blob: c583c6bbf5e1b724dbed58de6db7db03b2c682b0 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR fortran/58652
! Contributed by Vladimir Fuka
! The passing of a CLASS(*) to a CLASS(*) was reject before
module gen_lists
type list_node
class(*),allocatable :: item
procedure :: move_alloc => list_move_alloc
end type
subroutine list_move_alloc(self,item)
class(list_node),intent(inout) :: self
class(*),intent(inout),allocatable :: item
call move_alloc(item, self%item)
end subroutine
end module
module lists
use gen_lists, only: node => list_node
end module lists
module sexp
use lists
subroutine parse(ast)
class(*), allocatable, intent(out) :: ast
class(*), allocatable :: expr
integer :: ierr
select type (ast)
type is (node)
call ast%move_alloc(expr)
end select
end subroutine
end module