blob: 09eb914af06cc5e810ec502322e90a3e43f0b03a [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! This checks the fix for PR37706 in which the equivalence would be
! inserted into the 'nudata' namespace with the inevitable consequences.
! Contributed by Lester Petrie <>
module data_C
integer, dimension(200) :: l = (/(201-i, i = 1,200)/)
integer :: l0
integer :: l24, l27, l28, l29
equivalence ( l(1), l0 )
end module data_C
subroutine nudata(nlibe, a, l)
USE data_C, only: l24, l27, l28, l29
implicit none
integer :: nlibe
integer :: l(*)
real :: a(*)
print *, l(1), l(2)
end subroutine nudata
integer :: l_(2) = (/1,2/), nlibe_ = 42
real :: a_(2) = (/1.,2./)
call nudata (nlibe_, a_, l_)