blob: 1a28fefd50cdeac5f4312fac1dd6c5656e52c552 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR fortran/30799
! Inconsistent handling of bad (invalid) LOGICAL kinds
! Reporter: Harald Anlauf <>
! Testcase altered by Steven G. Kargl
program gfcbug57
implicit none
! These are logical kinds known by gfortran and many other compilers:
print *, kind (.true._1) ! This prints "1"
print *, kind (.true._2) ! This prints "2"
print *, kind (.true._4) ! This prints "4"
print *, kind (.true._8) ! This prints "8"
! These are very strange (read: bad (invalid?)) logical kinds,
! handled inconsistently by gfortran (there's no logical(kind=0) etc.)
print *, kind (.true._0) ! { dg-error "kind for logical constant" }
print *, kind (.true._3) ! { dg-error "kind for logical constant" }
print *, kind (.true._123) ! { dg-error "kind for logical constant" }
! Here gfortran bails out with a runtime error:
print *, .true._3 ! { dg-error "kind for logical constant" }
end program gfcbug57