blob: 78101fcb8ad1e7e2e0079719ef71637d88fd5790 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR69651 Usage of unitialized pointer io/list_read.c
! Note: The uninitialized pointer was not the cause of the problem
! observed with this test case. This tests the case with UTF-8
! files. The large string test the realloc use in push_char4 of
! list_read.c
program test
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k, ios
integer, parameter :: big = 600
real :: r, s
complex :: c, d
character(kind=4,len=big) :: str1, str2, str3
do i=1,big, 10
do j = 0, 9
k = i + j
str2(k:k) = char(65+j)
end do
end do
i = -5
j = -6
r = -3.14
s = -2.71
c = (-1.1,-2.2)
d = (-3.3,-4.4)
str3 = str2
open(15, status='scratch', encoding="utf-8")
write(15,*) "10 1!2"
write(15,*) " 23.5! 34.5"
write(15,*) " (67.50,69.25) (51.25,87.75)!"
write(15,*) " 'abcdefgh!'", " ", str2
str1 = 4_"candy"
str2 = 4_"peppermint"
read(15,*,iostat=ios) i, j
if ( call abort
read(15,*,iostat=ios) r, s
if ( call abort
read(15,*,iostat=ios) c, d
if ( call abort
read(15,*,iostat=ios) str1, str2
if ( call abort
if ("abcdefgh!") call abort
if ( call abort
end program