blob: b3acec15986accbd6693e1b256394114c2626ccc [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++2a } }
// { dg-additional-options "-fconcepts-ts" }
// This tests the terse notation.
template<typename T>
concept True = true;
template<typename T>
concept False = false;
template<typename T, typename U>
concept SameAs = __is_same_as(T, U);
True x1 = 0;
False x2 = 0; // { dg-error "deduced initializer does not satisfy" }
void f1(True t) { }
void f2(False t) { }
void f3(SameAs<int> q) { }
void f4(True a, SameAs<decltype(a)> b) { }
True f5() { return 0; }
False f6() { return 0; } // { dg-error "deduced return type" }
SameAs<int> f7() { return 0; }
SameAs<int> f8() { return 'a'; } // { dg-error "deduced return type" }
auto f9() -> True { return 0; }
auto f10() -> False { return 0; } // { dg-error "deduced return type" }
auto f11() -> SameAs<int> { return 0; }
auto f12() -> SameAs<char> { return 0; } // { dg-error "deduced return type" }
auto f13(int n) -> SameAs<decltype(n)> { return n; }
auto f14(int n) -> SameAs<decltype(n)> { return 'a'; } // { dg-error "deduced return type" }
auto f15(auto x) -> SameAs<decltype(x)> { return 0; } // { dg-error "deduced return type" }
void driver()
f2(0); // { dg-error "" }
f3('a'); // { dg-error "" }
f4(0, 0);
f4(0, 'a'); // { dg-error "" }
f15('a'); // { dg-message "" }
template<class T> concept bool C1() { return false; }
template<C1 T> concept bool C2() { return true; } // { dg-error "cannot be constrained" }
template<C1 T> concept bool C3 = true; // { dg-error "cannot be constrained" }