blob: 4984eb7f885b2e722931827e98b0ce3c0d26c417 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Checks the fix for PR68196, comment #8
! Contributed by Damian Rouson <>
type Bug ! Failed at trans--array.c:8269
real, allocatable :: scalar
procedure(boogInterface),pointer :: boog
end type
function boogInterface(A) result(C)
import Bug
class(Bug) A
type(Bug) C
end function
end interface
real, parameter :: ninetynine = 99.0
real, parameter :: onenineeight = 198.0
type(bug) :: actual, res
actual%scalar = ninetynine
actual%boog => boogImplementation
res = actual%boog () ! Failed on bug in expr.c:3933
if (res%scalar .ne. onenineeight) STOP 1
! Make sure that the procedure pointer is assigned correctly
if (actual%scalar .ne. ninetynine) STOP 2
actual = res%boog ()
if (actual%scalar .ne. onenineeight) STOP 3
! Deallocate so that we can use valgrind to check for memory leaks
deallocate (res%scalar, actual%scalar)
function boogImplementation(A) result(C) ! Failed at trans--array.c:8078
class(Bug) A
type(Bug) C
select type (A)
type is (bug)
C = A
C%scalar = onenineeight
class default
end select
end function