blob: 81cc076c15c87edf50fc8cdcdae8dbca9dd19b24 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
program test
implicit none
type :: t1
integer :: i
end type
type, extends(t1) :: t2
end type
class(t1), allocatable :: array1(:,:)
class(t2), allocatable :: array2(:,:)
select type(b => foo(1))
type is (t1)
b%i = 1
type is (t2)
call sub_with_in_and_inout_param(b,b)
end select
function foo(i)
integer :: U(2)
integer :: i
class(t1), POINTER :: foo(:)
U = [ 1,2 ]
if (i>0) then
foo => array1(2,U)
foo => array2(2,U)
end if
end function
subroutine sub_with_in_and_inout_param(y, z)
type(t2), INTENT(IN) :: y(:)
class(t2), INTENT(INOUT) :: z(:)
z%i = 10
end subroutine
! { dg-error "cannot be used in a variable definition context .assignment." " " { target *-*-* } 21 }
! { dg-error "cannot be used in a variable definition context .actual argument to INTENT = OUT.INOUT." " " { target *-*-* } 23 }
! { dg-error "Pointer assignment target is neither TARGET nor POINTER" " " { target *-*-* } 35 }
! { dg-error "Pointer assignment target is neither TARGET nor POINTER" " " { target *-*-* } 37 }