blob: 6cdf2afd693ed25fb5571cef1d86dab5b8357d19 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR80931, which was nearly fix by the patch for PR87151.
! However, the 'span' for 'temp' was not being set and so a segfault
! occurred in the assignment at line 39.
! Contributed by Tiziano Mueller <>
module input_section_types
type :: section
character(len=:), allocatable :: keywords_(:)
procedure, pass :: add_keyword
end type
interface section
procedure constructor
end interface
type(section) function constructor ()
allocate (character(len=255) :: constructor%keywords_(0))
end function
subroutine add_keyword (this, name)
class(section), intent(inout) :: this
character(*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=:), allocatable :: temp(:)
integer :: n_elements
n_elements = size (this%keywords_)
allocate (character(len=255) :: temp(n_elements+1))
temp(:n_elements) = this%keywords_
call move_alloc (temp, this%keywords_)
this%keywords_(n_elements+1) = name
end subroutine
end module
use input_section_types
type(section) :: s
character(*), parameter :: hello = "Hello World"
character(*), parameter :: bye = "Goodbye World"
s = constructor ()
call s%add_keyword (hello)
if (len (s%keywords_) .ne. 255) stop 1
if (size (s%keywords_, 1) .ne. 1) stop 2
if (trim (s%keywords_(1)) .ne. hello) stop 3
call s%add_keyword (bye)
if (len (s%keywords_) .ne. 255) stop 4
if (size (s%keywords_, 1) .ne. 2) stop 5
if (trim (s%keywords_(1)) .ne. hello) stop 6
if (trim (s%keywords_(2)) .ne. bye) stop 7