blob: 36af53adfe1eeb785aadc8cf589dcaa499ccff2b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fdec-structure" }
! Test whether union backend declarations are corrently _not_ copied when they
! are not in fact equal. The structure defined in sub() is seen later, but
! where siz has a different value.
subroutine aborts (s)
character(*), intent(in) :: s
print *, s
call abort()
end subroutine
subroutine sub ()
integer, parameter :: siz = 1024
structure /s6/
union ! U0
map ! M0
integer ibuf(siz)
end map
map ! M1
character(8) cbuf(siz)
end map
map ! M2
real rbuf(siz)
end map
end union
end structure
record /s6/ r6
r6.ibuf(1) = z'badbeef'
r6.ibuf(2) = z'badbeef'
end subroutine
! Repeat definition from subroutine sub with different size parameter.
! If the structure definition is copied here the stack may get messed up.
integer, parameter :: siz = 65536
structure /s6/
union ! U12
integer ibuf(siz)
end map
character(8) cbuf(siz)
end map
real rbuf(siz)
end map
end union
end structure
record /s6/ r6
integer :: r6_canary = 0
! Copied type declaration - this should not cause problems
i = 1
do while (i < siz)
r6.ibuf(i) = z'badbeef'
i = i + 1
end do
if ( r6_canary .ne. 0 ) then
call aborts ('copied decls: overflow')