blob: 78cc1ab482ad7c2c3c74c0ae4ce81a12852e9062 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-options "-fexec-charset=UTF-8" }
// { dg-do run { target c++20 } }
// { dg-add-options no_pch }
#include <format>
#ifndef __cpp_lib_format
# error "Feature test macro for std::format is missing in <format>"
#elif __cpp_lib_format < 202110L
# error "Feature test macro for std::format has wrong value in <format>"
#ifndef __cpp_lib_format_uchar
# error "Feature test macro for formatting chars as integers is missing in <format>"
#elif __cpp_lib_format_uchar < 202311L
# error "Feature test macro for formatting chars as integers has wrong value in <format>"
#undef __cpp_lib_format
#include <version>
#ifndef __cpp_lib_format
# error "Feature test macro for std::format is missing in <version>"
#elif __cpp_lib_format < 202110L
# error "Feature test macro for std::format has wrong value in <version>"
#ifndef __cpp_lib_format_uchar
# error "Feature test macro for formatting chars as integers is missing in <version>"
#elif __cpp_lib_format_uchar < 202311L
# error "Feature test macro for formatting chars as integers has wrong value in <version>"
#include <string>
#include <limits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
std::string s;
s = std::format("disco");
VERIFY( s == "disco" );
s = std::format("}} machine {{ funk }} specialists {{");
VERIFY( s == "} machine { funk } specialists {" );
s = std::format("128bpm }}");
VERIFY( s == "128bpm }" );
#ifdef __cpp_exceptions
for (auto f : { "{", "}", "{{{", "{{}", "}{", "{{{{{" })
try {
(void) std::vformat(f, std::make_format_args());
VERIFY( false );
} catch (const std::format_error& e) {
std::string what = e.what();
VERIFY( what.find("unmatched") != what.npos );
struct brit_punc : std::numpunct<char>
std::string do_grouping() const override { return "\3\3"; }
char do_thousands_sep() const override { return ','; }
std::string do_truename() const override { return "yes mate"; }
std::string do_falsename() const override { return "nah bruv"; }
using namespace std;
string s = format("{0}-{{", 8); // value of s is "8-{"
VERIFY( s == "8-{" );
// align
char c = 120;
string s0 = format("{:6}", 42);
VERIFY(s0 == " 42");
string s1 = format("{:6}", 'x');
VERIFY(s1 == "x ");
string s2 = format("{:*<6}", 'x');
VERIFY(s2 == "x*****");
string s3 = format("{:*>6}", 'x');
VERIFY(s3 == "*****x");
string s4 = format("{:*^6}", 'x');
VERIFY(s4 == "**x***");
string s5 = format("{:6d}", c);
VERIFY(s5 == " 120");
string s6 = format("{:6}", true);
VERIFY(s6 == "true ");
string s7 = format("{:*<6.3}", "123456");
VERIFY( s7 == "123***" );
string s8 = format("{:02}", 1234);
VERIFY( s8 == "1234" );
string s9 = format("{:*<}", "12");
VERIFY( s9 == "12" );
string sA = format("{:*<6}", "12345678");
VERIFY( sA == "12345678" );
string sB = format("{:🤡^6}", "x");
VERIFY( sB == "🤡🤡x🤡🤡🤡" );
string sC = format("{:*^6}", "🤡🤡🤡");
VERIFY( sC == "🤡🤡🤡" );
// sign
double inf = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double nan = numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
string s0 = format("{0:},{0:+},{0:-},{0: }", 1);
VERIFY(s0 == "1,+1,1, 1");
string s1 = format("{0:},{0:+},{0:-},{0: }", -1);
VERIFY(s1 == "-1,-1,-1,-1");
string s2 = format("{0:},{0:+},{0:-},{0: }", inf);
VERIFY(s2 == "inf,+inf,inf, inf");
string s3 = format("{0:},{0:+},{0:-},{0: }", nan);
VERIFY(s3 == "nan,+nan,nan, nan");
// alternate form and zero fill
char c = 120;
string s1 = format("{:+06d}", c);
VERIFY(s1 == "+00120");
string s2 = format("{:#06x}", 0xa);
VERIFY(s2 == "0x000a");
string s3 = format("{:<06}", -42);
VERIFY(s3 == "-42 "); // 0 is ignored because of < alignment
// integer presentation types
// Change global locale so "{:L}" adds digit separators.
std::locale::global(std::locale({}, new brit_punc));
string s0 = format("{}", 42);
VERIFY(s0 == "42");
string s1 = format("{0:b} {0:d} {0:o} {0:x}", 42);
VERIFY(s1 == "101010 42 52 2a");
string s2 = format("{0:#x} {0:#X}", 42);
VERIFY(s2 == "0x2a 0X2A");
string s3 = format("{:L}", 1234);
VERIFY(s3 == "1,234");
// Test locale's "byte-and-a-half" grouping (Imperial word? tribble?).
string s4 = format("{:#Lx}", 0xfffff);
VERIFY(s4 == "0xff,fff");
// Restore
string s5 = format("{}", -100); // PR libstdc++/114325
VERIFY(s5 == "-100");
string s6 = format("{:d} {:d}", -123, 999);
VERIFY(s6 == "-123 999");
std::string s;
s = std::format("{0:#b} {0:+#B} {0:#o} {0:#x} {0:+#X} {0: #d}", 42);
VERIFY( s == "0b101010 +0B101010 052 0x2a +0X2A 42" );
s = std::format("{0:#b} {0:+#B} {0:#o} {0:#x} {0:+#X} {0: #d}", 0);
VERIFY( s == "0b0 +0B0 0 0x0 +0X0 0" );
s = std::format("{0:+#012g} {0:+#014g} {0:+#014g}", 1234.0);
VERIFY( s == "+00001234.00 +0000001234.00 +0000001234.00" );
s = std::format("{0:+#0{1}g} {0:+#0{2}g} {0:+#0{2}g}", 1234.5, 12, 14);
VERIFY( s == "+00001234.50 +0000001234.50 +0000001234.50" );
s = std::format("{:#.2g}", -0.0);
VERIFY( s == "-0.0" );
// PR libstdc++/108046
s = std::format("{0:#.0} {0:#.1} {0:#.0g}", 10.0);
VERIFY( s == "1.e+01 1.e+01 1.e+01" );
// PR libstdc++/113512
s = std::format("{:#.3g}", 0.025);
VERIFY( s == "0.0250" );
s = std::format("{:#07.3g}", 0.02);
VERIFY( s == "00.0200" );
double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
std::string s;
s = std::format("{0} {0:e} {0:E} {0:f} {0:F} {0:g} {0:G} {0:a} {0:A}", inf);
VERIFY( s == "inf inf INF inf INF inf INF inf INF" );
s = std::format("{0} {0:e} {0:E} {0:f} {0:F} {0:g} {0:G} {0:a} {0:A}", nan);
VERIFY( s == "nan nan NAN nan NAN nan NAN nan NAN" );
struct euro_punc : std::numpunct<char>
std::string do_grouping() const override { return "\3\3"; }
char do_thousands_sep() const override { return '.'; }
char do_decimal_point() const override { return ','; }
// The default C locale.
std::locale cloc = std::locale::classic();
// A custom locale using comma digit separators.
std::locale bloc(cloc, new brit_punc);
// A custom locale using period digit separators.
std::locale eloc(cloc, new euro_punc);
std::string s;
// Change the global locale:
// Format using the global locale:
s = std::format("{0:L} {0:Lx} {0:Lb}", 12345);
VERIFY( s == "12,345 3,039 11,000,000,111,001" );
s = std::format("{0:L} {0:.7Lg} {0:La}", 12345.6789);
VERIFY( s == "12,345.6789 12,345.68 1.81cd6e631f8a1p+13" );
s = std::format("{0:s} {0:L} {1:Ls} {0:Ld}", true, false);
VERIFY( s == "true yes mate nah bruv 1" );
// Format using a specific locale:
s = std::format(eloc, "{0:L} {0:Lx} {0:Lb}", 12345);
VERIFY( s == "12.345 3.039" );
s = std::format(eloc, "{0:L} {0:.7LG} {0:La}", 12345.6789);
VERIFY( s == "12.345,6789 12.345,68 1,81cd6e631f8a1p+13" );
s = std::format(eloc, "{0:#Lg} {0:+#.3Lg} {0:#08.4Lg}", -1234.);
VERIFY( s == "-1.234,00 -1,23e+03 -01.234," );
s = std::format(cloc, "{:05L}", -1.0); // PR libstdc++/110968
VERIFY( s == "-0001" );
// PR libstdc++/114863 grouping applied to nan and inf
double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
s = std::format(eloc, "{0:Le} {0:Lf} {0:Lg}", -inf);
VERIFY( s == "-inf -inf -inf" );
double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
s = std::format(eloc, "{0:Le} {0:Lf} {0:Lg}", -nan);
VERIFY( s == "-nan -nan -nan" );
// Restore
std::string s;
s = std::format("{:4}", "");
VERIFY( s == " " );
s = std::format("{:{}}", "", 3);
VERIFY( s == " " );
s = std::format("{:{}}|{:{}}", 1, 2, 3, 4);
VERIFY( s == " 1| 3" );
s = std::format("{1:{0}}", 2, "");
VERIFY( s == " " );
s = std::format("{:03}", 9);
VERIFY( s == "009" );
s = std::format("DR {0:{1}}: allow width {1} from arg-id", 3721, 0);
VERIFY( s == "DR 3721: allow width 0 from arg-id" );
try {
s = std::format("Negative width is an error: {0:{1}}", 123, -1);
} catch (const std::format_error&) {
try {
bool no = false, yes = true;
auto args = std::make_format_args(no, yes);
s = std::vformat("DR 3720: restrict type of width arg-id {0:{1}}", args);
} catch (const std::format_error&) {
try {
char wat = '?', bang = '!';
auto args = std::make_format_args(wat, bang);
s = std::vformat("DR 3720: restrict type of width arg-id {0:{1}}", args);
} catch (const std::format_error&) {
std::string s;
s = std::format("{}", 'a');
VERIFY( s == "a" );
s = std::format("{:c} {:d} {:o}", 'b', '\x17', '\x3f');
VERIFY( s == "b 23 77" );
s = std::format("{:#d} {:#o}", '\x17', '\x3f');
VERIFY( s == "23 077" );
s = std::format("{:04d} {:04o}", '\x17', '\x3f');
VERIFY( s == "0023 0077" );
s = std::format("{:b} {:B} {:#b} {:#B}", '\xff', '\xa0', '\x17', '\x3f');
VERIFY( s == "11111111 10100000 0b10111 0B111111" );
s = std::format("{:x} {:#x} {:#X}", '\x12', '\x34', '\x45');
VERIFY( s == "12 0x34 0X45" );
// P2909R4 Fix formatting of code units as integers (Dude, where’s my char?)
// char and wchar_t should be converted to unsigned when formatting them
// with an integer presentation type.
s = std::format("{0:b} {0:B} {0:d} {0:o} {0:x} {0:X}", '\xf0');
VERIFY( s == "11110000 11110000 240 360 f0 F0" );
using namespace std::literals;
std::wstring s;
s = std::format(L"{}", L'a');
VERIFY( s == L"a" );
s = std::format(L"{} {} {} {} {} {}", L'0', 1, 2LL, 3.4, L"five", L"six"s);
VERIFY( s == L"0 1 2 3.4 five six" );
std::locale loc;
s = std::format(loc, L"{:L} {:.3s}{:Lc}", true, L"data"sv, '.');
VERIFY( s == L"true dat." );
s = std::format(L"{}", 0.0625);
VERIFY( s == L"0.0625" );
s = std::format(L"{}", 0.25);
VERIFY( s == L"0.25" );
s = std::format(L"{:+a} {:A}", 0x1.23p45, -0x1.abcdefp-15);
VERIFY( s == L"+1.23p+45 -1.ABCDEFP-15" );
double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
s = std::format(L"{0} {0:F} {1} {1:E}", -inf, -nan);
VERIFY( s == L"-inf -INF -nan -NAN" );
s = std::format(L"{0:#b} {0:#B} {0:#x} {0:#X}", 99);
VERIFY( s == L"0b1100011 0B1100011 0x63 0X63" );
// P2909R4 Fix formatting of code units as integers (Dude, where’s my char?)
s = std::format(L"{:d} {:d}", wchar_t(-1), char(-1));
VERIFY( s.find('-') == std::wstring::npos );
auto check = []<typename T, typename U = std::make_unsigned_t<T>>(T, U = 0) {
const int digits = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits;
const std::string zeros(digits, '0');
const std::string ones(digits, '1');
auto s = std::format("{:b}" , std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
VERIFY( s == "-1" + zeros );
s = std::format("{:b}" , std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
VERIFY( s == ones );
s = std::format("{:0{}b}" , std::numeric_limits<U>::min(), digits + 1);
VERIFY( s == '0' + zeros );
s = std::format("{:b}" , std::numeric_limits<U>::max());
VERIFY( s == '1' + ones );
check((signed char)(0)); // int8_t is char on Solaris, see PR 113450
#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__
// std::make_unsigned_t<__int128> is invalid for strict -std=c++20 mode,
// so pass a second argument of the unsigned type.
check(__int128(0), (unsigned __int128)(0));
test_p1652r1() // printf corner cases in std::format
std::string s;
// Problem 1: "#o" specification should not print 0 as "00"
s = std::format("{:#o}", 0);
VERIFY( s == "0" );
// Problem 2: 'c' should be able to print 65 as "A" (ASCII)
int c = 'A';
s = std::format("{:c}", c);
VERIFY( s == "A" );
// Problem 3: "-000nan" is not a floating point value
double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
try {
s = std::vformat("{:0=6}", std::make_format_args(nan));
VERIFY( false );
} catch (const std::format_error&) {
s = std::format("{:06}", nan);
VERIFY( s == " nan" );
// Problem 4: bool needs a type format specifier
s = std::format("{:s}", true);
VERIFY( s == "true" );
// Problem 5: double does not roundtrip float
s = std::format("{}", 3.31f);
VERIFY( s == "3.31" );
void* p = nullptr;
const void* pc = p;
std::string s, str_int;
s = std::format("{}", p);
VERIFY( s == "0x0" );
s = std::format("{} {} {}", p, pc, nullptr);
VERIFY( s == "0x0 0x0 0x0" );
s = std::format("{:p} {:p} {:p}", p, pc, nullptr);
VERIFY( s == "0x0 0x0 0x0" );
s = std::format("{:4},{:5},{:6}", p, pc, nullptr); // width
VERIFY( s == " 0x0, 0x0, 0x0" );
s = std::format("{:<4},{:>5},{:^7}", p, pc, nullptr); // align+width
VERIFY( s == "0x0 , 0x0, 0x0 " );
s = std::format("{:o<4},{:o>5},{:o^7}", p, pc, nullptr); // fill+align+width
VERIFY( s == "0x0o,oo0x0,oo0x0oo" );
pc = p = &s;
str_int = std::format("{:#x}", reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(p));
s = std::format("{} {} {}", p, pc, nullptr);
VERIFY( s == (str_int + ' ' + str_int + " 0x0") );
str_int = std::format("{:#20x}", reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(p));
s = std::format("{:20} {:20p}", p, pc);
VERIFY( s == (str_int + ' ' + str_int) );
#if __cplusplus > 202302L || ! defined __STRICT_ANSI__
// P2510R3 Formatting pointers
s = std::format("{:06} {:07P} {:08p}", (void*)0, (const void*)0, nullptr);
VERIFY( s == "0x0000 0X00000 0x000000" );
str_int = std::format("{:#016x}", reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(p));
s = std::format("{:016} {:016}", p, pc);
VERIFY( s == (str_int + ' ' + str_int) );
str_int = std::format("{:#016X}", reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(p));
s = std::format("{:016P} {:016P}", p, pc);
VERIFY( s == (str_int + ' ' + str_int) );
std::string s;
s = std::format("{}", true);
VERIFY( s == "true" );
s = std::format("{:} {:s}", true, false);
VERIFY( s == "true false" );
s = std::format("{:b} {:#b}", true, false);
VERIFY( s == "1 0b0" );
s = std::format("{:B} {:#B}", false, true);
VERIFY( s == "0 0B1" );
s = std::format("{:d} {:#d}", false, true);
VERIFY( s == "0 1" );
s = std::format("{:o} {:#o} {:#o}", false, true, false);
VERIFY( s == "0 01 0" );
s = std::format("{:x} {:#x} {:#X}", false, true, false);
VERIFY( s == "0 0x1 0X0" );
// Similar to sC example in test_std_examples, but not from the standard.
// Verify that the character "🤡" has estimated field width 2,
// rather than estimated field width equal to strlen("🤡"), which would be 4.
std::string sC = std::format("{:*<3}", "🤡");
VERIFY( sC == "🤡*" );
// Verify that "£" has estimated field width 1, not strlen("£") == 2.
std::string sL = std::format("{:*<3}", "£");
VERIFY( sL == "£**" );
// Verify that precision is measured in field width units (column positions)
// not bytes. The result should contain complete Unicode characters, not be
// truncated in the middle of a multibyte UTF-8 sequence. The string "£" has
// field width 1 despite being 2 bytes, and the string "🤡" has field width 2
// and so cannot be formatted into a replacement field using .1 precision.
std::string sP = std::format("{:1.1} {:*<1.1}", "£", "🤡");
VERIFY( sP == "£ *" );
sP = std::format("{:*<2.1} {:*<2.1}", "£", "🤡");
VERIFY( sP == "£* **" );
// Verify field width handling for extended grapheme clusters,
// and that a cluster gets output as a single item, not truncated.
std::string sG = std::format("{:*>2.1}", "\u006f\u0302\u0323!");
VERIFY( sG == "*\u006f\u0302\u0323" );
// Examples from P1868R2
const char* inputs[][2] = {
{"\x41", " \u0041"},
{"\xC3\x81", " \u00c1"},
{"\x41\xCC\x81", " \u0041\u0301"},
{"\xc4\xb2", " \u0132"},
{"\xce\x94", " \u0394"},
{"\xd0\xa9", " \u0429"},
{"\xd7\x90", " \u05D0"},
{"\xd8\xb4", " \u0634"},
{"\xe3\x80\x89", " \u3009"},
{"\xe7\x95\x8c", " \u754C"},
{"\xf0\x9f\xa6\x84", " \U0001F984"},
" \U0001F468\u200D\U0001F469\u200D\U0001F467\u200D\U0001F466" }
for (auto& input : inputs)
std::string sA = std::format("{:>5}", input[0]);
VERIFY( sA == input[1] );
int main()