blob: 0613c92e161834316e2b8c85328e09e4184f4da9 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! PR fortran/41869
! Was ICEing while module write of symbol 'vs_str' in m_dom_dom
! because of "len" being private in fox_m_fsys_format.
module fox_m_fsys_array_str
pure function str_vs(vs) result(s)
character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: vs
character(len=size(vs)) :: s
s = transfer(vs, s)
end function str_vs
pure function vs_str(s) result(vs)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
character, dimension(len(s)) :: vs
vs = transfer(s, vs)
end function vs_str
end module fox_m_fsys_array_str
module fox_m_fsys_format
interface str
module procedure str_logical_array
end interface str
interface len
module procedure str_logical_array_len
end interface
public :: str
pure function str_logical_array_len(la) result(n)
logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: la
end function str_logical_array_len
pure function str_logical_array(la) result(s)
logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: la
character(len=len(la)) :: s
end function str_logical_array
pure function checkFmt(fmt) result(good)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
logical :: good
good = len(fmt) > 0
end function checkFmt
end module fox_m_fsys_format
module m_dom_dom
use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str
end module m_dom_dom
module FoX_dom
use fox_m_fsys_format
use m_dom_dom
end module FoX_dom
use FoX_dom
implicit none
print *, vs_str("ABC")