blob: 89f846a96e5f6a0f0eb3dc8c0a616a1a590a28b7 [file] [log] [blame]
int magicVariable()
if (__ctfe)
return 3;
shared int var = 2;
return var;
static assert(magicVariable()==3);
void main()
// bug 991 -- invalid.
// bug 3500 -- is this related to 2127?
// Tests for ^^
// TODO: These tests should not require import std.math.
import std.math;
// Test float ^^ int
static assert( 27.0 ^^ 5 == 27.0 * 27.0 * 27.0 * 27.0 * 27.0);
static assert( 2.0 ^^ 3 == 8.0);
static assert( 2.0 ^^ 4 == 16.0);
static assert( 2 ^^ 4 == 16);
// Check the typing rules.
static assert( is (typeof(2.0^^7) == double));
static assert( is (typeof(7^^3) == int));
static assert( is (typeof(7L^^3) == long));
static assert( is (typeof(7^^3L) == long));
enum short POW_SHORT_1 = 3;
enum short POW_SHORT_3 = 7;
static assert( is (typeof(POW_SHORT_1 * POW_SHORT_1) ==
static assert( is (typeof(7.0^^3) == double));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0L^^3) == real));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0f^^3) == float));
static assert( is (typeof(POW_SHORT_1^^3.1) == double));
static assert( is (typeof(POW_SHORT_1^^3.1f) == float));
static assert( is (typeof(2.1f ^^ POW_SHORT_1) == float));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0f^^3.1) == double));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0^^3.1f) == double));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0f^^3.1f) == float));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0f^^3.1L) == real));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0L^^3.1f) == real));
// Check typing for special cases
static assert( is (typeof(7.0f^^2) == float));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0f^^2.0) == double));
static assert( is (typeof(7.0f^^8.0) == double));
static assert( is (typeof(1^^0.5f) == float));
static assert( is (typeof(7^^0.5f) == float));
static assert( is (typeof(3L^^0.5) == double));
static assert( is (typeof(123^^17.0f) == float));
static assert(POW_SHORT_1 ^^ 2 == 9);
static assert(4.0 ^^ POW_SHORT_1 == 4.0*4.0*4.0);
static assert(4.0 ^^ 7.0 == 4.0*4.0*4.0*4.0*4.0*4.0*4.0);
// ^^ has higher precedence than multiply
static assert( 2 * 2 ^^ 3 + 1 == 17);
static assert( 2 ^^ 3 * 2 + 1 == 17);
// ^^ has higher precedence than negate
static assert( -2 ^^ 3 * 2 - 1 == -17);
// ^^ is right associative
static assert( 2 ^^ 3 ^^ 2 == 2 ^^ 9);
static assert( 2.0 ^^ -3 ^^ 2 == 2.0 ^^ -9);
// 1 ^^ n is always 1, even if n is negative
static assert( 1 ^^ -5 == 1);
// -1 ^^ n gets transformed into n & 1 ? -1 : 1
// even if n is negative
static assert( (-1) ^^ -5 == -1);
static assert( (-1) ^^ -4 == 1);
static assert( (-1) ^^ 0 == 1);
// n ^^ 0 is always 1
static assert( (-5) ^^ 0 == 1);
// n ^^ 1 is always n
static assert( 6.0 ^^ 1 == 6.0);
// n ^^ -1.0 gets transformed into 1.0 / n, even if n is negative
static assert( (-4) ^^ -1.0 == 1.0 / -4);
static assert( 9 ^^ -1.0 == 1.0 / 9);
// Other integers raised to negative powers create an error
static assert( !is(typeof(2 ^^ -5)));
static assert( !is(typeof((-2) ^^ -4)));
// Bug 3535
struct StructWithCtor
this(int _n) {
n = _n; x = 5;
this(int _n, float _x) {
n = _n; x = _x;
int n;
float x;
int containsAsm()
version (D_InlineAsm_X86)
asm { nop; }
else version (D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
asm { nop; }
return 0;
enum A = StructWithCtor(1);
enum B = StructWithCtor(7, 2.3);
static assert(A.n == 1);
static assert(A.x == 5.0);
static assert(B.n == 7);
static assert(B.x == 2.3);
int bazra(int x)
StructWithCtor p = StructWithCtor(4);
return p.n ^^ 3;
static assert(bazra(14)==64);
void moreCommaTests()
(containsAsm(), containsAsm());
auto k = containsAsm();
for (int i=0; i< k^^2; i+=StructWithCtor(1).n) {}
// Test copy constructors
struct CopyTest {
double x;
this(double a) { x = a * 10.0;}
this(this) { x+=2.0;}
struct CopyTest2
int x; int x1; int x2; int x3;
this(int a) { x = a * 2; x1 = 3;}
this(this) { x1+=17;}
const CopyTest z = CopyTest(5.3);
// TODO: This is not yet supported. But it
// generates an error message instead of wrong-code.
const CopyTest w = z;
static assert(z.x==55.0);
int copytest1()
CopyTest z = CopyTest(3.4);
CopyTest w = z;
assert(w.x == 36.0);
CopyTest2 q = CopyTest2(7);
CopyTest2 q2 = q;
CopyTest2 q3 = q2;
assert(q3.x1 == 37);
return 123;
static assert(copytest1()==123);
// This must not cause a segfault
alias int FILTH;
struct Filth
struct Impl
FILTH * handle = null;
this(FILTH* h, uint r, string n)
handle = h;
Impl * p;
this(string name, in char[] stdioOpenmode = "rb")
if (!p) return;
if (!p) return;
struct InputByChar
private Filth _f;
this(Filth f)
_f = f;
static int nastyForCtfe=4;
// Can't use a global variable
static assert(!is(typeof( (){ static assert(0!=nastyForCtfe^^2); })));
int anotherPowTest()
double x = 5.0;
return x^^4 > 2.0 ? 3: 2;