blob: 647910ecf161cf7d1e31c0405fc5183789007f18 [file] [log] [blame]
/* REQUIRED_ARGS: -preview=nosharedaccess
pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe shared(C1)(return ref shared(C1) c)
pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe shared(int)(return ref shared(C3) c)
ref shared(int) f(return shared ref int y)
return y;
struct S
int i = 2;
union U
int i = 1;
bool b;
void test20908()
// shared locals (or struct members) should be able to be initialised:
shared int x;
ref shared(int) fun()
static shared(int) val;
// return by reference
return val;
ref shared(int) fun2()
static shared(int)* val;
// transfer pointer to reference
return *val;
ref shared(int) fun3()
static shared(int)*** val;
// Multiple indirections
return ***val;
shared S s;
shared U u;
// Simple tests for `DotVarExp`
// A `DotVarExp` is `a.b`. If `a` is a `shared ref`,
// it is of type `shared(T)*` (as opposed to `shared(T*)`).
// We should allow arbitrarily nested `DotVarExp` as long
// as no shared memory is read, as in the case above
// (we're just offsetting a pointer).
struct C1
int value;
struct C2
C1 c1;
struct C3
C2 c1;
C2 c2;
ref shared(int) test_dotvarexp_1(return ref shared C1 c)
return c.value;
shared(int)* test_dotvarexp_2(return ref shared C1 c)
return &c.value;
shared(C2)* test_dotvarexp_3(return ref shared C3 c)
return &c.c1;
shared(C2)* test_dotvarexp_4(return ref shared C3 c)
return &c.c2;
ref shared(int) test_dotvarexp_5(return shared ref C3 c)
return c.c1.c1.value;
ref shared(int) test_dotvarexp_5(return ref shared(C3)[] c)
return c[0].c1.c1.value;
// Test `auto` inference
auto ref test_inference_1(return ref shared C1 c)
return c;
pragma(msg, typeof(test_inference_1));
auto ref test_inference_2(return ref shared C3 c)
return c.c2.c1.value;
pragma(msg, typeof(test_inference_2));
struct Child
this(int) shared {}
struct Parent
shared Child ch;
this(int i) shared
ch = shared Child(i);
class Class {}
void main()
auto b = new shared Class();
bool cas(shared bool*, bool, bool) { return true; }
struct Argh
bool locked;
void lock() shared
while(!cas(&locked, false, true)) {}