols *decldefs, bool ismixin = false, bool literal = false);
Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *);
void semantic(Scope *sc);
bool overloadInsert(Dsymbol *s);
bool hasStaticCtorOrDtor();
const char *kind() const;
const char *toChars();
Prot prot();
bool evaluateConstraint(TemplateInstance *ti, Scope *sc, Scope *paramscope, Objects *dedtypes, FuncDeclaration *fd);
MATCH matchWithInstance(Scope *sc, TemplateInstance *ti, Objects *atypes, Expressions *fargs, int flag);
MATCH leastAsSpecialized(Scope *sc, TemplateDeclaration *td2, Expressions *fargs);
MATCH deduceFunctionTemplateMatch(TemplateInstance *ti, Scope *sc, FuncDeclaration *&fd, Type *tthis, Expressions *fargs);
RootObject *declareParameter(Scope *sc, TemplateParameter *tp, RootObject *o);
FuncDeclaration *doHeaderInstantiation(TemplateInstance *ti, Scope *sc, FuncDeclaration *fd, Type *tthis, Expressions *fargs);
TemplateInstance *findExistingInstance(TemplateInstance *tithis, Expressions *fargs);
TemplateInstance *addInstance(TemplateInstance *ti);
void removeInstance(TemplateInstance *handle);
TemplateDeclaration *isTemplateDeclaration() { return this; }
TemplateTupleParameter *isVariadic();
bool isOverloadable();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* For type-parameter:
* template Foo(ident) // specType is set to NULL
* template Foo(ident : specType)
* For value-parameter:
* template Foo(valType ident) // specValue is set to NULL
* template Foo(valType ident : specValue)
* For alias-parameter:
* template Foo(alias ident)
* For this-parameter:
* template Foo(this ident)
class TemplateParameter
Loc loc;
Identifier *ident;
/* True if this is a part of precedent parameter specialization pattern.
* template A(T : X!TL, alias X, TL...) {}
* // X and TL are dependent template parameter
* A dependent template parameter should return MATCHexact in matchArg()
* to respect the match level of the corresponding precedent parameter.
bool dependent;
TemplateParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
virtual TemplateTypeParameter *isTemplateTypeParameter();
virtual TemplateValueParameter *isTemplateValueParameter();
virtual TemplateAliasParameter *isTemplateAliasParameter();
virtual TemplateThisParameter *isTemplateThisParameter();
virtual TemplateTupleParameter *isTemplateTupleParameter();
virtual TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy() = 0;
virtual bool declareParameter(Scope *sc) = 0;
virtual bool semantic(Scope *sc, TemplateParameters *parameters) = 0;
virtual void print(RootObject *oarg, RootObject *oded) = 0;
virtual RootObject *specialization() = 0;
virtual RootObject *defaultArg(Loc instLoc, Scope *sc) = 0;
virtual bool hasDefaultArg() = 0;
/* Match actual argument against parameter.
virtual MATCH matchArg(Loc instLoc, Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, size_t i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam);
virtual MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, RootObject *oarg, size_t i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam) = 0;
/* Create dummy argument based on parameter.
virtual void *dummyArg() = 0;
virtual void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* Syntax:
* ident : specType = defaultType
class TemplateTypeParameter : public TemplateParameter
using TemplateParameter::matchArg;
Type *specType; // type parameter: if !=NULL, this is the type specialization
Type *defaultType;
static Type *tdummy;
TemplateTypeParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *specType, Type *defaultType);
TemplateTypeParameter *isTemplateTypeParameter();
TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
bool declareParameter(Scope *sc);
bool semantic(Scope *sc, TemplateParameters *parameters);
void print(RootObject *oarg, RootObject *oded);
RootObject *specialization();
RootObject *defaultArg(Loc instLoc, Scope *sc);
bool hasDefaultArg();
MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, RootObject *oarg, size_t i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam);
void *dummyArg();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* Syntax:
* this ident : specType = defaultType
class TemplateThisParameter : public TemplateTypeParameter
TemplateThisParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *specType, Type *defaultType);
TemplateThisParameter *isTemplateThisParameter();
TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* Syntax:
* valType ident : specValue = defaultValue
class TemplateValueParameter : public TemplateParameter
using TemplateParameter::matchArg;
Type *valType;
Expression *specValue;
Expression *defaultValue;
static AA *edummies;
TemplateValueParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *valType, Expression *specValue, Expression *defaultValue);
TemplateValueParameter *isTemplateValueParameter();
TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
bool declareParameter(Scope *sc);
bool semantic(Scope *sc, TemplateParameters *parameters);
void print(RootObject *oarg, RootObject *oded);
RootObject *specialization();
RootObject *defaultArg(Loc instLoc, Scope *sc);
bool hasDefaultArg();
MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, RootObject *oarg, size_t i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam);
void *dummyArg();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* Syntax:
* specType ident : specAlias = defaultAlias
class TemplateAliasParameter : public TemplateParameter
using TemplateParameter::matchArg;
Type *specType;
RootObject *specAlias;
RootObject *defaultAlias;
static Dsymbol *sdummy;
TemplateAliasParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Type *specType, RootObject *specAlias, RootObject *defaultAlias);
TemplateAliasParameter *isTemplateAliasParameter();
TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
bool declareParameter(Scope *sc);
bool semantic(Scope *sc, TemplateParameters *parameters);
void print(RootObject *oarg, RootObject *oded);
RootObject *specialization();
RootObject *defaultArg(Loc instLoc, Scope *sc);
bool hasDefaultArg();
MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, RootObject *oarg, size_t i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam);
void *dummyArg();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* Syntax:
* ident ...
class TemplateTupleParameter : public TemplateParameter
TemplateTupleParameter(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
TemplateTupleParameter *isTemplateTupleParameter();
TemplateParameter *syntaxCopy();
bool declareParameter(Scope *sc);
bool semantic(Scope *sc, TemplateParameters *parameters);
void print(RootObject *oarg, RootObject *oded);
RootObject *specialization();
RootObject *defaultArg(Loc instLoc, Scope *sc);
bool hasDefaultArg();
MATCH matchArg(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, size_t i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam);
MATCH matchArg(Scope *sc, RootObject *oarg, size_t i, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes, Declaration **psparam);
void *dummyArg();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* Given:
* foo!(args) =>
* name = foo
* tiargs = args
class TemplateInstance : public ScopeDsymbol
Identifier *name;
// Array of Types/Expressions of template
// instance arguments [int*, char, 10*10]
Objects *tiargs;
// Array of Types/Expressions corresponding
// to TemplateDeclaration.parameters
// [int, char, 100]
Objects tdtypes;
Dsymbol *tempdecl; // referenced by
Dsymbol *enclosing; // if referencing local symbols, this is the context
Dsymbol *aliasdecl; // !=NULL if instance is an alias for its sole member
TemplateInstance *inst; // refer to existing instance
ScopeDsymbol *argsym; // argument symbol table
int inuse; // for recursive expansion detection
int nest; // for recursive pretty printing detection
bool semantictiargsdone; // has semanticTiargs() been done?
bool havetempdecl; // if used second constructor
bool gagged; // if the instantiation is done with error gagging
hash_t hash; // cached result of toHash()
Expressions *fargs; // for function template, these are the function arguments
TemplateInstances* deferred;
Module *memberOf; // if !null, then this TemplateInstance appears in memberOf.members[]
// Used to determine the instance needs code generation.
// Note that these are inaccurate until semantic analysis phase completed.
TemplateInstance *tinst; // enclosing template instance
TemplateInstance *tnext; // non-first instantiated instances
Module *minst; // the top module that instantiated this instance
TemplateInstance(Loc loc, Identifier *temp_id);
TemplateInstance(Loc loc, TemplateDeclaration *tempdecl, Objects *tiargs);
static Objects *arraySyntaxCopy(Objects *objs);
Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *);
void semantic(Scope *sc, Expressions *fargs);
void semantic(Scope *sc);
void semantic2(Scope *sc);
void semantic3(Scope *sc);
Dsymbol *toAlias(); // resolve real symbol
const char *kind() const;
bool oneMember(Dsymbol **ps, Identifier *ident);
const char *toChars();
const char* toPrettyCharsHelper();
void printInstantiationTrace();
Identifier *getIdent();
int compare(RootObject *o);
hash_t toHash();
bool needsCodegen();
// Internal
bool findTempDecl(Scope *sc, WithScopeSymbol **pwithsym);
bool updateTempDecl(Scope *sc, Dsymbol *s);
static bool semanticTiargs(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Objects *tiargs, int flags);
bool semanticTiargs(Scope *sc);
bool findBestMatch(Scope *sc, Expressions *fargs);
bool needsTypeInference(Scope *sc, int flag = 0);
bool hasNestedArgs(Objects *tiargs, bool isstatic);
Dsymbols *appendToModuleMember();
void declareParameters(Scope *sc);
Identifier *genIdent(Objects *args);
void expandMembers(Scope *sc);
void tryExpandMembers(Scope *sc);
void trySemantic3(Scope *sc2);
TemplateInstance *isTemplateInstance() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TemplateMixin : public TemplateInstance
TypeQualified *tqual;
TemplateMixin(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, TypeQualified *tqual, Objects *tiargs);
Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
void semantic(Scope *sc);
void semantic2(Scope *sc);
void semantic3(Scope *sc);
const char *kind() const;
bool oneMember(Dsymbol **ps, Identifier *ident);
int apply(Dsymbol_apply_ft_t fp, void *param);
bool hasPointers();
void setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration *ad, unsigned *poffset, bool isunion);
const char *toChars();
bool findTempDecl(Scope *sc);
TemplateMixin *isTemplateMixin() { return this; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
Expression *isExpression(RootObject *o);
Dsymbol *isDsymbol(RootObject *o);
Type *isType(RootObject *o);
Tuple *isTuple(RootObject *o);
Parameter *isParameter(RootObject *o);
bool arrayObjectIsError(Objects *args);
bool isError(RootObject *o);
Type *getType(RootObject *o);
Dsymbol *getDsymbol(RootObject *o);
RootObject *objectSyntaxCopy(RootObject *o);