blob: aeec407fb4bea637992d7342011a91faaecd004f [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Fixes of "accepts invalid".
! Note that the undeclared parameter 'y' in 't1' was originally in the
! type 't'. It turned out to be convenient to defer the error until the
! type is used in the declaration of 'z'.
! Contributed by Janus Weil <>
implicit none
type :: t(i,a,x) ! { dg-error "does not|has neither" }
integer, kind :: k ! { dg-error "does not not appear in the type parameter list" }
integer :: i ! { dg-error "has neither the KIND nor LEN attribute" }
integer, kind :: a(3) ! { dg-error "must be a scalar" }
real, kind :: x ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
end type
type :: t1(k,y) ! { dg-error "does not have a component" }
integer, kind :: k
end type
! This is a knock-on from the previous error
type(t1(4,4)) :: z ! { dg-error "Invalid character in name" }