blob: 4d56afbe789db561a87223f67731737ac39d8499 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests corrections to implementation of pointer function assignments.
! Contributed by Mikael Morin <>
module m
implicit none
type dt
integer :: data
procedure assign_dt
generic :: assignment(=) => assign_dt
end type
subroutine assign_dt(too, from)
class(dt), intent(out) :: too
type(dt), intent(in) :: from
too%data = from%data + 1
end subroutine
end module m
program p
use m
integer, parameter :: b = 3
integer, target :: a = 2
type(dt), target :: tdt
type(dt) :: sdt = dt(1)
func (arg=b) = 1 ! This was rejected as an unclassifiable statement
if (a /= 1) call abort
func (b + b - 3) = -1
if (a /= -1) call abort
dtfunc () = sdt ! Check that defined assignment is resolved
if (tdt%data /= 2) call abort
function func(arg) result(r)
integer, pointer :: r
integer :: arg
if (arg == 3) then
r => a
r => null()
end if
end function func
function dtfunc() result (r)
type(dt), pointer :: r
r => tdt
end function
end program p