blob: f0debeb38de280ca4003452a3b7941c75bb541dd [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-options "-fno-range-check" }
! Check compile-time simplification of functions FRACTION, EXPONENT,
! SPACING, RRSPACING and SET_EXPONENT for special values.
program test
implicit none
real, parameter :: inf = 2 * huge(0.)
real, parameter :: nan = 0. / 0.
call check_positive_zero(fraction(0.))
call check_negative_zero(fraction(-0.))
if (.not. isnan(fraction(inf))) STOP 1
if (.not. isnan(fraction(-inf))) STOP 2
if (.not. isnan(fraction(nan))) STOP 3
if (exponent(0.) /= 0) STOP 4
if (exponent(-0.) /= 0) STOP 5
if (exponent(inf) /= huge(0)) STOP 6
if (exponent(-inf) /= huge(0)) STOP 7
if (exponent(nan) /= huge(0)) STOP 8
if (spacing(0.) /= spacing(tiny(0.))) STOP 9
if (spacing(-0.) /= spacing(tiny(0.))) STOP 10
if (.not. isnan(spacing(inf))) STOP 11
if (.not. isnan(spacing(-inf))) STOP 12
if (.not. isnan(spacing(nan))) STOP 13
call check_positive_zero(rrspacing(0.))
call check_positive_zero(rrspacing(-0.))
if (.not. isnan(rrspacing(inf))) STOP 14
if (.not. isnan(rrspacing(-inf))) STOP 15
if (.not. isnan(rrspacing(nan))) STOP 16
call check_positive_zero(set_exponent(0.,42))
call check_negative_zero(set_exponent(-0.,42))
if (.not. isnan(set_exponent(inf, 42))) STOP 17
if (.not. isnan(set_exponent(-inf, 42))) STOP 18
if (.not. isnan(set_exponent(nan, 42))) STOP 19
subroutine check_positive_zero(x)
use ieee_arithmetic
implicit none
real, value :: x
if (ieee_class (x) /= ieee_positive_zero) STOP 20
subroutine check_negative_zero(x)
use ieee_arithmetic
implicit none
real, value :: x
if (ieee_class (x) /= ieee_negative_zero) STOP 21