blob: f3a739f503ddeb88dc51f3c333288677a276fcb7 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Checks the fix for PR67977 in which automatic reallocation on assignment
! was performed when the lhs had a substring reference.
! Contributed by Anton Shterenlikht <>
character(:), allocatable :: z
integer :: length
z = "cockatoo"
length = len (z)
z(:) = ''
if (len(z) .ne. length) call abort
if (trim (z) .ne. '') call abort
z(:3) = "foo"
if (len(z) .ne. length) call abort
if (trim (z) .ne. "foo") call abort
z(4:) = "__bar"
if (len(z) .ne. length) call abort
if (trim (z) .ne. "foo__bar") call abort
deallocate (z)