blob: 61669c2090c7fc5a1fc1e38e8c5b9a51105cb46b [file] [log] [blame]
1748 class template with stringof
struct S1748(T) {}
static assert(S1748!int.stringof == "S1748!int");
class C1748(T) {}
static assert(C1748!int.stringof == "C1748!int");
2354 pragma + single semicolon DeclarationBlock
pragma(msg, "true");
pragma(msg, "false");
alias void delegate() Dg2438;
alias typeof(Dg2438.ptr) CP2438a;
alias typeof(Dg2438.funcptr) FP2438a;
static assert(is(CP2438a == void*));
static assert(is(FP2438a == void function()));
alias typeof(Dg2438.init.ptr) CP2438b;
alias typeof(Dg2438.init.funcptr) FP2438b;
static assert(is(CP2438b == void*));
static assert(is(FP2438b == void function()));
struct Foo4225
enum x = Foo4225();
static Foo4225 opCall()
return Foo4225.init;
5996 ICE(expression.c)
template T5996(T)
auto bug5996() {
if (anyOldGarbage) {}
return 2;
static assert(!is(typeof(T5996!(int).bug5996())));
8532 segfault(mtype.c) - type inference + pure
auto segfault8532(Y, R ...)(R r, Y val) pure
{ return segfault8532(r, val); }
static assert(!is(typeof( segfault8532(1,2,3))));
8982 ICE(ctfeexpr.c) __parameters with error in default value
template ice8982(T)
void bug8982(ref const int v = 7){}
static if (is(typeof(bug8982) P == __parameters)) {
pragma(msg, ((P[0..1] g) => g[0])());
static assert(!is(ice8982!(int)));
8801 ICE assigning to __ctfe
static assert(!is(typeof( { bool __ctfe= true; })));
static assert(!is(typeof( { __ctfe |= true; })));
5932 ICE(s2ir.c)
6675 ICE(glue.c)
void bug3932(T)() {
static assert( 0 );
func5932( 7 );
void func5932(T)( T val ) {
void onStandardMsg() {
foreach( t; T ) { }
static assert(!is(typeof(
6650 ICE(glue.c) or wrong-code
auto bug6650(X)(X y)
X q;
q = "abc";
return y;
static assert(!is(typeof(bug6650!(int)(6))));
static assert(!is(typeof(bug6650!(int)(18))));
14710 VC-built DMD crashes on templated variadic function IFTI
void bug14710a(T)(T val, T[] arr...)
void bug14710b()
bug14710a("", "");
6661 Templates instantiated only through is(typeof()) shouldn't cause errors
template bug6661(Q)
int qutz(Q y)
Q q = "abc";
return 67;
static assert(qutz(13).sizeof!=299);
const Q blaz = 6;
static assert(!is(typeof(bug6661!(int).blaz)));
template bug6661x(Q)
int qutz(Q y)
Q q = "abc";
return 67;
// should pass, but doesn't in current
//static assert(!is(typeof(bug6661x!(int))));
6599 ICE(constfold.c) or segfault
string bug6599extraTest(string x) { return x ~ "abc"; }
template Bug6599(X)
class Orbit
Repository repository = Repository();
struct Repository
string fileProtocol = "file://";
string blah = bug6599extraTest("abc");
string source = fileProtocol ~ "/usr/local/orbit/repository";
static assert(!is(typeof(Bug6599!int)));
8422 TypeTuple of tuples can't be read at compile time
template TypeTuple8422(TList...)
alias TList TypeTuple8422;
struct S8422 { int x; }
void test8422()
enum a = S8422(1);
enum b = S8422(2);
enum c = [1,2,3];
foreach(t; TypeTuple8422!(b, a)) {
enum u = t;
foreach(t; TypeTuple8422!(c)) {
enum v = t;
6096 ICE(el.c) with -O
cdouble c6096;
int bug6096()
if (c6096) return 0;
return 1;
7681 Segfault
static assert( !is(typeof( (){
undefined ~= delegate(){}; return 7;
8639 Buffer overflow
void t8639(alias a)() {}
void bug8639() {
t8639!({auto r = -real.max;})();
7751 Segfault
static assert( !is(typeof( (){
bar[]r; r ~= [];
return 7;
7639 Segfault
static assert( !is(typeof( (){
enum foo =
str : "functions",
void main()
int Throwable;
int object;
void test11939()
import object : Object;
throw new Exception("");
template A(B) {
pragma(msg, "missing ;")
enum X = 0;
static assert(!is(typeof(A!(int))));
void bug6720() { }
static assert(!is(typeof(
template Mix1099(int a) {
alias typeof(this) ThisType;
static assert (ThisType.init.tupleof.length == 2);
struct Foo1099 {
mixin Mix1099!(0);
int foo;
mixin Mix1099!(1);
int bar;
mixin Mix1099!(2);
8788 - super() and return
class B8788 {
this ( ) { }
class C8788(int test) : B8788
this ( int y )
static if (test == 1) {
if (y == 3) {
} else static if (test == 2) {
if (y == 3) {
} else static if (test == 3) {
if (y > 3) {
if (y == 7) {
} else static if (test == 4) {
if (y > 3) {
if (y == 7) {
else if (y> 5)
else super();
else static if (test == 5) {
if (y == 3) {
return; // no super
} else static if (test == 6) {
if (y > 3) {
if (y == 7) {
super(); // two calls
} else static if (test == 7) {
if (y == 3) {
return; // no super
} else static if (test == 8) {
if (y > 3) {
if (y == 7) {
return; // no super
} else static if (test == 9) {
if (y > 3) {
if (y == 7) {
else if (y> 5)
else return; // no super
static assert( is(typeof( { new C8788!(1)(0); } )));
static assert( is(typeof( { new C8788!(2)(0); } )));
static assert( is(typeof( { new C8788!(3)(0); } )));
static assert( is(typeof( { new C8788!(4)(0); } )));
static assert(!is(typeof( { new C8788!(5)(0); } )));
static assert(!is(typeof( { new C8788!(6)(0); } )));
static assert(!is(typeof( { new C8788!(7)(0); } )));
static assert(!is(typeof( { new C8788!(8)(0); } )));
static assert(!is(typeof( { new C8788!(9)(0); } )));
4967, 7058
enum Bug7058 bug7058 = { 1.5f, 2};
static assert(bug7058.z == 99);
struct Bug7058
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float z = 99;
void test12094()
auto n = null;
int *a;
int[int] b;
int[] c;
auto u = true ? null : a;
auto v = true ? null : b;
auto w = true ? null : c;
auto x = true ? n : a;
auto y = true ? n : b;
auto z = true ? n : c;
a = n;
b = n;
c = n;
template test8163(T...)
struct Point
T fields;
enum N = 2; // N>=2 triggers the bug
extern Point[N] bar();
void foo()
Point[N] _ = bar();
alias test8163!(long) _l;
alias test8163!(double) _d;
alias test8163!(float, float) _ff;
alias test8163!(int, int) _ii;
alias test8163!(int, float) _if;
alias test8163!(ushort, ushort, ushort, ushort) _SSSS;
alias test8163!(ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) _BBBBBBBB;
alias test8163!(ubyte, ubyte, ushort, float) _BBSf;
// 4757
auto foo4757(T)(T)
static struct Bar(T)
void spam()
return Bar!T();
void test4757()
// 9348
void test9348()
@property Object F(int E)() { return null; }
assert(F!0 !is null);
assert(F!0 !in [new Object():1]);
// 9690
void dep9690() {}
void test9690()
dep9690(); // OK
void inner()
dep9690(); // OK <- NG
// 9987
static if (is(object.ModuleInfo == struct))
struct ModuleInfo {}
static assert(!is(object.ModuleInfo == ModuleInfo));
static assert(object.ModuleInfo.sizeof != ModuleInfo.sizeof);
static if (is(object.ModuleInfo == class))
class ModuleInfo {}
static assert(!is(object.ModuleInfo == ModuleInfo));
static assert(__traits(classInstanceSize, object.ModuleInfo) !=
__traits(classInstanceSize, ModuleInfo));
// 10158
class Outer10158
static struct Inner
int f;
void test()
static assert( Inner.f .offsetof == 0); // OK <- NG
static assert((Inner.f).offsetof == 0); // OK
void test10158()
static assert(Outer10158.Inner.f.offsetof == 0); // OK
// 10326
class C10326
int val;
invariant { assert(val == 0); }
invariant() { assert(val == 0); }
// 11042
static if ((true || error) == true ) {} else { static assert(0); }
static if ((false && error) == false) {} else { static assert(0); }
static assert ((true || error) == true );
static assert ((false && error) == false);
int f11042a1()() if ((true || error) == true ) { return 0; } enum x11042a1 = f11042a1();
int f11042b1()() if ((false && error) == false) { return 0; } enum x11042b1 = f11042b1();
static if (is(typeof(true || error)) == false) {} else { static assert(0); }
static if (is(typeof(false && error)) == false) {} else { static assert(0); }
static assert (is(typeof(true || error)) == false);
static assert (is(typeof(false && error)) == false);
int f11042a2()() if (is(typeof(true || error)) == false) { return 0; } enum x11042a2 = f11042a2();
int f11042b2()() if (is(typeof(false && error)) == false) { return 0; } enum x11042b2 = f11042b2();
static if (__traits(compiles, true || error) == false) {} else { static assert(0); }
static if (__traits(compiles, false && error) == false) {} else { static assert(0); }
static assert (__traits(compiles, true || error) == false);
static assert (__traits(compiles, false && error) == false);
int f11042a3()() if (__traits(compiles, true || error) == false) { return 0; } enum x11042a3 = f11042a3();
int f11042b3()() if (__traits(compiles, false && error) == false) { return 0; } enum x11042b3 = f11042b3();
// 11554
enum E11554;
static assert(is(E11554 == enum));
struct Bro11554(N...) {}
static assert(!is(E11554 unused : Bro11554!M, M...));
// 12302
template isCallable12302(T...)
if (T.length == 1)
static if (is(typeof(& T[0].opCall) == delegate))
enum bool isCallable12302 = true;
static if (is(typeof(& T[0].opCall) V : V*) && is(V == function))
enum bool isCallable12302 = true;
enum bool isCallable12302 = true;
class A12302
struct X {}
X x;
auto opDispatch(string s, TArgs...)(TArgs args)
mixin("return x."~s~"(args);");
A12302 func12302() { return null; }
enum b12302 = isCallable12302!func12302;
// 12476
template A12476(T) { }
struct S12476(T)
alias B = A12476!T;
class C12476(T)
alias B = A12476!T;
struct Bar12476(alias Foo)
Foo!int baz;
alias baz this;
alias Identity12476(alias A) = A;
alias sb12476 = Identity12476!(Bar12476!S12476.B);
alias cb12476 = Identity12476!(Bar12476!C12476.B);
static assert(__traits(isSame, sb12476, A12476!int));
static assert(__traits(isSame, cb12476, A12476!int));
// 12506
import imports.a12506;
private bool[9] r12506a = f12506!(i => true)(); // OK
private immutable bool[9] r12506b = f12506!(i => true)(); // OK <- error
// 12555
class A12555(T)
Undef12555 error;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
class C : A12555!C { }
// 11622
class A11622(T)
B11622!T foo()
return new B11622!T;
class B11622(T) : T
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
class C : A11622!C { }
// 12688
void writeln12688(A...)(A) {}
struct S12688
int foo() @property { return 1; }
void test12688()
S12688 s;; // ok
(; // ok <- ng
// 12703
struct S12703
this(int) {}
final class C12703
S12703 s = S12703(1);
// 12799
struct A12799
int a;
enum C = A12799.sizeof;
enum D = C; // OK <- Error
// 13236
pragma(msg, is(typeof({ struct S { S x; } })));
// 13280
struct S13280
alias U = ubyte;
alias T1 = ubyte[this.sizeof]; // ok
alias T2 = const U[this.sizeof]; // ok
alias T3 = const ubyte[this.sizeof]; // ok <- error
// 13481
mixin template Mix13481(void function() callback)
static this()
// 13564
class E13564(T)
int pos;
class C13564(T)
struct S
C13564!int c;
c.element.pos = 0;
E13564!T element;
void test13564()
auto c = new C13564!int();
// 14166
struct Proxy14166(T)
T* ptr;
ref deref() { return *ptr; }
alias deref this;
struct Test14166
auto opIndex() { return this; }
auto opIndex(int) { return 1; }
template Elem14166a(R) { alias Elem14166a = typeof(R.init[][0]); }
template Elem14166b(R) { alias Elem14166b = typeof(R.init[0]); }
void test14166()
alias T = Proxy14166!Test14166;
static assert(is(Elem14166a!T == int)); // rejects-valid case
static assert(is(Elem14166b!T == int)); // regression case
// other related cases
struct S14166
int x;
double y;
int[] a;
S14166 opUnary(string op : "++")() { return this; }
S14166 s14166;
struct X14166 { this(int) { } X14166 opAssign(int) { return this; } }
X14166[int] aa14166;
X14166[int] makeAA14166() { return aa14166; }
struct Tup14166(T...) { T field; alias field this; }
Tup14166!(int, int) tup14166;
Tup14166!(int, int) makeTup14166() { return tup14166; }
pragma(msg, typeof((s14166.x += 1) = 2)); // ok <- error
pragma(msg, typeof(s14166.a.length += 2)); // ok <- error
pragma(msg, typeof(s14166++)); // ok <- error
pragma(msg, typeof(s14166.x ^^ 2)); // ok <- error
pragma(msg, typeof(s14166.y ^^= 2.5)); // ok <- error
pragma(msg, typeof(makeAA14166()[0] = 1)); // ok <- error
pragma(msg, typeof(tup14166.field = makeTup14166())); // ok <- error
// 14388
@property immutable(T)[] idup14388(T)(T[] a)
alias U = immutable(T);
U[] res;
foreach (ref e; a)
res ~= e;
return res;
struct Data14388(A14388 a)
auto foo()
return Data14388!a.init; // [B]
struct A14388
struct Item {}
immutable(Item)[] items;
this(int dummy)
items = [Item()].idup14388;
void test14388()
auto test = Data14388!(A14388(42)); // [A]
* A(42) is interpreter to a struct literal A([immutable(Item)()]).
* The internal VarDeclaration with STCmanifest for the Data's template parameteter 'a'
* calls syntaxCopy() on its ((ExpInitializer *)init)->exp in VarDeclaration::semantic(),
* and 'immutable(Item)()'->syntaxCopy() had incorrectly removed the qualifier.
* Then, the arguments of two Data template instances at [A] and [B] had become unmatch,
* and the second instantiation had created the AST duplication.
// 15163
void function() func15164(int[] arr)
return () { };
void test15163()
auto arr = [[0]];
import core.vararg;
struct S3438_1 { this(int x, int y = 1) { } }
struct S3438_2 { this(int x, ...) { } }
struct S3438_3 { this(int x, int[] arr...) { } }
struct S3438_4 { this(...) { } }
struct S3438_5 { this(int[] arr...) { } }
// 15362
void func15362()
assert(true, "So true");
assert(true, "Very, very true",);
static assert(true);
static assert(true,);
static assert(true, "So true");
static assert(true, "Very, very true",);
// 15799
interface I15799
void funA();
void funB(int n)
in {
}; // Semicolon is not a part of function declaration. It's an empty declaration.