blob: c400d7f61f1fa8e00e956a0c5b62af6b6e56c510 [file] [log] [blame]
extern (C) int printf(const(char*) fmt, ...);
alias typeof(null) null_t;
void test1()
null_t null1;
typeof(null) null2;
static assert(is(typeof(null1) == typeof(null)));
static assert(is(typeof(null2) == typeof(null)));
static assert(is(typeof(null1) == null_t));
static assert(is(typeof(null2) == null_t));
interface I{}
class C{}
int f(null_t) { return 1; }
int f(int[]) { return 2; }
int f(C) { return 3; }
void test2()
static assert(is(null_t : C));
static assert(is(null_t : I));
static assert(is(null_t : int[]));
static assert(is(null_t : void*));
static assert(is(null_t : int**));
static assert(!is(null_t == C));
static assert(!is(null_t == I));
static assert(!is(null_t == int[]));
static assert(!is(null_t == void*));
static assert(!is(null_t == int**));
static assert(is(null_t == null_t));
assert(f(null) == 1);
// 5899
auto f5899(bool b)
if (b)
return new Object;
return null;
static assert(is(typeof(f5899) R == return) && is(R == Object));
pragma(msg, typeof(f5899));
auto g5899(bool b)
if (b)
return new int;
return null;
static assert(is(typeof(g5899) R == return) && is(R == int*));
pragma(msg, typeof(g5899));
auto h5899(bool b)
if (b)
return [1];
return null;
static assert(is(typeof(h5899) R == return) && is(R == int[]));
pragma(msg, typeof(h5899));
// 7278
struct Foo7278(string s)
string var;
void func()
string local = var;
void test7278()
Foo7278!null a;
Foo7278!null b;
// 8221
class A8221
A8221 foo() { return this; }
class B8221: A8221
override typeof(null) foo() { return null; } // error
void test8221()
auto a = new A8221();
assert( is a);
auto b = new B8221();
assert( is null);
a = b;
assert( is null);
// 8589
void test8589()
static typeof(null) retnull() { return null; }
void test(bool result, T)()
void f(T function() dg) { assert(!dg()); }
static assert((is(typeof(null) function() : T function())) == result);
static assert(is(typeof( f(&retnull) )) == result);
static assert(is(typeof( f(()=>null) )) == result);
static if (result)
test!(true, int*)();
test!(true, Object)();
test!(false, int[int])();
test!(false, int[])();
test!(false, void delegate())();
// 9385
void test9385()
assert((null ? true : false) == false);
if (null) assert(0);
// 12203
void test12203()
typeof(null) v;
void foo(float) {}
void delegate(float) dg = &foo;
assert(dg !is null);
dg = v; // Error: e2ir: cannot cast v of type typeof(null) to type void delegate(float)
assert(dg is null);
int main()
return 0;