blob: b2e7a697fd227ebf79a87ef0519621151a8b4bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! This tests the fix for PR36325, which corrected for the fact that a
! specific or generic INTERFACE statement implies the EXTERNAL attibute.
! Contributed by Janus Weil <>
module a
subroutine foo
end subroutine
end interface
external foo ! { dg-error "Duplicate EXTERNAL attribute" }
end module
module b
function sin (x)
real :: sin, x
end function
end interface
intrinsic sin ! { dg-error "EXTERNAL attribute conflicts with INTRINSIC attribute" }
end module
! argument checking was not done for external procedures with explicit interface
program c
subroutine bar(x)
real :: x
end subroutine
end interface
call bar() ! { dg-error "Missing actual argument" }
end program