blob: 81e6981bbb7a2e76d9be947b1e37f911369733c9 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests fix for PR31193, in which the character length for MOLD in
! case 1 below was not being translated correctly for character
! constants and an ICE ensued. The further cases are either checks
! or new bugs that were found in the course of development cases 3 & 5.
! Contributed by Brooks Moses <>
function NumOccurances (string, chr, isel) result(n)
character(*),intent(in) :: string
character(1),intent(in) :: chr
integer :: isel
! return number of occurances of character in given string
select case (isel)
case (1)
n=count(transfer(string, char(1), len(string))==chr)
case (2)
n=count(transfer(string, chr, len(string))==chr)
case (3)
n=count(transfer(string, "a", len(string))==chr)
case (4)
n=count(transfer(string, (/"a","b"/), len(string))==chr)
case (5)
n=count(transfer(string, string(1:1), len(string))==chr)
end select
if (NumOccurances("abacadae", "a", 1) .ne. 4) STOP 1
if (NumOccurances("abacadae", "a", 2) .ne. 4) STOP 2
if (NumOccurances("abacadae", "a", 3) .ne. 4) STOP 3
if (NumOccurances("abacadae", "a", 4) .ne. 4) STOP 4
if (NumOccurances("abacadae", "a", 5) .ne. 4) STOP 5