blob: e771836d11a77fa35d050300ade9321da1553b75 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! TS 29113
! 6.4.3 UBOUND
! The description of the intrinsic function UBOUND in ISO/IEC
! 1539-1:2010 is changed for an assumed-rank object that is associated
! with an assumed-size array; the result of UBOUND (ARRAY, RANK(ARRAY),
! KIND) has a value equal to LBOUND (ARRAY, RANK (ARRAY), KIND) 2 with
! KIND omitted from LBOUND if it was omitted from UBOUND.
! NOTE 6.2
! If LBOUND or UBOUND is invoked for an assumed-rank object that is
! associated with a scalar and DIM is absent, the result is a zero-sized
! array. LBOUND or UBOUND cannot be invoked for an assumed-rank object
! that is associated with a scalar if DIM is present because the rank of
! a scalar is zero and DIM must be 1.
! The idea here is that the main program passes some arrays to a test
! subroutine with an assumed-size dummy, which in turn passes that to a
! subroutine with an assumed-rank dummy.
program test
! Define some arrays for testing.
integer, target :: x1(5)
integer :: y1(0:9)
integer, pointer :: p1(:)
integer, allocatable :: a1(:)
integer, target :: x3(2,3,4)
integer :: y3(0:1,-3:-1,4)
integer, pointer :: p3(:,:,:)
integer, allocatable :: a3(:,:,:)
integer :: x
! Test the 1-dimensional arrays.
call test1 (x1)
call testit2(x1, shape(x1))
call test1 (y1)
call testit2(y1, shape(y1))
p1 => x1
call testit2(p1, shape(p1))
call testit2p(p1, lbound(p1), shape(p1))
call test1 (p1)
p1(77:) => x1
call testit2p(p1, [77], shape(p1))
allocate (a1(5))
call testit2(a1, shape(a1))
call testit2a(a1, lbound(a1), shape(a1))
call test1 (a1)
allocate (a1(-38:5))
call test1 (a1)
call testit2(a1, shape(a1))
call testit2a(a1, [-38], shape(a1))
! Test the multi-dimensional arrays.
call test3 (x3, 1, 2, 1, 3)
call test3 (y3, 0, 1, -3, -1)
p3 => x3
call test3 (p3, 1, 2, 1, 3)
allocate (a3(2,3,4))
call test3 (a3, 1, 2, 1, 3)
! Test some scalars.
call test0 (x)
call test0 (-1)
call test0 (x1(1))
subroutine testit (a) bind(c)
integer :: a(..)
integer :: r
r = rank(a)
if (any (lbound (a) .ne. 1)) stop 101
if (ubound (a, r) .ne. -1) stop 102
end subroutine
subroutine testit2(a, shape) bind(c)
integer :: a(..)
integer :: shape(:)
if (rank(a) /= size(shape)) stop 111
if (any (lbound(a) /= 1)) stop 112
if (any (ubound(a) /= shape)) stop 113
end subroutine
subroutine testit2a(a,lbound2, shape2) bind(c)
integer, allocatable :: a(..)
integer :: lbound2(:), shape2(:)
if (rank(a) /= size(shape2)) stop 121
if (any (lbound(a) /= lbound2)) stop 122
if (any (ubound(a) /= lbound2 + shape2 - 1)) stop 123
if (any (shape(a) /= shape2)) stop 124
if (sum (shape(a)) /= size(a)) stop 125
end subroutine
subroutine testit2p(a, lbound2, shape2) bind(c)
integer, pointer :: a(..)
integer :: lbound2(:), shape2(:)
if (rank(a) /= size(shape2)) stop 131
if (any (lbound(a) /= lbound2)) stop 132
if (any (ubound(a) /= lbound2 + shape2 - 1)) stop 133
if (any (shape(a) /= shape2)) stop 134
if (sum (shape(a)) /= size(a)) stop 135
end subroutine
subroutine test0 (a) bind(c)
integer :: a(..)
if (rank (a) .ne. 0) stop 141
if (size (lbound (a)) .ne. 0) stop 142
if (size (ubound (a)) .ne. 0) stop 143
end subroutine
subroutine test1 (a) bind(c)
integer :: a(*)
call testit (a)
end subroutine
subroutine test3 (a, l1, u1, l2, u2) bind(c)
implicit none
integer :: l1, u1, l2, u2
integer :: a(l1:u1, l2:u2, *)
call testit (a)
end subroutine
end program