blob: b14fe264abe98d50f3eafd1118e6254b8278eade [file] [log] [blame]
/* Contributed by Nicola Pero <>, October 2010. */
/* { dg-do run } */
/* { dg-xfail-run-if "Needs OBJC2 ABI" { *-*-darwin* && { lp64 && { ! objc2 } } } { "-fnext-runtime" } { "" } } */
#include <objc/objc.h>
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@interface MyRootClass
Class isa;
+ (id) initialize;
+ (id) alloc;
- (id) init;
@implementation MyRootClass
+ (id) initialize { return self; }
+ (id) alloc { return class_createInstance (self, 0); }
- (id) init { return self; }
@interface Test : MyRootClass
int v1;
@property int v1;
/* TODO: Test more types of properties with different semantics
(retain, copy, atomic, nonatomic, and test various C and
Objective-C types). */
@implementation Test
@synthesize v1;
int main ()
Test *object = [[Test alloc] init];
/* Check that the synthesized methods exist and work. Do not invoke
them via property syntax - that is another test. Here we just
want to test the synthesis of the methods. */
[object setV1: 400];
if ([object v1] != 400)
abort ();
return (0);