blob: b58cfe5751a72a13331c9fbb1c1895468efe36fb [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/ice9254c.d(15): Error: Using the result of a comma expression is not allowed
fail_compilation/ice9254c.d(15): Error: Using the result of a comma expression is not allowed
fail_compilation/ice9254c.d(15): Error: Using the result of a comma expression is not allowed
fail_compilation/ice9254c.d(15): Error: Using the result of a comma expression is not allowed
fail_compilation/ice9254c.d(15): Error: Using the result of a comma expression is not allowed
fail_compilation/ice9254c.d(15): Error: invalid `foreach` aggregate `false`
void main()
foreach(divisor; !(2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 9))
// ice in ForeachRangeStatement::comeFrom()
foreach (v; 0..uint.max) {}
// ice in WhileStatement::comeFrom()
while (1) {}