blob: 24a009509128f9ba121370cbd031ef567042ad8e [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Tests the fix for PR29634, in which an ICE would occur in the
! interface declaration of a function with an 'old-style' type
! declaration. When fixed, it was found that the error message
! was not very helpful - this was fixed.
! Contributed by Francois-Xavier Coudert <>
module kinds
type foo
integer :: i
end type foo
end module
type(foo) function ext_fun()
use kinds
ext_fun%i = 1
end function ext_fun
use kinds
interface fun_interface
type(foo) function fun()
use kinds
end function fun
end interface
interface ext_fun_interface
type(foo) function ext_fun()
use kinds
end function ext_fun
end interface
type(foo) :: x
x = ext_fun ()
print *, x%i
type(foo) function fun() ! { dg-error "already has an explicit interface" }
end function fun ! { dg-error "Expecting END PROGRAM" }