blob: e29b8d776b234e42d73899b3f9a7870f33980d1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// <>.
#include "rust-hir-type-check-implitem.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-base.h"
#include "rust-hir-full.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-type.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-expr.h"
#include "rust-hir-type-check-pattern.h"
#include "rust-tyty.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace Resolver {
TypeCheckTopLevelExternItem::TypeCheckTopLevelExternItem (
const HIR::ExternBlock &parent)
: TypeCheckBase (), parent (parent)
TyTy::BaseType *
TypeCheckTopLevelExternItem::Resolve (HIR::ExternalItem *item,
const HIR::ExternBlock &parent)
// is it already resolved?
auto context = TypeCheckContext::get ();
TyTy::BaseType *resolved = nullptr;
bool already_resolved
= context->lookup_type (item->get_mappings ().get_hirid (), &resolved);
if (already_resolved)
return resolved;
TypeCheckTopLevelExternItem resolver (parent);
item->accept_vis (resolver);
return resolver.resolved;
TypeCheckTopLevelExternItem::visit (HIR::ExternalStaticItem &item)
TyTy::BaseType *actual_type
= TypeCheckType::Resolve (item.get_item_type ().get ());
context->insert_type (item.get_mappings (), actual_type);
resolved = actual_type;
TypeCheckTopLevelExternItem::visit (HIR::ExternalFunctionItem &function)
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> substitutions;
if (function.has_generics ())
for (auto &generic_param : function.get_generic_params ())
switch (generic_param.get ()->get_kind ())
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::LIFETIME:
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::CONST:
// FIXME: Skipping Lifetime and Const completely until better
// handling.
case HIR::GenericParam::GenericKind::TYPE: {
auto param_type
= TypeResolveGenericParam::Resolve (generic_param.get ());
context->insert_type (generic_param->get_mappings (),
substitutions.push_back (TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping (
static_cast<HIR::TypeParam &> (*generic_param), param_type));
TyTy::BaseType *ret_type = nullptr;
if (!function.has_return_type ())
= TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (function.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
auto resolved
= TypeCheckType::Resolve (function.get_return_type ().get ());
if (resolved == nullptr)
rust_error_at (function.get_locus (),
"failed to resolve return type");
ret_type = resolved->clone ();
ret_type->set_ref (
function.get_return_type ()->get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
std::vector<std::pair<HIR::Pattern *, TyTy::BaseType *> > params;
for (auto &param : function.get_function_params ())
// get the name as well required for later on
auto param_tyty = TypeCheckType::Resolve (param.get_type ().get ());
// these are implicit mappings and not used
auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate ();
Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, mappings->get_next_node_id (),
mappings->get_next_hir_id (crate_num),
HIR::IdentifierPattern *param_pattern
= new HIR::IdentifierPattern (mapping, param.get_param_name (),
Location (), false, Mutability::Imm,
std::unique_ptr<HIR::Pattern> (nullptr));
params.push_back (
std::pair<HIR::Pattern *, TyTy::BaseType *> (param_pattern,
context->insert_type (param.get_mappings (), param_tyty);
// FIXME do we need error checking for patterns here?
// see
uint8_t flags = TyTy::FnType::FNTYPE_IS_EXTERN_FLAG;
if (function.is_variadic ())
flags |= TyTy::FnType::FNTYPE_IS_VARADIC_FLAG;
RustIdent ident{
CanonicalPath::new_seg (function.get_mappings ().get_nodeid (),
function.get_item_name ()),
function.get_locus ()};
auto fnType = new TyTy::FnType (function.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
function.get_mappings ().get_defid (),
function.get_item_name (), ident, flags,
parent.get_abi (), std::move (params),
ret_type, std::move (substitutions));
context->insert_type (function.get_mappings (), fnType);
resolved = fnType;
TypeCheckImplItem::TypeCheckImplItem (
HIR::ImplBlock *parent, TyTy::BaseType *self,
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> substitutions)
: TypeCheckBase (), parent (parent), self (self),
substitutions (substitutions)
TyTy::BaseType *
TypeCheckImplItem::Resolve (
HIR::ImplBlock *parent, HIR::ImplItem *item, TyTy::BaseType *self,
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> substitutions)
// is it already resolved?
auto context = TypeCheckContext::get ();
TyTy::BaseType *resolved = nullptr;
bool already_resolved
= context->lookup_type (item->get_impl_mappings ().get_hirid (), &resolved);
if (already_resolved)
return resolved;
// resolve
TypeCheckImplItem resolver (parent, self, substitutions);
item->accept_vis (resolver);
return resolver.result;
TypeCheckImplItem::visit (HIR::Function &function)
if (function.has_generics ())
resolve_generic_params (function.get_generic_params (), substitutions);
for (auto &where_clause_item : function.get_where_clause ().get_items ())
ResolveWhereClauseItem::Resolve (*where_clause_item.get ());
TyTy::BaseType *ret_type = nullptr;
if (!function.has_function_return_type ())
= TyTy::TupleType::get_unit_type (function.get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
auto resolved
= TypeCheckType::Resolve (function.get_return_type ().get ());
if (resolved == nullptr)
rust_error_at (function.get_locus (),
"failed to resolve return type");
ret_type = resolved->clone ();
ret_type->set_ref (
function.get_return_type ()->get_mappings ().get_hirid ());
std::vector<std::pair<HIR::Pattern *, TyTy::BaseType *> > params;
if (function.is_method ())
// these are implicit mappings and not used
auto crate_num = mappings->get_current_crate ();
Analysis::NodeMapping mapping (crate_num, mappings->get_next_node_id (),
mappings->get_next_hir_id (crate_num),
// add the synthetic self param at the front, this is a placeholder for
// compilation to know parameter names. The types are ignored but we
// reuse the HIR identifier pattern which requires it
HIR::SelfParam &self_param = function.get_self_param ();
HIR::IdentifierPattern *self_pattern
= new HIR::IdentifierPattern (mapping, "self", self_param.get_locus (),
self_param.is_ref (),
self_param.get_mut (),
std::unique_ptr<HIR::Pattern> (nullptr));
// might have a specified type
TyTy::BaseType *self_type = nullptr;
if (self_param.has_type ())
std::unique_ptr<HIR::Type> &specified_type = self_param.get_type ();
self_type = TypeCheckType::Resolve (specified_type.get ());
switch (self_param.get_self_kind ())
case HIR::SelfParam::IMM:
case HIR::SelfParam::MUT:
self_type = self->clone ();
case HIR::SelfParam::IMM_REF:
self_type = new TyTy::ReferenceType (
self_param.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyVar (self->get_ref ()), Mutability::Imm);
case HIR::SelfParam::MUT_REF:
self_type = new TyTy::ReferenceType (
self_param.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyVar (self->get_ref ()), Mutability::Mut);
gcc_unreachable ();
context->insert_type (self_param.get_mappings (), self_type);
params.push_back (
std::pair<HIR::Pattern *, TyTy::BaseType *> (self_pattern, self_type));
for (auto &param : function.get_function_params ())
// get the name as well required for later on
auto param_tyty = TypeCheckType::Resolve (param.get_type ());
params.push_back (
std::pair<HIR::Pattern *, TyTy::BaseType *> (param.get_param_name (),
context->insert_type (param.get_mappings (), param_tyty);
TypeCheckPattern::Resolve (param.get_param_name (), param_tyty);
const CanonicalPath *canonical_path = nullptr;
bool ok
= mappings->lookup_canonical_path (function.get_mappings ().get_nodeid (),
rust_assert (ok);
RustIdent ident{*canonical_path, function.get_locus ()};
auto fnType = new TyTy::FnType (function.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
function.get_mappings ().get_defid (),
function.get_function_name (), ident,
function.is_method ()
ABI::RUST, std::move (params), ret_type,
std::move (substitutions));
context->insert_type (function.get_mappings (), fnType);
result = fnType;
// need to get the return type from this
TyTy::FnType *resolve_fn_type = fnType;
auto expected_ret_tyty = resolve_fn_type->get_return_type ();
context->push_return_type (TypeCheckContextItem (parent, &function),
auto block_expr_ty
= TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (function.get_definition ().get ());
Location fn_return_locus = function.has_function_return_type ()
? function.get_return_type ()->get_locus ()
: function.get_locus ();
coercion_site (function.get_definition ()->get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (expected_ret_tyty, fn_return_locus),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (block_expr_ty),
function.get_definition ()->get_locus ());
context->pop_return_type ();
TypeCheckImplItem::visit (HIR::ConstantItem &constant)
TyTy::BaseType *type = TypeCheckType::Resolve (constant.get_type ());
TyTy::BaseType *expr_type = TypeCheckExpr::Resolve (constant.get_expr ());
TyTy::BaseType *unified = unify_site (
constant.get_mappings ().get_hirid (),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (type, constant.get_type ()->get_locus ()),
TyTy::TyWithLocation (expr_type, constant.get_expr ()->get_locus ()),
constant.get_locus ());
context->insert_type (constant.get_mappings (), unified);
result = unified;
TypeCheckImplItem::visit (HIR::TypeAlias &alias)
TyTy::BaseType *actual_type
= TypeCheckType::Resolve (alias.get_type_aliased ().get ());
context->insert_type (alias.get_mappings (), actual_type);
result = actual_type;
for (auto &where_clause_item : alias.get_where_clause ().get_items ())
ResolveWhereClauseItem::Resolve (*where_clause_item.get ());
TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait::TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait (
HIR::ImplBlock *parent, TyTy::BaseType *self,
TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate &trait_reference,
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> substitutions)
: TypeCheckBase (), trait_reference (trait_reference),
resolved_trait_item (TyTy::TypeBoundPredicateItem::error ()),
parent (parent), self (self), substitutions (substitutions)
rust_assert (is_trait_impl_block ());
TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait::Resolve (
HIR::ImplBlock *parent, HIR::ImplItem *item, TyTy::BaseType *self,
TyTy::TypeBoundPredicate &trait_reference,
std::vector<TyTy::SubstitutionParamMapping> substitutions)
TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait resolver (parent, self, trait_reference,
item->accept_vis (resolver);
return resolver.resolved_trait_item;
TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait::visit (HIR::ConstantItem &constant)
// normal resolution of the item
TyTy::BaseType *lookup
= TypeCheckImplItem::Resolve (parent, &constant, self, substitutions);
// map the impl item to the associated trait item
const auto tref = trait_reference.get ();
const TraitItemReference *raw_trait_item = nullptr;
bool found
= tref->lookup_trait_item_by_type (constant.get_identifier (),
// unknown trait item
if (!found || raw_trait_item->is_error ())
RichLocation r (constant.get_locus ());
r.add_range (trait_reference.get_locus ());
rust_error_at (r, "constant %<%s%> is not a member of trait %<%s%>",
constant.get_identifier ().c_str (),
trait_reference.get_name ().c_str ());
// get the item from the predicate
resolved_trait_item = trait_reference.lookup_associated_item (raw_trait_item);
rust_assert (!resolved_trait_item.is_error ());
// merge the attributes
const HIR::TraitItem *hir_trait_item
= resolved_trait_item.get_raw_item ()->get_hir_trait_item ();
merge_attributes (constant.get_outer_attrs (), *hir_trait_item);
// check the types are compatible
auto trait_item_type = resolved_trait_item.get_tyty_for_receiver (self);
if (!trait_item_type->can_eq (lookup, true))
RichLocation r (constant.get_locus ());
r.add_range (resolved_trait_item.get_locus ());
rust_error_at (
r, "constant %<%s%> has an incompatible type for trait %<%s%>",
constant.get_identifier ().c_str (),
trait_reference.get_name ().c_str ());
TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait::visit (HIR::TypeAlias &type)
// normal resolution of the item
TyTy::BaseType *lookup
= TypeCheckImplItem::Resolve (parent, &type, self, substitutions);
// map the impl item to the associated trait item
const auto tref = trait_reference.get ();
const TraitItemReference *raw_trait_item = nullptr;
bool found
= tref->lookup_trait_item_by_type (type.get_new_type_name (),
// unknown trait item
if (!found || raw_trait_item->is_error ())
RichLocation r (type.get_locus ());
r.add_range (trait_reference.get_locus ());
rust_error_at (r, "type alias %<%s%> is not a member of trait %<%s%>",
type.get_new_type_name ().c_str (),
trait_reference.get_name ().c_str ());
// get the item from the predicate
resolved_trait_item = trait_reference.lookup_associated_item (raw_trait_item);
rust_assert (!resolved_trait_item.is_error ());
// merge the attributes
const HIR::TraitItem *hir_trait_item
= resolved_trait_item.get_raw_item ()->get_hir_trait_item ();
merge_attributes (type.get_outer_attrs (), *hir_trait_item);
// check the types are compatible
auto trait_item_type = resolved_trait_item.get_tyty_for_receiver (self);
if (!trait_item_type->can_eq (lookup, true))
RichLocation r (type.get_locus ());
r.add_range (resolved_trait_item.get_locus ());
rust_error_at (
r, "type alias %<%s%> has an incompatible type for trait %<%s%>",
type.get_new_type_name ().c_str (),
trait_reference.get_name ().c_str ());
// its actually a projection, since we need a way to actually bind the
// generic substitutions to the type itself
TyTy::ProjectionType *projection
= new TyTy::ProjectionType (type.get_mappings ().get_hirid (), lookup, tref,
raw_trait_item->get_mappings ().get_defid (),
context->insert_type (type.get_mappings (), projection);
raw_trait_item->associated_type_set (projection);
TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait::visit (HIR::Function &function)
// normal resolution of the item
TyTy::BaseType *lookup
= TypeCheckImplItem::Resolve (parent, &function, self, substitutions);
// map the impl item to the associated trait item
const auto tref = trait_reference.get ();
const TraitItemReference *raw_trait_item = nullptr;
bool found
= tref->lookup_trait_item_by_type (function.get_function_name (),
// unknown trait item
if (!found || raw_trait_item->is_error ())
RichLocation r (function.get_locus ());
r.add_range (trait_reference.get_locus ());
rust_error_at (r, "method %<%s%> is not a member of trait %<%s%>",
function.get_function_name ().c_str (),
trait_reference.get_name ().c_str ());
// get the item from the predicate
resolved_trait_item = trait_reference.lookup_associated_item (raw_trait_item);
rust_assert (!resolved_trait_item.is_error ());
// merge the attributes
const HIR::TraitItem *hir_trait_item
= resolved_trait_item.get_raw_item ()->get_hir_trait_item ();
merge_attributes (function.get_outer_attrs (), *hir_trait_item);
// check the types are compatible
auto trait_item_type = resolved_trait_item.get_tyty_for_receiver (self);
if (!trait_item_type->can_eq (lookup, true))
RichLocation r (function.get_locus ());
r.add_range (resolved_trait_item.get_locus ());
rust_error_at (r,
"method %<%s%> has an incompatible type for trait %<%s%>",
function.get_function_name ().c_str (),
trait_reference.get_name ().c_str ());
TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait::merge_attributes (AST::AttrVec &impl_item_attrs,
const HIR::TraitItem &trait_item)
for (const auto &attr : trait_item.get_outer_attrs ())
impl_item_attrs.push_back (attr);
TypeCheckImplItemWithTrait::is_trait_impl_block () const
return !trait_reference.is_error ();
} // namespace Resolver
} // namespace Rust