blob: 2d7985703cfb5206d4f50d159f09314b4c94a300 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// <>.
#include "rust-hir-trait-resolve.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-expr.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace Resolver {
ResolveTraitItemToRef::Resolve (
HIR::TraitItem &item, TyTy::BaseType *self,
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> substitutions)
ResolveTraitItemToRef resolver (self, std::move (substitutions));
item.accept_vis (resolver);
return std::move (resolver.resolved);
ResolveTraitItemToRef::visit (HIR::TraitItemType &type)
// create trait-item-ref
Location locus = type.get_locus ();
bool is_optional = false;
std::string identifier = type.get_name ();
resolved = TraitItemReference (identifier, is_optional,
TraitItemReference::TraitItemType::TYPE, &type,
self, substitutions, locus);
ResolveTraitItemToRef::visit (HIR::TraitItemConst &cst)
// create trait-item-ref
Location locus = cst.get_locus ();
bool is_optional = cst.has_expr ();
std::string identifier = cst.get_name ();
resolved = TraitItemReference (identifier, is_optional,
TraitItemReference::TraitItemType::CONST, &cst,
self, substitutions, locus);
ResolveTraitItemToRef::visit (HIR::TraitItemFunc &fn)
// create trait-item-ref
Location locus = fn.get_locus ();
bool is_optional = fn.has_block_defined ();
std::string identifier = fn.get_decl ().get_function_name ();
resolved = TraitItemReference (identifier, is_optional,
TraitItemReference::TraitItemType::FN, &fn,
self, std::move (substitutions), locus);
ResolveTraitItemToRef::ResolveTraitItemToRef (
TyTy::BaseType *self,
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> &&substitutions)
: TypeCheckBase (), resolved (TraitItemReference::error ()), self (self),
substitutions (std::move (substitutions))
// TraitItemReference items
TraitReference *
TraitResolver::Resolve (HIR::TypePath &path)
TraitResolver resolver;
return resolver.resolve_path (path);
TraitReference *
TraitResolver::Resolve (HIR::Trait &trait)
TraitResolver resolver;
return resolver.resolve_trait (&trait);
TraitReference *
TraitResolver::Lookup (HIR::TypePath &path)
TraitResolver resolver;
return resolver.lookup_path (path);
TraitResolver::TraitResolver () : TypeCheckBase () {}
TraitResolver::resolve_path_to_trait (const HIR::TypePath &path,
HIR::Trait **resolved) const
NodeId ref;
if (!resolver->lookup_resolved_type (path.get_mappings ().get_nodeid (),
rust_error_at (path.get_locus (), "Failed to resolve path to node-id");
return false;
HirId hir_node = UNKNOWN_HIRID;
if (!mappings->lookup_node_to_hir (ref, &hir_node))
rust_error_at (path.get_locus (), "Failed to resolve path to hir-id");
return false;
HIR::Item *resolved_item = mappings->lookup_hir_item (hir_node);
rust_assert (resolved_item != nullptr);
rust_assert (resolved_item->get_item_kind () == HIR::Item::ItemKind::Trait);
*resolved = static_cast<HIR::Trait *> (resolved_item);
return true;
TraitReference *
TraitResolver::resolve_path (HIR::TypePath &path)
HIR::Trait *resolved_trait_reference;
bool ok = resolve_path_to_trait (path, &resolved_trait_reference);
if (!ok)
return &TraitReference::error_node ();
return resolve_trait (resolved_trait_reference);
TraitReference *
TraitResolver::resolve_trait (HIR::Trait *trait_reference)
TraitReference *tref = &TraitReference::error_node ();
if (context->lookup_trait_reference (
trait_reference->get_mappings ().get_defid (), &tref))
return tref;
DefId trait_id = trait_reference->get_mappings ().get_defid ();
if (context->trait_query_in_progress (trait_id))
rust_error_at (trait_reference->get_locus (), "trait cycle detected");
return &TraitReference::error_node ();
TraitQueryGuard guard (trait_id);
TyTy::BaseType *self = nullptr;
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> substitutions;
// this should use the resolve_generic_params like everywhere else
for (auto &generic_param : trait_reference->get_generic_params ())
switch (generic_param.get ()->get_kind ())
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::LIFETIME:
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::CONST:
// FIXME: Skipping Lifetime and Const completely until better
// handling.
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::TYPE: {
auto param_type
= TypeResolveGenericParam::Resolve (generic_param.get ());
context->insert_type (generic_param->get_mappings (), param_type);
auto &typaram = static_cast<HIR::TypeParam &> (*generic_param);
substitutions.push_back (
TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping (typaram, param_type));
if (typaram.get_type_representation ().compare ("Self") == 0)
rust_assert (param_type->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::PARAM);
TyTy::ParamType *p
= static_cast<TyTy::ParamType *> (param_type);
p->set_implicit_self_trait ();
self = p;
rust_assert (self != nullptr);
// Check if there is a super-trait, and apply this bound to the Self
// TypeParam
std::vector<TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate> specified_bounds;
// copy the substitition mappings
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> self_subst_copy;
for (auto &sub : substitutions)
self_subst_copy.push_back (sub.clone ());
// They also inherit themselves as a bound this enables a trait item to
// reference other Self::trait_items
auto self_hrtb
= TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate (trait_reference->get_mappings ().get_defid (),
std::move (self_subst_copy),
trait_reference->get_locus ());
specified_bounds.push_back (self_hrtb);
// look for any
std::vector<const TraitReference *> super_traits;
if (trait_reference->has_type_param_bounds ())
for (auto &bound : trait_reference->get_type_param_bounds ())
if (bound->get_bound_type ()
== HIR::TypeParamBound::BoundType::TRAITBOUND)
HIR::TraitBound *b
= static_cast<HIR::TraitBound *> (bound.get ());
auto predicate = get_predicate_from_bound (b->get_path ());
if (predicate.is_error ())
return &TraitReference::error_node ();
specified_bounds.push_back (predicate);
super_traits.push_back (predicate.get ());
self->inherit_bounds (specified_bounds);
std::vector<TraitItemReference> item_refs;
for (auto &item : trait_reference->get_trait_items ())
// make a copy of the substs
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> item_subst;
for (auto &sub : substitutions)
item_subst.push_back (sub.clone ());
TraitItemReference trait_item_ref
= ResolveTraitItemToRef::Resolve (*item.get (), self,
std::move (item_subst));
item_refs.push_back (std::move (trait_item_ref));
TraitReference trait_object (trait_reference, item_refs,
std::move (super_traits),
std::move (substitutions));
context->insert_trait_reference (
trait_reference->get_mappings ().get_defid (), std::move (trait_object));
tref = &TraitReference::error_node ();
bool ok = context->lookup_trait_reference (
trait_reference->get_mappings ().get_defid (), &tref);
rust_assert (ok);
// hook to allow the trait to resolve its optional item blocks, we cant
// resolve the blocks of functions etc because it can end up in a recursive
// loop of trying to resolve traits as required by the types
tref->on_resolved ();
return tref;
TraitReference *
TraitResolver::lookup_path (HIR::TypePath &path)
HIR::Trait *resolved_trait_reference;
bool ok = resolve_path_to_trait (path, &resolved_trait_reference);
if (!ok)
return &TraitReference::error_node ();
TraitReference *tref = &TraitReference::error_node ();
if (context->lookup_trait_reference (
resolved_trait_reference->get_mappings ().get_defid (), &tref))
return tref;
return &TraitReference::error_node ();
TraitItemReference::on_resolved ()
switch (type)
case CONST:
resolve_item (static_cast<HIR::TraitItemConst &> (*hir_trait_item));
case TYPE:
resolve_item (static_cast<HIR::TraitItemType &> (*hir_trait_item));
case FN:
resolve_item (static_cast<HIR::TraitItemFunc &> (*hir_trait_item));
TraitItemReference::resolve_item (HIR::TraitItemType &type)
TyTy::BaseType *ty
= new TyTy::PlaceholderType (type.get_name (),
type.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
context->insert_type (type.get_mappings (), ty);
TraitItemReference::resolve_item (HIR::TraitItemConst &constant)
TraitItemReference::resolve_item (HIR::TraitItemFunc &func)
if (!is_optional ())
TyTy::BaseType *item_tyty = get_tyty ();
if (item_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR)
// check the block and return types
rust_assert (item_tyty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::FNDEF);
// need to get the return type from this
TyTy::FnType *resolved_fn_type = static_cast<TyTy::FnType *> (item_tyty);
auto expected_ret_tyty = resolved_fn_type->get_return_type ();
context->push_return_type (TypeCheckContextItem (&func), expected_ret_tyty);
auto block_expr_ty = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (func.get_block_expr ().get ());
Location fn_return_locus
= func.get_decl ().has_return_type ()
? func.get_decl ().get_return_type ()->get_locus ()
: func.get_locus ();
TypeCheckBase::coercion_site (func.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (expected_ret_tyty,
TyTy::TyWithLocation (block_expr_ty),
func.get_locus ());
context->pop_return_type ();
TraitItemReference::associated_type_set (TyTy::BaseType *ty) const
rust_assert (get_trait_item_type () == TraitItemType::TYPE);
TyTy::BaseType *item_ty = get_tyty ();
rust_assert (item_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::PLACEHOLDER);
TyTy::PlaceholderType *placeholder
= static_cast<TyTy::PlaceholderType *> (item_ty);
placeholder->set_associated_type (ty->get_ty_ref ());
TraitItemReference::associated_type_reset (bool only_projections) const
rust_assert (get_trait_item_type () == TraitItemType::TYPE);
TyTy::BaseType *item_ty = get_tyty ();
rust_assert (item_ty->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::PLACEHOLDER);
TyTy::PlaceholderType *placeholder
= static_cast<TyTy::PlaceholderType *> (item_ty);
if (!only_projections)
placeholder->clear_associated_type ();
if (!placeholder->can_resolve ())
const TyTy::BaseType *r = placeholder->resolve ();
if (r->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::PROJECTION)
placeholder->clear_associated_type ();
TyTy::BaseType *
AssociatedImplTrait::setup_associated_types (
const TyTy::BaseType *self, const TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate &bound)
// compute the constrained impl block generic arguments based on self and the
// higher ranked trait bound
TyTy::BaseType *receiver = self->clone ();
// impl<Y> SliceIndex<[Y]> for Range<usize>
// vs
// I: SliceIndex<[<integer>]> and Range<<integer>>
// we need to figure out what Y is
TyTy::BaseType *associated_self = get_self ();
rust_assert (associated_self->can_eq (self, false));
// grab the parameters
HIR::ImplBlock &impl_block = *get_impl_block ();
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> substitutions;
for (auto &generic_param : impl_block.get_generic_params ())
switch (generic_param.get ()->get_kind ())
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::LIFETIME:
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::CONST:
// FIXME: Skipping Lifetime and Const completely until better
// handling.
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::TYPE: {
TyTy::BaseType *l = nullptr;
bool ok = context->lookup_type (
generic_param->get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &l);
if (ok && l->get_kind () == TyTy::TypeKind::PARAM)
substitutions.push_back (TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping (
static_cast<HIR::TypeParam &> (*generic_param),
static_cast<TyTy::ParamType *> (l)));
// generate inference variables for these bound arguments so we can compute
// their values
Location locus;
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionArg> args;
for (auto &p : substitutions)
if (p.needs_substitution ())
TyTy::TyVar infer_var = TyTy::TyVar::get_implicit_infer_var (locus);
args.push_back (TyTy::SubstitutionArg (&p, infer_var.get_tyty ()));
args.push_back (
TyTy::SubstitutionArg (&p, p.get_param_ty ()->resolve ()));
// this callback gives us the parameters that get substituted so we can
// compute the constrained type parameters for this impl block
std::map<std::string, HirId> param_mappings;
TyTy::ParamSubstCb param_subst_cb
= [&] (const TyTy::ParamType &p, const TyTy::SubstitutionArg &a) {
param_mappings[p.get_symbol ()] = a.get_tyty ()->get_ref ();
TyTy::SubstitutionArgumentMappings infer_arguments (std::move (args), {},
locus, param_subst_cb);
TyTy::BaseType *impl_self_infer
= (associated_self->needs_generic_substitutions ())
? SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (associated_self, infer_arguments)
: associated_self;
// FIXME this needs to do a lookup for the trait-reference DefId instead of
// assuming its the first one in the list
rust_assert (associated_self->num_specified_bounds () > 0);
TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate &impl_predicate
= associated_self->get_specified_bounds ().at (0);
// infer the arguments on the predicate
std::vector<TyTy::BaseType *> impl_trait_predicate_args;
for (const auto &arg : impl_predicate.get_substs ())
const TyTy::ParamType *p = arg.get_param_ty ();
if (p->get_symbol ().compare ("Self") == 0)
TyTy::BaseType *r = p->resolve ();
r = SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (r, infer_arguments);
impl_trait_predicate_args.push_back (r);
// we need to unify the receiver with the impl-block Self so that we compute
// the type correctly as our receiver may be generic and we are inferring its
// generic arguments and this Self might be the concrete version or vice
// versa.
auto result = TypeCheckBase::unify_site (
get_impl_block ()->get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (receiver), TyTy::TyWithLocation (impl_self_infer),
impl_predicate.get_locus ());
rust_assert (result->get_kind () != TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR);
TyTy::BaseType *self_result = result;
// unify the bounds arguments
std::vector<TyTy::BaseType *> hrtb_bound_arguments;
for (const auto &arg : bound.get_substs ())
const TyTy::ParamType *p = arg.get_param_ty ();
if (p->get_symbol ().compare ("Self") == 0)
TyTy::BaseType *r = p->resolve ();
hrtb_bound_arguments.push_back (r);
if (impl_trait_predicate_args.size () != hrtb_bound_arguments.size ())
return self_result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < impl_trait_predicate_args.size (); i++)
TyTy::BaseType *a = (i);
TyTy::BaseType *b = (i);
= TypeCheckBase::unify_site (a->get_ref (), TyTy::TyWithLocation (a),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (b),
impl_predicate.get_locus ());
rust_assert (result->get_kind () != TyTy::TypeKind::ERROR);
// create the argument list
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionArg> associated_arguments;
for (auto &p : substitutions)
std::string symbol = p.get_param_ty ()->get_symbol ();
auto it = param_mappings.find (symbol);
rust_assert (it != param_mappings.end ());
HirId id = it->second;
TyTy::BaseType *argument = nullptr;
bool ok = context->lookup_type (id, &argument);
rust_assert (ok);
TyTy::SubstitutionArg arg (&p, argument);
associated_arguments.push_back (arg);
TyTy::SubstitutionArgumentMappings associated_type_args (
std::move (associated_arguments), {}, locus);
ImplTypeIterator iter (*impl, [&] (HIR::TypeAlias &type) {
TraitItemReference *resolved_trait_item = nullptr;
bool ok = trait->lookup_trait_item (type.get_new_type_name (),
if (!ok)
if (resolved_trait_item->get_trait_item_type ()
!= TraitItemReference::TraitItemType::TYPE)
TyTy::BaseType *lookup;
if (!context->lookup_type (type.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &lookup))
// this might be generic
TyTy::BaseType *substituted
= SubstMapperInternal::Resolve (lookup, associated_type_args);
resolved_trait_item->associated_type_set (substituted);
iter.go ();
return self_result;
AssociatedImplTrait::reset_associated_types ()
trait->clear_associated_types ();
TraitItemReference::get_parent_trait_mappings () const
auto mappings = Analysis::Mappings::get ();
HIR::Trait *trait
= mappings->lookup_trait_item_mapping (get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
rust_assert (trait != nullptr);
return trait->get_mappings ();
TraitItemReference::is_object_safe () const
switch (get_trait_item_type ())
case TraitItemReference::TraitItemType::FN: {
// lets be boring and just check that this is indeed a method will do
// for now
const HIR::TraitItem *item = get_hir_trait_item ();
const HIR::TraitItemFunc *fn
= static_cast<const HIR::TraitItemFunc *> (item);
return fn->get_decl ().is_method ();
// constants are not available via dyn dispatch and so is not object safe
case TraitItemReference::TraitItemType::CONST:
return false;
// types are object safe since they are not available via dyn dispatch
case TraitItemReference::TraitItemType::TYPE:
return true;
// this is just an error so lets just fail it
case TraitItemReference::TraitItemType::ERROR:
return false;
return false;
} // namespace Resolver
} // namespace Rust