blob: aea1c81fa20f5ce22bf10f2e4a1cb56918c36520 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR97045. The report was for the INTEGER version. Testing
! revealed a further bug with the character versions.
! Contributed by Igor Gayday <>
program test_prg
implicit none
integer :: i
integer, allocatable :: arr(:, :)
character(kind = 1, len = 2), allocatable :: chr(:, :)
character(kind = 4, len = 2), allocatable :: chr4(:, :)
arr = reshape ([(i, i = 1, 9)], [3, 3])
do i = 1, 3
call write_array(arr(1:2, i), i)
end do
chr = reshape([(char (i)//char (i+1), i = 65, 83, 2)], [3, 3])
do i = 1, 3
call write_array (chr(1:2, i), i)
end do
chr4 = reshape([(char (i, kind = 4)//char (i+1, kind = 4), i = 65, 83, 2)], &
[3, 3])
do i = 1, 3
call write_array (chr4(1:2, i), i)
end do
subroutine write_array(array, j)
class(*), intent(in) :: array(:)
integer :: i = 2
integer :: j, k
select type (elem => array(i))
type is (integer)
k = 3*(j-1)+i
if (elem .ne. k) stop 1
type is (character(kind = 1, len = *))
k = 63 + 2*(3*(j-1)+i)
if (elem .ne. char (k)//char (k+1)) print *, elem, " ", char (k)//char (k+1)
type is (character(kind = 4, len = *))
k = 63 + 2*(3*(j-1)+i)
if (elem .ne. char (k, kind = 4)//char (k+1, kind = 4)) stop 3
end select
end subroutine
end program