blob: b4fbeaed2d8228c79db593d61505260b88b2cd15 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile }
// Origin: C++ standard, [temp.arg.nontype]/3
template<int* p> class X { };
int a[10];
struct S { int m; static int s; } s;
X<&a[2]> x3; // { dg-error "3:.& a\\\[2\\\]. is not a valid template argument" "" { target c++17 } }
// { dg-error "" "" { target c++14_down } .-1 }
X<&s.m> x4; // { dg-error "3:.& s.S::m. is not a valid template argument" "" { target c++17 } }
// { dg-error "" "" { target c++14_down } .-1 }
X<&s.s> x5; // { dg-error "" "" { target { ! c++17 } } } &S::s must be used
X<&S::s> x6; // OK: address of static member