blob: d3c2b9c65b4a30d6d52983af48d6fcd6bc8856a3 [file] [log] [blame]
C Test for bug in reg-stack handling conditional moves.
C Reported by Tim Prince <>
C { dg-do run { target { { i?86-*-* x86_64-*-* } && ia32 } } }
C { dg-options "-ffast-math -march=pentiumpro" }
double precision function foo(x, y)
implicit none
double precision x, y
double precision a, b, c, d
if (x /= y) then
if (x * y >= 0) then
a = abs(x)
b = abs(y)
c = max(a, b)
d = min(a, b)
foo = 1 - d/c
foo = 1
end if
foo = 0
end if
program test
implicit none
integer ntests
parameter (ntests=7)
double precision tolerance
parameter (tolerance=1.0D-6)
C Each column is a pair of values to feed to foo,
C and its expected return value.
double precision a(ntests), b(ntests), x(ntests)
data a /1, -23, -1, 1, 9, 10, -9/
data b /1, -23, 12, -12, 10, 9, -10/
data x /0, 0, 1, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1/
double precision foo
double precision result
integer i
do i = 1, ntests
result = foo(a(i), b(i))
if (abs(result - x(i)) > tolerance) then
print *, i, a(i), b(i), x(i), result
end if
end do