blob: b972fd776a8b612832fae7c2c31e3277712e322f [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Verify by-value passing of character arguments w/in Fortran to a bind(c)
! procedure.
! PR fortran/32732
module pr32732
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_char
implicit none
subroutine test(a) bind(c)
character(kind=c_char), value :: a
call test2(a)
end subroutine test
subroutine test2(a) bind(c)
character(kind=c_char), value :: a
if(a /= c_char_'a') STOP 1
print *, 'a=',a
end subroutine test2
end module pr32732
program main
use pr32732
implicit none
call test('a')
end program main