blob: d8e08a73172df7304e7f4af982061f68b0db6e7e [file] [log] [blame]
#include <new>
#include <cstddef>
struct foo
foo (int i) : m_i (i) {} // { dg-message "argument 'this' of 'foo::foo\\(int\\)' must be non-null" "note" }
int get () const { return m_i; } // { dg-message "argument 'this' of '\[^\n\]*' must be non-null" "note" }
int meth_1 (int, void *ptr) __attribute__((nonnull)); // { dg-message "argument 2 of '\[^\n\]*' must be non-null" "note" }
int meth_2 (int, void *ptr) __attribute__((nonnull(3))); // { dg-message "argument 2 of '\[^\n\]*' must be non-null" "note" }
int m_i;
void test_1 (void)
foo *p = new(NULL) foo (42); // { dg-warning "non-null expected" "warning" }
// { dg-message "argument 'this' \\(\[^\n\]*\\) NULL where non-null expected" "final event" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
int test_2 (void)
foo *p = NULL;
return p->get (); // { dg-warning "non-null expected" "warning" }
// { dg-message "argument 'this' \\('p'\\) NULL where non-null expected" "final event" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
int test_meth_1 (foo *f)
return f->meth_1 (42, NULL); // { dg-warning "non-null expected" "warning" }
// { dg-message "argument 2 NULL where non-null expected" "final event" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
int test_meth_2 (foo *f)
return f->meth_2 (42, NULL); // { dg-warning "non-null expected" "warning" }
// { dg-message "argument 2 NULL where non-null expected" "final event" { target *-*-* } .-1 }