blob: e38860808445381275c13d959e8521932884f26f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test gcov block mode. Compiler generates following CFG:
<bb 3>:
if (false_var_4 != 0)
goto <bb 4>;
goto <bb 5>;
<bb 4>:
ret_6 = 111;
PROF_edge_counter_10 = __gcov0.UuT[0];
PROF_edge_counter_11 = PROF_edge_counter_10 + 1;
__gcov0.UuT[0] = PROF_edge_counter_11;
<bb 5>:
# ret_1 = PHI <ret_5(3), ret_6(4)>
goto <bb 7>;
It's important not to include <bb 5> to any line as it's actually shared
by both branches of the condition in <bb 3>.
/* { dg-options "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" } */
/* { dg-do run { target native } } */
unsigned int
UuT (void)
unsigned int true_var = 1;
unsigned int false_var = 0;
unsigned int ret = 0;
if (true_var) /* count(1) */
if (false_var) /* count(1) */
ret = 111; /* count(#####) */
ret = 999; /* count(#####) */
return ret;
main (int argc, char **argv)
UuT ();
return 0;
/* { dg-final { run-gcov { -a gcov-17.c } } } */