blob: 86db98abc75570ccd274aa22ca5e9dc66ba0ab1b [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
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-- S Y S T E M . S T R E A M _ A T T R I B U T E S . X D R --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This package contains alternate implementations of the stream attributes
-- for elementary types based on the XDR standard. These are the subprograms
-- that are directly accessed by occurrences of the stream attributes where
-- the type is elementary.
-- It is especially useful for exchanging streams between two different
-- systems with different basic type representations and endianness.
-- We only provide the subprograms for the standard base types. For user
-- defined types, the subprogram for the corresponding root type is called
-- with an appropriate conversion.
package System.Stream_Attributes.XDR is
pragma Preelaborate;
pragma Suppress (Accessibility_Check, XDR);
-- No need to check accessibility on arguments of subprograms
-- Input Functions --
-- Functions for S'Input attribute. These functions are also used for
-- S'Read, with the obvious transformation, since the input operation
-- is the same for all elementary types (no bounds or discriminants
-- are involved).
function I_AD (Stream : not null access RST) return Fat_Pointer;
function I_AS (Stream : not null access RST) return Thin_Pointer;
function I_B (Stream : not null access RST) return Boolean;
function I_C (Stream : not null access RST) return Character;
function I_F (Stream : not null access RST) return Float;
function I_I (Stream : not null access RST) return Integer;
function I_I24 (Stream : not null access RST) return Integer_24;
function I_LF (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Float;
function I_LI (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Integer;
function I_LLF (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Long_Float;
function I_LLI (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Long_Integer;
function I_LLU (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Long_Long_Unsigned;
function I_LU (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Long_Unsigned;
function I_SF (Stream : not null access RST) return Short_Float;
function I_SI (Stream : not null access RST) return Short_Integer;
function I_SSI (Stream : not null access RST) return Short_Short_Integer;
function I_SSU (Stream : not null access RST) return
function I_SU (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Short_Unsigned;
function I_U (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Unsigned;
function I_U24 (Stream : not null access RST) return Unsigned_24;
function I_WC (Stream : not null access RST) return Wide_Character;
function I_WWC (Stream : not null access RST) return Wide_Wide_Character;
-- Output Procedures --
-- Procedures for S'Write attribute. These procedures are also used for
-- 'Output, since for elementary types there is no difference between
-- 'Write and 'Output because there are no discriminants or bounds to
-- be written.
procedure W_AD (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Fat_Pointer);
procedure W_AS (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Thin_Pointer);
procedure W_B (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Boolean);
procedure W_C (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Character);
procedure W_F (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Float);
procedure W_I (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Integer);
procedure W_I24 (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Integer_24);
procedure W_LF (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Float);
procedure W_LI (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Integer);
procedure W_LLF (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Long_Float);
procedure W_LLI (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Long_Integer);
procedure W_LLU (Stream : not null access RST; Item :
procedure W_LU (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Long_Unsigned);
procedure W_SF (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Short_Float);
procedure W_SI (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Short_Integer);
procedure W_SSI (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Short_Short_Integer);
procedure W_SSU (Stream : not null access RST; Item :
procedure W_SU (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Short_Unsigned);
procedure W_U (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Unsigned);
procedure W_U24 (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Unsigned_24);
procedure W_WC (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Wide_Character);
procedure W_WWC (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Wide_Wide_Character);
end System.Stream_Attributes.XDR;