blob: eae73fe30c70d181530c80c22198a20a660483e1 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR 78443: [OOP] Incorrect behavior with non_overridable keyword
! Contributed by federico <>
module types
implicit none
! Abstract parent class and its child type
type, abstract :: P1
procedure :: test => test1
procedure (square_interface), deferred :: square
! Deferred procedure interface
abstract interface
function square_interface( this, x ) result( y )
import P1
class(P1) :: this
real :: x, y
end function square_interface
end interface
type, extends(P1) :: C1
procedure, non_overridable :: square => C1_square
! Non-abstract parent class and its child type
type :: P2
procedure :: test => test2
procedure :: square => P2_square
type, extends(P2) :: C2
procedure, non_overridable :: square => C2_square
real function test1( this, x )
class(P1) :: this
real :: x
test1 = this % square( x )
end function
real function test2( this, x )
class(P2) :: this
real :: x
test2 = this % square( x )
end function
function P2_square( this, x ) result( y )
class(P2) :: this
real :: x, y
y = -100. ! dummy
end function
function C1_square( this, x ) result( y )
class(C1) :: this
real :: x, y
y = x**2
end function
function C2_square( this, x ) result( y )
class(C2) :: this
real :: x, y
y = x**2
end function
end module
program main
use types
implicit none
type(P2) :: t1
type(C2) :: t2
type(C1) :: t3
if ( t1 % test( 2. ) /= -100.) STOP 1
if ( t2 % test( 2. ) /= 4.) STOP 2
if ( t3 % test( 2. ) /= 4.) STOP 3
end program