blob: 64193878d8fd87a65ecf59896ae3e09d7238d1e2 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fcheck=all" }
! { dg-shouldfail "above upper bound" }
! PR fortran/92050
module buggy
implicit none (type, external)
type :: par
procedure, public :: fun => fun_par
end type par
type comp
class(par), allocatable :: p
end type comp
type foo
type(comp), allocatable :: m(:)
end type foo
function fun_par(this)
class(par) :: this
integer :: fun_par(1)
fun_par = 42
end function fun_par
subroutine update_foo(this)
class(foo) :: this
write(*,*) this%m(1)%p%fun()
end subroutine update_foo
subroutine bad_update_foo(this)
class(foo) :: this
write(*,*) this%m(2)%p%fun()
end subroutine bad_update_foo
end module buggy
program main
use buggy
implicit none (type, external)
type(foo) :: x
call update_foo(x)
call bad_update_foo(x)
end program main
! { dg-output "At line 39 of file .*pr92050.f90.*Fortran runtime error: Index '2' of dimension 1 of array 'this%m' above upper bound of 1" }