blob: 6cab605655853ba5ed4e1efeff525b11df81dc5f [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-options "-Os -fdump-tree-pre-details -fdisable-tree-evrp -fno-tree-dse" } */
/* Disable tree-evrp because the new version of evrp sees
<bb 3> :
if (j_8(D) != 2147483647)
goto <bb 4>; [50.00%]
goto <bb 5>; [50.00%]
<bb 4> :
iftmp.2_11 = j_8(D) + 1;
<bb 5> :
# iftmp.2_12 = PHI <j_8(D)(3), iftmp.2_11(4)>
EVRP now recognizes a constant can be propagated into the 3->5 edge and
# iftmp.2_12 = PHI <2147483647(3), iftmp.2_11(4)>
which causes the situation being tested to dissapear before we get to PRE. */
/* Likewise disable DSE which also elides the tail merging "opportunity". */
#if __SIZEOF_INT__ == 2
#define unsigned __UINT32_TYPE__
#define int __INT32_TYPE__
unsigned a;
int b, c;
static int
fn1 (int p1, int p2)
return p1 > 2147483647 - p2 ? p1 : p1 + p2;
fn2 (void)
int j;
a = 30;
for (; a;)
for (; c; b = fn1 (j, 1))
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "(?n)find_duplicates: <bb .*> duplicate of <bb .*>" 1 "pre" } } */