blob: 23d0540526d0fc7e10848253b2f5634cf38548a7 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix of the test case referenced in comment 17 of PR83118.
! Contributed by Damian Rouson <>
implicit none
type Wrapper
class(*), allocatable :: elements(:)
end type
type Mytype
real(4) :: r = 42.0
end type
call driver
subroutine driver
class(*), allocatable :: obj
type(Wrapper) w
integer(4) :: expected4(2) = [42_4, 43_4]
integer(8) :: expected8(3) = [42_8, 43_8, 44_8]
w = new_wrapper (expected4)
obj = w
call test (obj, 0)
obj = new_wrapper (expected8) ! Used to generate a linker error
call test (obj, 10)
obj = new_wrapper ([mytype (99.0)])
call test (obj, 100)
obj = Mytype (42.0) ! Used to generate a linker error
call test (obj, 1000)
end subroutine
function new_wrapper(array) result (res)
class(*) :: array(:)
type(Wrapper) :: res
res%elements = array ! Used to runtime segfault
end function
subroutine test (arg, idx)
class(*) :: arg
integer :: idx
select type (arg)
type is (wrapper)
select type (z => arg%elements)
type is (integer(4))
if (any (z .ne. [42_4, 43_4])) stop 1 + idx
type is (integer(8))
if (any (z .ne. [42_8, 43_8, 44_8])) stop 1 + idx
type is (Mytype)
if (abs (z(1)%r - 99.0) .ge. 1e-6) stop 1 + idx
class default
stop 2 + idx
end select
type is (Mytype)
if (abs (arg%r - 42.0) .ge. 1e-6) stop 1 + idx
class default
stop 3 + idx
end select
end subroutine