blob: 243d960f8a28b136673cc52acb4d48c01ba2b824 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for PR30284, in which the substring plus
! component reference for an internal file would cause an ICE.
! Contributed by Harald Anlauf <>
program gfcbug51
implicit none
type :: date_t
character(len=12) :: date ! yyyymmddhhmm
end type date_t
type year_t
integer :: year = 0
end type year_t
type(date_t) :: file(3)
type(year_t) :: time(3)
FILE%date = (/'200612231200', '200712231200', &
call date_to_year (FILE)
if (any (time%year .ne. (/2006, 2007, 2008/))) STOP 1
call month_to_date ((/8, 9, 10/), FILE)
if ( any (file%date .ne. (/'200608231200', '200709231200', &
'200810231200'/))) STOP 2
subroutine date_to_year (d)
type(date_t) :: d(3)
read (d%date(1:4),'(i4)') time%year
end subroutine
subroutine month_to_date (m, d)
type(date_t) :: d(3)
integer :: m(:)
write (d%date(5:6),'(i2.2)') m
end subroutine month_to_date
end program gfcbug51