blob: 3248f3e10352ddcefba962f332c59799356c2d6e [file] [log] [blame]
// 6265.
pure nothrow @safe int h6265() {
return 1;
int f6265a(alias g)() {
return g();
pure nothrow @safe int i6265a() {
return f6265a!h6265();
int f6265b()() {
return h6265();
pure nothrow @safe int i6265b() {
return f6265b();
pure nothrow @safe int i6265c() {
return {
return h6265();
// Make sure a function is not infered as pure if it isn't.
int fNPa() {
return 1;
int gNPa()() {
return fNPa();
static assert( __traits(compiles, function int () { return gNPa(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, function int () pure { return gNPa(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, function int () nothrow { return gNPa(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, function int () @safe { return gNPa(); }));
// Need to ensure the comment in Expression::checkPurity is not violated.
void fECPa() {
void g()() {
void h() {
static assert( is(typeof(&g!()) == void delegate() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
static assert(!is(typeof(&g!()) == void delegate()));
void fECPb() {
void g()() {
void h() {
static assert(!is(typeof(&g!()) == void delegate() pure));
static assert( is(typeof(&g!()) == void delegate()));
// 5635
pure bool foo5635(R = int)(string x)
bool result = false;
foreach (dchar d; x)
result = true;
return result;
void test5635()
// 5936
auto bug5936c(R)(R i) @safe pure nothrow {
return true;
static assert( bug5936c(0) );
// 6351
void bug6351(alias dg)()
void test6351()
void delegate(int[] a...) deleg6351 = (int[] a...){};
alias bug6351!(deleg6351) baz6531;
// 6359
void impure6359() nothrow @safe @nogc {}
void throwable6359() pure @safe @nogc {}
void system6359() pure nothrow @nogc {}
void gcable6359() pure nothrow @safe {}
int global6359;
void f6359() pure nothrow @safe @nogc
static assert(!__traits(compiles, impure6359()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, throwable6359()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, system6359()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, gcable6359()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, global6359++));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { impure6359(); }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { throwable6359(); }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { system6359(); }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { gcable6359(); }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { global6359++; }()));
void g6359()() pure nothrow @safe @nogc
static assert(!__traits(compiles, impure6359()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, throwable6359()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, system6359()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, gcable6359()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, global6359++));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { impure6359(); }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { throwable6359(); }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { system6359(); }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { gcable6359(); }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { global6359++; }()));
// attribute inference is not affected by the expressions inside __traits(compiles)
void h6359()()
static assert( __traits(compiles, impure6359()));
static assert( __traits(compiles, throwable6359()));
static assert( __traits(compiles, system6359()));
static assert( __traits(compiles, gcable6359()));
static assert( __traits(compiles, global6359++));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { impure6359(); }()));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { throwable6359(); }()));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { system6359(); }()));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { gcable6359(); }()));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { global6359++; }()));
void test6359() pure nothrow @safe @nogc
// 7017
template map7017(fun...) if (fun.length >= 1)
auto map7017()
struct Result {
this(int dummy){} // impure member function -> inferred to pure by fixing issue 10329
return Result(0); // impure call -> inferred to pure by fixing issue 10329
int foo7017(immutable int x) pure nothrow { return 1; }
void test7017a() pure
int bar7017(immutable int x) pure nothrow { return 1; }
static assert(__traits(compiles, map7017!((){})()));
static assert(__traits(compiles, map7017!q{ 1 }()));
static assert(__traits(compiles, map7017!foo7017()));
static assert(__traits(compiles, map7017!bar7017()));
// 7017 (little simpler cases)
auto map7017a(alias fun)() { return fun(); } // depends on purity of fun
auto map7017b(alias fun)() { return; } // always pure
auto map7017c(alias fun)() { return yyy7017(); } // always impure
int xxx7017() pure { return 1; }
int yyy7017() { return 1; }
void test7017b() pure
static assert( __traits(compiles, map7017a!xxx7017() ));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, map7017a!yyy7017() ));
static assert( __traits(compiles, map7017b!xxx7017() ));
static assert( __traits(compiles, map7017b!yyy7017() ));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, map7017c!xxx7017() ));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, map7017c!yyy7017() ));
// Test case from std.process
auto escapeArgumentImpl(alias allocator)()
return allocator();
auto escapeShellArgument(alias allocator)()
return escapeArgumentImpl!allocator();
pure string escapeShellArguments()
char[] allocator()
return new char[1];
/* Both escape!allocator and escapeImpl!allocator are impure,
* but they are nested template function that instantiated here.
* Then calling them from here doesn't break purity.
return escapeShellArgument!allocator();
// 8234
void test8234()
immutable int x = 0;
alias FP = typeof({ enum e = x; return e; });
static assert(is(FP : int function()));
auto fp = { enum e = x; return e; };
static assert(is(typeof(fp) : int function()));
alias DG = typeof({ auto e = x; return e; });
static assert(is(DG : int delegate()));
auto dg = { auto e = x; return e; };
static assert(is(typeof(dg) : int delegate()));
// 8504
import core.demangle : demangle;
void foo8504()()
static assert(typeof(foo8504!()).stringof == "void()");
static assert(typeof(foo8504!()).mangleof == "FZv");
static assert(demangle(foo8504!().mangleof) == "void testInference.foo8504!().foo8504()");
auto toDelegate8504a(F)(auto ref F fp) { return fp; }
F toDelegate8504b(F)(auto ref F fp) { return fp; }
extern(C) void testC8504() {}
void test8504()
static assert(typeof(foo8504!()).stringof == "pure nothrow @nogc @safe void()");
static assert(typeof(foo8504!()).mangleof == "FNaNbNiNfZv");
static assert(demangle(foo8504!().mangleof) == "pure nothrow @nogc @safe void testInference.foo8504!().foo8504()");
auto fp1 = toDelegate8504a(&testC8504);
auto fp2 = toDelegate8504b(&testC8504);
static assert(is(typeof(fp1) == typeof(fp2)));
static assert(typeof(fp1).stringof == "extern (C) void function()");
static assert(typeof(fp2).stringof == "extern (C) void function()");
static assert(typeof(fp1).mangleof == "PUZv");
static assert(typeof(fp2).mangleof == "PUZv");
// 8751
alias bool delegate(in int) pure Bar8751;
Bar8751 foo8751a(immutable int x) pure
return y => x > y; // OK
Bar8751 foo8751b(const int x) pure
return y => x > y; // error -> OK
// 8793
alias bool delegate(in int) pure Dg8793;
alias bool function(in int) pure Fp8793;
Dg8793 foo8793fp1(immutable Fp8793 f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // OK
Dg8793 foo8793fp2( const Fp8793 f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // OK
Dg8793 foo8793dg1(immutable Dg8793 f) pure { return x => f(x); } // OK
Dg8793 foo8793dg2( const Dg8793 f) pure { return x => f(x); } // OK <- error
Dg8793 foo8793pfp1(immutable Fp8793* f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // OK
Dg8793 foo8793pdg1(immutable Dg8793* f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // OK
Dg8793 foo8793pfp2(const Fp8793* f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // OK <- error
Dg8793 foo8793pdg2(const Dg8793* f) pure { return x => (*f)(x); } // OK <- error
// general case for the hasPointer type
Dg8793 foo8793ptr1(immutable int* p) pure { return x => *p == x; } // OK
Dg8793 foo8793ptr2(const int* p) pure { return x => *p == x; } // OK <- error
// 9072
struct A9072(T)
this(U)(U x) {}
~this() {}
void test9072()
A9072!int a = A9072!short();
// 5933 + Issue 8504 - Template attribute inferrence doesn't work
int foo5933()(int a) { return a*a; }
struct S5933
double foo()(double a) { return a * a; }
// outside function
static assert(typeof(foo5933!()).stringof == "pure nothrow @nogc @safe int(int a)");
static assert(typeof(!()).stringof == "pure nothrow @nogc @safe double(double a)");
void test5933()
// inside function
static assert(typeof(foo5933!()).stringof == "pure nothrow @nogc @safe int(int a)");
static assert(typeof(!()).stringof == "pure nothrow @nogc @safe double(double a)");
// 9148
void test9148a() pure
static int g;
int x;
void foo1() /+pure+/
static assert(!__traits(compiles, g++));
void foo2() pure
static assert(!__traits(compiles, g++));
static assert(is(typeof(&foo1) == void delegate() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
static assert(is(typeof(&foo2) == void delegate() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
void bar1() immutable /+pure+/
static assert(!__traits(compiles, g++));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, x++));
void bar2() immutable pure
static assert(!__traits(compiles, g++));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, x++));
static assert(is(typeof(&bar1) == void delegate() pure immutable nothrow @nogc @safe));
static assert(is(typeof(&bar2) == void delegate() pure immutable nothrow @nogc @safe));
struct S
void foo1() /+pure+/
static assert(!__traits(compiles, g++));
void foo2() pure
static assert(!__traits(compiles, g++));
void bar1() immutable /+pure+/
static assert(!__traits(compiles, g++));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, x++));
void bar2() immutable pure
static assert(!__traits(compiles, g++));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, x++));
S sm;
static assert(is(typeof(&sm.foo1) == void delegate() pure));
static assert(is(typeof(&sm.foo2) == void delegate() pure));
immutable S si;
static assert(is(typeof(&si.bar1) == void delegate() pure immutable));
static assert(is(typeof(&si.bar2) == void delegate() pure immutable));
// ----
// inheritance of pure and @safe
void test9148b() pure nothrow @nogc @safe
void nf() {}
static assert(is(typeof(&nf) == void delegate() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
struct NS
void mf() {}
static void sf() {}
NS ns;
static assert(is(typeof(& == void delegate() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
static assert(is(typeof(&NS.sf) == void function() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
static void sf() {}
static assert(is(typeof(&sf) == void function() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
static struct SS
void mf() {}
static void sf() {}
SS ss;
static assert(is(typeof(& == void delegate() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
static assert(is(typeof(&SS.sf) == void function() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
void impureSystem9148b() {}
void func9148b()()
void bar() // do not inherit PUREfwdref
static assert(is(typeof(&bar) == void delegate()));
static assert(is(typeof(&bar) == void delegate()));
static assert(is(typeof(&func9148b!()) == void function() pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
// ----
// from fail_compilation/fail283.d
pure int double_sqr9148c(int x)
int y = x;
void do_sqr() pure { y *= y; }
return y;
void test9148c()
assert(double_sqr9148c(10) == 100);
// ----
// from fail_compilation/fail348.d
void test9148d() pure
void g() // implicitly marked as 'pure'
void h() pure
// i() and j() are implicitly marked as 'pure'
void i() { }
void j() { i(); g(); } // can call i() and g()
void test9148e()
int x;
static assert(is(typeof((int a){ return a + x; }) == int delegate(int) pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
auto dg = (int a){ return a + x; };
static assert(is(typeof(dg) == int delegate(int) pure nothrow @nogc @safe));
// 12912
struct S12912(alias fun)
void f() { fun(); }
class C12912
int n;
void f() pure
S12912!(() => n) s;
// Here lambda should be inferred to weak purity.
// And this call will be a pure member function call.
// 10002
void impure10002() {}
void remove10002(alias pred, bool impure = false, Range)(Range range)
static if (impure) impure10002();
class Node10002
Node10002 parent;
Node10002[] children;
void foo() pure
parent.children.remove10002!(n => n is parent)();
remove10002!(n => n is parent)(parent.children);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, parent.children.remove10002x!(n => n is parent, true)()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, remove10002x!(n => n is parent, true)(parent.children)));
Node10002 p;
p.children.remove10002!(n => n is p)();
remove10002!(n => n is p)(p.children);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, p.children.remove10002x!(n => n is p, true)()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, remove10002x!(n => n is p, true)(p.children)));
// 10148
void fa10148() {} // fa is @system
auto fb10148(T)()
struct A(S)
// [4] Parent function fb is already inferred to @safe, then
// fc is forcely marked @safe on default until 2.052.
// But fc should keep attribute inference ability
// by overriding the inherited @safe-ty from its parent.
void fc(T2)()
// [5] During semantic3 process, fc is not @safe on default.
static assert(is(typeof(&fc) == void delegate()));
// [1] this is now inferred to @safe by implementing issue 7511
this(S a) {}
// [2] A!int(0) is now calling @safe function, then fb!T also be inferred to @safe
return A!int(0);
void test10148()
fb10148!int.fc!int; // [0] instantiate fb
// [3] instantiate fc
// [6] After semantic3 done, fc!int is deduced to @system.
static assert(is(typeof(&fb10148!int.fc!int) == void delegate() @system));
// 10289
void test10289()
void foo(E)()
throw new E("");
void bar(E1, E2)()
throw new E1("");
throw new E2("");
void baz(E1, E2)(bool cond)
if (cond)
throw new E1("");
throw new E2("");
import core.exception;
static class MyException : Exception
this(string) @safe pure nothrow { super(""); }
static assert( __traits(compiles, () nothrow { foo!Error(); }));
static assert( __traits(compiles, () nothrow { foo!AssertError(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, () nothrow { foo!Exception(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, () nothrow { foo!MyException(); }));
static assert( __traits(compiles, () nothrow { bar!(Error, Exception)(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, () nothrow { bar!(Exception, Error)(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, () nothrow { baz!(Error, Exception)(); }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, () nothrow { baz!(Exception, Error)(); }));
// 10296
void foo10296()()
int[3] a;
void bar()() { a[1] = 2; }
static assert(typeof(bar!()).stringof == "pure nothrow @nogc @safe void()"); // nothrow @safe void()
pure void test10296()
// 12025
struct Foo12025
int[5] bar;
void test12025a() pure
enum n1 = typeof(; // OK
enum n2 = .length; // OK <- error
auto x1 = typeof(; // OK
auto x2 = .length; // OK <- error
void test12025b() pure
static int[5] bar;
enum n1 = typeof(bar).length; // OK
enum n2 = bar .length; // OK <- error
auto x1 = typeof(bar).length; // OK
auto x2 = bar .length; // OK <- error
// 12542
int logOf12542(T)(T n)
if (n)
return 1 + logOf12542(n/2);
return 0;
void test12542() @safe nothrow pure
int log = logOf12542(9);
// 12704
void foo12704() @system;
alias FP12704 = typeof(function() { foo12704(); });
static assert(is(FP12704 == void function() @system));
// 12970
@system { @safe void f12970a() {} }
@system { void f12970b() @safe {} }
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970a) == void function() @safe));
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970b) == void function() @safe));
@system { @trusted void f12970c() {} }
@system { void f12970d() @trusted {} }
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970c) == void function() @trusted));
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970d) == void function() @trusted));
@safe { @system void f12970e() {} }
@safe { void f12970f() @system {} }
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970e) == void function() @system));
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970f) == void function() @system));
@safe { @trusted void f12970g() {} }
@safe { void f12970h() @trusted {} }
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970g) == void function() @trusted));
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970h) == void function() @trusted));
@trusted { @safe void f12970i() {} }
@trusted { void f12970j() @safe {} }
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970i) == void function() @safe));
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970j) == void function() @safe));
@trusted { @system void f12970k() {} }
@trusted { void f12970l() @system {} }
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970k) == void function() @system));
static assert(is(typeof(&f12970l) == void function() @system));
// Parsing prefix STC_FUNCATTR for variable declaration
__gshared immutable pure nothrow @property @nogc @safe void function() prefix_qualified_fp1;
__gshared{immutable{pure{nothrow{@property{@nogc{@safe{void function() prefix_qualified_fp2;}}}}}}}
static assert(typeof(prefix_qualified_fp1).stringof == typeof(prefix_qualified_fp2).stringof);
static assert(typeof(prefix_qualified_fp1).stringof
== "immutable(void function() pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe)");
const pure nothrow @property @nogc @safe void function()[] prefix_qualified_fp_array1;
const{pure{nothrow{@property{@nogc{@safe{void function()[] prefix_qualified_fp_array2;}}}}}}
static assert(typeof(prefix_qualified_fp_array1).stringof == typeof(prefix_qualified_fp_array2).stringof);
static assert(typeof(prefix_qualified_fp_array1).stringof
== "const(void function() pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe[])");
// Parsing prefix, intermediate, or postfix @safe for alias declaration
@safe alias void function() AliasDecl_FP1;
alias @safe void function() AliasDecl_FP2; // is not @safe
alias void function() @safe AliasDecl_FP3;
static assert(AliasDecl_FP1.stringof == "void function() @safe");
static assert(AliasDecl_FP2.stringof == "void function()");
static assert(AliasDecl_FP3.stringof == "void function() @safe");
// 13217
void writeln13217(string) {}
nothrow void a13217(T)(T x)
() { writeln13217("a"); } ();
catch (Exception e) {}
void test13217()
// 13840
struct Foo13840
int opApply(int delegate(int))
return 0;
void func13840()
void test13840() nothrow
foreach (i; Foo13840()) // generated delegate is throwable
func13840(); // throwable function call
// Add more tests regarding inferences later.