blob: cdf643ff44ce9f3937d3060736e2ff020d1635de [file] [log] [blame]
! Check for invalid syntax with !$ACC ROUTINE.
module m
integer m1int
subroutine subr5 (x)
implicit none
!$acc routine (m) ! { dg-error "Invalid NAME 'm' in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
!$acc routine (subr5)
!$acc routine (m1int) ! { dg-error "Invalid NAME 'm1int' in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
integer f_1 ! Referenced.
!$acc routine (f_1)
integer f_2 ! Not referenced.
!$acc routine (f_2) ! { dg-error "NAME 'f_2' does not refer to a subroutine or function in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
integer v_1
!$acc routine (v_1) ! { dg-error "NAME 'v_1' does not refer to a subroutine or function in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
integer, intent(inout) :: x
!$acc routine (x) ! { dg-error "NAME 'x' does not refer to a subroutine or function in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
v_1 = x
if (x < 1) then
x = 1
x = x * x - 1
x = f_1(x) + v_1
end if
end subroutine subr5
end module m
program main
implicit none
!$acc routine (main) ! { dg-error "PROGRAM attribute conflicts with SUBROUTINE attribute in 'main'" }
function subr6 (x)
!$acc routine (subr6) ! { dg-error "without list is allowed in interface" }
integer, intent (in) :: x
integer :: subr6
end function subr6
end interface
integer, parameter :: n = 10
integer :: a(n), i
!$acc routine (n) ! { dg-error "NAME 'n' does not refer to a subroutine or function in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
!$acc routine (a) ! { dg-error "NAME 'a' does not refer to a subroutine or function in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
!$acc routine (i) ! { dg-error "NAME 'i' does not refer to a subroutine or function in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
!$acc routine (subr1) ! { dg-error "Invalid NAME 'subr1' in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
external :: subr2
!$acc routine (subr2)
external :: R1, R2
!$acc routine (R1 R2 R3) ! { dg-error "Syntax error in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\) at \\(1\\), expecting .\\). after NAME" }
!$acc routine (R1, R2, R3) ! { dg-error "Syntax error in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\) at \\(1\\), expecting .\\). after NAME" }
!$acc routine (R1)
!$acc routine (R2)
!$acc parallel
!$acc loop
do i = 1, n
call subr1 (i)
call subr2 (i)
end do
!$acc end parallel
end program main
! Ensure that we recover from incomplete function definitions.
integer function f1 ! { dg-error "Expected formal argument list in function definition" }
!$acc routine ! { dg-error "Unclassifiable OpenACC directive" }
end function f1 ! { dg-error "Expecting END PROGRAM statement" }
subroutine subr1 (x)
!$acc routine
integer, intent(inout) :: x
if (x < 1) then
x = 1
x = x * x - 1
end if
end subroutine subr1
subroutine subr2 (x)
!$acc routine (subr1) ! { dg-error "Invalid NAME 'subr1' in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
integer, intent(inout) :: x
!$acc routine (x) ! { dg-error "NAME 'x' does not refer to a subroutine or function in \\!\\\$ACC ROUTINE \\( NAME \\)" }
if (x < 1) then
x = 1
x = x * x - 1
end if
end subroutine subr2
subroutine subr3 (x)
!$acc routine (subr3)
integer, intent(inout) :: x
if (x < 1) then
x = 1
call subr4 (x)
end if
end subroutine subr3
subroutine subr4 (x)
!$acc routine (subr4)
integer, intent(inout) :: x
if (x < 1) then
x = 1
x = x * x - 1
end if
end subroutine subr4
subroutine subr10 (x)
!$acc routine (subr10) device ! { dg-error "Unclassifiable OpenACC directive" }
integer, intent(inout) :: x
if (x < 1) then
x = 1
x = x * x - 1
end if
end subroutine subr10