blob: 91890a15dc4c6db7fccf5a2627fe410a9da9b011 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- M L I B . U T L --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2002-2014, AdaCore --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with MLib.Fil; use MLib.Fil;
with MLib.Tgt; use MLib.Tgt;
with Opt;
with Osint;
with Output; use Output;
with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings;
package body MLib.Utl is
Adalib_Path : String_Access := null;
-- Path of the GNAT adalib directory, specified in procedure
-- Specify_Adalib_Dir. Used in function Lib_Directory.
Gcc_Name : String_Access;
-- Default value of the "gcc" executable used in procedure Gcc
Gcc_Exec : String_Access;
-- The full path name of the "gcc" executable
Ar_Name : String_Access;
-- The name of the archive builder for the platform, set when procedure Ar
-- is called for the first time.
Ar_Exec : String_Access;
-- The full path name of the archive builder
Ar_Options : String_List_Access;
-- The minimum options used when invoking the archive builder
Ar_Append_Options : String_List_Access;
-- The options to be used when invoking the archive builder to add chunks
-- of object files, when building the archive in chunks.
Opt_Length : Natural := 0;
-- The max number of options for the Archive_Builder
Initial_Size : Natural := 0;
-- The minimum number of bytes for the invocation of the Archive Builder
-- (without name of the archive or object files).
Ranlib_Name : String_Access;
-- The name of the archive indexer for the platform, if there is one
Ranlib_Exec : String_Access := null;
-- The full path name of the archive indexer
Ranlib_Options : String_List_Access := null;
-- The options to be used when invoking the archive indexer, if any
-- Ar --
procedure Ar (Output_File : String; Objects : Argument_List) is
Full_Output_File : constant String :=
Ext_To (Output_File, Archive_Ext);
Arguments : Argument_List_Access;
Last_Arg : Natural := 0;
Success : Boolean;
Line_Length : Natural := 0;
Maximum_Size : Integer;
pragma Import (C, Maximum_Size, "__gnat_link_max");
-- Maximum number of bytes to put in an invocation of the
-- Archive_Builder.
Size : Integer;
-- The number of bytes for the invocation of the archive builder
Current_Object : Natural;
procedure Display;
-- Display an invocation of the Archive Builder
-- Display --
procedure Display is
if not Opt.Quiet_Output then
Write_Str (Ar_Name.all);
Line_Length := Ar_Name'Length;
for J in 1 .. Last_Arg loop
-- Make sure the Output buffer does not overflow
if Line_Length + 1 + Arguments (J)'Length > Buffer_Max then
Line_Length := 0;
end if;
Write_Char (' ');
-- Only output the first object files when not in verbose mode
if (not Opt.Verbose_Mode) and then J = Opt_Length + 3 then
Write_Str ("...");
end if;
Write_Str (Arguments (J).all);
Line_Length := Line_Length + 1 + Arguments (J)'Length;
end loop;
end if;
end Display;
if Ar_Exec = null then
Ar_Name := Osint.Program_Name (Archive_Builder, "gnatmake");
Ar_Exec := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Ar_Name.all);
if Ar_Exec = null then
Free (Ar_Name);
Ar_Name := new String'(Archive_Builder);
Ar_Exec := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Ar_Name.all);
end if;
if Ar_Exec = null then
Fail (Ar_Name.all & " not found in path");
elsif Opt.Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str ("found ");
Write_Line (Ar_Exec.all);
end if;
Ar_Options := Archive_Builder_Options;
Initial_Size := 0;
for J in Ar_Options'Range loop
Initial_Size := Initial_Size + Ar_Options (J)'Length + 1;
end loop;
Ar_Append_Options := Archive_Builder_Append_Options;
Opt_Length := Ar_Options'Length;
if Ar_Append_Options /= null then
Opt_Length := Natural'Max (Ar_Append_Options'Length, Opt_Length);
Size := 0;
for J in Ar_Append_Options'Range loop
Size := Size + Ar_Append_Options (J)'Length + 1;
end loop;
Initial_Size := Integer'Max (Initial_Size, Size);
end if;
-- ranlib
Ranlib_Name := Osint.Program_Name (Archive_Indexer, "gnatmake");
if Ranlib_Name'Length > 0 then
Ranlib_Exec := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Ranlib_Name.all);
if Ranlib_Exec = null then
Free (Ranlib_Name);
Ranlib_Name := new String'(Archive_Indexer);
Ranlib_Exec := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Ranlib_Name.all);
end if;
if Ranlib_Exec /= null and then Opt.Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str ("found ");
Write_Line (Ranlib_Exec.all);
end if;
end if;
Ranlib_Options := Archive_Indexer_Options;
end if;
Arguments :=
new String_List (1 .. 1 + Opt_Length + Objects'Length);
Arguments (1 .. Ar_Options'Length) := Ar_Options.all; -- "ar cr ..."
Arguments (Ar_Options'Length + 1) := new String'(Full_Output_File);
Delete_File (Full_Output_File);
Size := Initial_Size + Full_Output_File'Length + 1;
-- Check the full size of a call of the archive builder with all the
-- object files.
for J in Objects'Range loop
Size := Size + Objects (J)'Length + 1;
end loop;
-- If the size is not too large or if it is not possible to build the
-- archive in chunks, build the archive in a single invocation.
if Size <= Maximum_Size or else Ar_Append_Options = null then
Last_Arg := Ar_Options'Length + 1 + Objects'Length;
Arguments (Ar_Options'Length + 2 .. Last_Arg) := Objects;
Spawn (Ar_Exec.all, Arguments (1 .. Last_Arg), Success);
-- Build the archive in several invocation, making sure to not
-- go over the maximum size for each invocation.
Last_Arg := Ar_Options'Length + 1;
Current_Object := Objects'First;
Size := Initial_Size + Full_Output_File'Length + 1;
-- First invocation
while Current_Object <= Objects'Last loop
Size := Size + Objects (Current_Object)'Length + 1;
exit when Size > Maximum_Size;
Last_Arg := Last_Arg + 1;
Arguments (Last_Arg) := Objects (Current_Object);
Current_Object := Current_Object + 1;
end loop;
Spawn (Ar_Exec.all, Arguments (1 .. Last_Arg), Success);
Arguments (1 .. Ar_Append_Options'Length) := Ar_Append_Options.all;
(Ar_Append_Options'Length + 1) := new String'(Full_Output_File);
-- Appending invocation(s)
Big_Loop : while Success and then Current_Object <= Objects'Last loop
Last_Arg := Ar_Append_Options'Length + 1;
Size := Initial_Size + Full_Output_File'Length + 1;
Inner_Loop : while Current_Object <= Objects'Last loop
Size := Size + Objects (Current_Object)'Length + 1;
exit Inner_Loop when Size > Maximum_Size;
Last_Arg := Last_Arg + 1;
Arguments (Last_Arg) := Objects (Current_Object);
Current_Object := Current_Object + 1;
end loop Inner_Loop;
Spawn (Ar_Exec.all, Arguments (1 .. Last_Arg), Success);
end loop Big_Loop;
end if;
if not Success then
Fail (Ar_Name.all & " execution error.");
end if;
-- If we have found ranlib, run it over the library
if Ranlib_Exec /= null then
if not Opt.Quiet_Output then
Write_Str (Ranlib_Name.all);
Write_Char (' ');
for J in Ranlib_Options'Range loop
Write_Str (Ranlib_Options (J).all);
Write_Char (' ');
end loop;
Write_Line (Arguments (Ar_Options'Length + 1).all);
end if;
Ranlib_Options.all & (Arguments (Ar_Options'Length + 1)),
if not Success then
Fail (Ranlib_Name.all & " execution error.");
end if;
end if;
end Ar;
-- Delete_File --
procedure Delete_File (Filename : String) is
File : constant String := Filename & ASCII.NUL;
Success : Boolean;
Delete_File (File'Address, Success);
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
if Success then
Write_Str ("deleted ");
Write_Str ("could not delete ");
end if;
Write_Line (Filename);
end if;
end Delete_File;
-- Gcc --
procedure Gcc
(Output_File : String;
Objects : Argument_List;
Options : Argument_List;
Options_2 : Argument_List;
Driver_Name : Name_Id := No_Name)
Link_Bytes : Integer := 0;
-- Projected number of bytes for the linker command line
Link_Max : Integer;
pragma Import (C, Link_Max, "__gnat_link_max");
-- Maximum number of bytes on the command line supported by the OS
-- linker. Passed this limit the response file mechanism must be used
-- if supported.
Object_List_File_Supported : Boolean;
for Object_List_File_Supported'Size use Character'Size;
pragma Import
(C, Object_List_File_Supported, "__gnat_objlist_file_supported");
-- Predicate indicating whether the linker has an option whereby the
-- names of object files can be passed to the linker in a file.
Object_File_Option_Ptr : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
pragma Import (C, Object_File_Option_Ptr, "__gnat_object_file_option");
-- Pointer to a string representing the linker option which specifies
-- the response file.
Object_File_Option : constant String := Value (Object_File_Option_Ptr);
-- The linker option which specifies the response file as a string
Using_GNU_response_file : constant Boolean :=
Object_File_Option'Length > 0
and then
(Object_File_Option'Last) = '@';
-- Whether a GNU response file is used
Tname : String_Access;
Tname_FD : File_Descriptor := Invalid_FD;
-- Temporary file used by linker to pass list of object files on
-- certain systems with limitations on size of arguments.
Closing_Status : Boolean;
-- For call to Close
Arguments :
(1 .. 7 + Objects'Length + Options'Length + Options_2'Length);
A : Natural := 0;
Success : Boolean;
Out_Opt : constant String_Access := new String'("-o");
Out_V : constant String_Access := new String'(Output_File);
Lib_Dir : constant String_Access := new String'("-L" & Lib_Directory);
Lib_Opt : constant String_Access := new String'(Dynamic_Option);
Driver : String_Access;
type Object_Position is (First, Second, Last);
Position : Object_Position;
procedure Write_RF (S : String);
-- Write a string to the response file and check if it was successful.
-- Fail the program if it was not successful (disk full).
-- Write_RF --
procedure Write_RF (S : String) is
Success : Boolean := True;
Back_Slash : constant Character := '\';
-- If a GNU response file is used, space and backslash need to be
-- escaped because they are interpreted as a string separator and
-- an escape character respectively by the underlying mechanism.
-- On the other hand, quote and double-quote are not escaped since
-- they are interpreted as string delimiters on both sides.
if Using_GNU_response_file then
for J in S'Range loop
if S (J) = ' ' or else S (J) = '\' then
if Write (Tname_FD, Back_Slash'Address, 1) /= 1 then
Success := False;
end if;
end if;
if Write (Tname_FD, S (J)'Address, 1) /= 1 then
Success := False;
end if;
end loop;
if Write (Tname_FD, S'Address, S'Length) /= S'Length then
Success := False;
end if;
end if;
if Write (Tname_FD, ASCII.LF'Address, 1) /= 1 then
Success := False;
end if;
if not Success then
Fail ("cannot generate response file to link library: disk full");
end if;
end Write_RF;
-- Start of processing for Gcc
if Driver_Name = No_Name then
if Gcc_Exec = null then
if Gcc_Name = null then
Gcc_Name := Osint.Program_Name ("gcc", "gnatmake");
end if;
Gcc_Exec := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Gcc_Name.all);
if Gcc_Exec = null then
Fail (Gcc_Name.all & " not found in path");
end if;
end if;
Driver := Gcc_Exec;
Driver := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Get_Name_String (Driver_Name));
if Driver = null then
Fail (Get_Name_String (Driver_Name) & " not found in path");
end if;
end if;
Link_Bytes := 0;
if Lib_Opt'Length /= 0 then
A := A + 1;
Arguments (A) := Lib_Opt;
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Lib_Opt'Length + 1;
end if;
A := A + 1;
Arguments (A) := Out_Opt;
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Out_Opt'Length + 1;
A := A + 1;
Arguments (A) := Out_V;
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Out_V'Length + 1;
A := A + 1;
Arguments (A) := Lib_Dir;
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Lib_Dir'Length + 1;
A := A + Options'Length;
Arguments (A - Options'Length + 1 .. A) := Options;
for J in Options'Range loop
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Options (J)'Length + 1;
end loop;
if not Opt.Quiet_Output then
if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (Driver.all);
elsif Driver_Name /= No_Name then
Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Driver_Name));
Write_Str (Gcc_Name.all);
end if;
for J in 1 .. A loop
if Opt.Verbose_Mode or else J < 4 then
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Str (Arguments (J).all);
Write_Str (" ...");
end if;
end loop;
-- Do not display all the object files if not in verbose mode, only
-- the first one.
Position := First;
for J in Objects'Range loop
if Opt.Verbose_Mode or else Position = First then
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Str (Objects (J).all);
Position := Second;
elsif Position = Second then
Write_Str (" ...");
Position := Last;
end if;
end loop;
for J in Options_2'Range loop
if not Opt.Verbose_Mode then
if Position = Second then
Write_Str (" ...");
end if;
end if;
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Str (Options_2 (J).all);
end loop;
end if;
for J in Objects'Range loop
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Objects (J)'Length + 1;
end loop;
for J in Options_2'Range loop
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Options_2 (J)'Length + 1;
end loop;
if Object_List_File_Supported and then Link_Bytes > Link_Max then
-- Create a temporary file containing the object files, one object
-- file per line for maximal compatibility with linkers supporting
-- this option.
Create_Temp_File (Tname_FD, Tname);
for J in Objects'Range loop
Write_RF (Objects (J).all);
end loop;
Close (Tname_FD, Closing_Status);
if not Closing_Status then
Fail ("cannot generate response file to link library: disk full");
end if;
A := A + 1;
Arguments (A) := new String'(Object_File_Option & Tname.all);
A := A + Objects'Length;
Arguments (A - Objects'Length + 1 .. A) := Objects;
end if;
A := A + Options_2'Length;
Arguments (A - Options_2'Length + 1 .. A) := Options_2;
Spawn (Driver.all, Arguments (1 .. A), Success);
if Success then
-- Delete the temporary file used in conjunction with linking
-- if one was created.
if Tname_FD /= Invalid_FD then
Delete_File (Tname.all);
end if;
if Driver_Name = No_Name then
Fail (Gcc_Name.all & " execution error");
Fail (Get_Name_String (Driver_Name) & " execution error");
end if;
end if;
end Gcc;
-- Lib_Directory --
function Lib_Directory return String is
Libgnat : constant String := Tgt.Libgnat;
-- If procedure Specify_Adalib_Dir has been called, used the specified
-- value.
if Adalib_Path /= null then
return Adalib_Path.all;
end if;
Name_Len := Libgnat'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Libgnat;
Get_Name_String (Osint.Find_File (Name_Enter, Osint.Library));
-- Remove libgnat.a
return Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - Libgnat'Length);
end Lib_Directory;
-- Specify_Adalib_Dir --
procedure Specify_Adalib_Dir (Path : String) is
if Path'Length = 0 then
Adalib_Path := null;
Adalib_Path := new String'(Path);
end if;
end Specify_Adalib_Dir;
end MLib.Utl;