blob: 0cc681f32939356c4695ca56c47c310d17e1e5ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
# This file was written by Rob Savoye (
# Many modifications by Jeffrey Wheat (
# With modifications by Mike Stump <>.
# g++ support library routines
# GXX_UNDER_TEST is the compiler under test.
set gpp_compile_options ""
# g++_version -- extract and print the version number of the compiler
proc g++_version { } {
# ignore any arguments after the command
set compiler [lindex $GXX_UNDER_TEST 0]
# verify that the compiler exists
if { [is_remote host] || [which $compiler] != 0 } then {
set tmp [remote_exec host "$compiler -v"]
set status [lindex $tmp 0];
set output [lindex $tmp 1];
regexp "version.*$" $output version
if { $status == 0 && [info exists version] } then {
if [is_remote host] {
clone_output "$compiler $version\n"
} else {
clone_output "[which $compiler] $version\n"
} else {
clone_output "Couldn't determine version of [which $compiler]\n"
} else {
# compiler does not exist (this should have already been detected)
warning "$compiler does not exist"
# g++_init -- called at the start of each subdir of tests
proc g++_init { args } {
global subdir
global gpp_initialized
global base_dir
global tmpdir
global libdir
global gluefile wrap_flags;
global objdir srcdir
if ![info exists GXX_UNDER_TEST] then {
if [info exists TOOL_EXECUTABLE] {
} else {
if [is_remote host] {
set GXX_UNDER_TEST [transform c++]
} else {
set GXX_UNDER_TEST [findfile $base_dir/../xgcc "$base_dir/../xgcc -B$base_dir/../" [findfile $base_dir/xgcc "$base_dir/xgcc -B$base_dir/" [transform c++]]]
# Bleah, nasty. Bad taste.
if [ishost "*-dos-*" ] {
regsub "c\\+\\+" "$GXX_UNDER_TEST" "gcc" GXX_UNDER_TEST
if ![is_remote host] {
if { [which $GXX_UNDER_TEST] == 0 } then {
perror "GXX_UNDER_TEST does not exist"
exit 1
if ![info exists tmpdir] {
set tmpdir "/tmp"
if [info exists gluefile] {
unset gluefile
if { [target_info needs_status_wrapper] != "" } {
set gluefile ${tmpdir}/testglue.o;
set result [build_wrapper $gluefile];
if { $result != "" } {
set gluefile [lindex $result 0];
set wrap_flags [lindex $result 1];
} else {
unset gluefile
if ![is_remote host] {
lappend ALWAYS_CXXFLAGS "additional_flags=[g++_include_flags]";
lappend ALWAYS_CXXFLAGS "ldflags=[g++_link_flags]";
if [info exists TOOL_OPTIONS] {
lappend ALWAYS_CXXFLAGS "additional_flags=$TOOL_OPTIONS";
verbose "g++ is initialized" 3
proc g++_target_compile { source dest type options } {
global tmpdir;
global gpp_compile_options
global gluefile wrap_flags
if { [target_info needs_status_wrapper] != "" && [info exists gluefile] } {
lappend options "libs=${gluefile}"
lappend options "ldflags=${wrap_flags}"
lappend options "additional_flags=[libio_include_flags]"
lappend options "compiler=$GXX_UNDER_TEST";
set options [concat $options $gpp_compile_options]
set options [concat $options "$ALWAYS_CXXFLAGS"];
if { [regexp "(^| )-frepo( |$)" $options] && \
[regexp "\.o(|bj)$" $dest] } then {
regsub "\.o(|bj)$" $dest ".rpo" rponame
exec rm -f $rponame
return [target_compile $source $dest $type $options]
proc g++_exit { args } {
global gluefile;
if [info exists gluefile] {
file_on_build delete $gluefile;
unset gluefile;
# If this is an older version of dejagnu (without runtest_file_p),
# provide one and assume the old syntax: foo1.exp bar1.c foo2.exp bar2.c.
# This can be deleted after the next dejagnu release.
if { [info procs runtest_file_p] == "" } then {
proc runtest_file_p { runtests testcase } {
if { $runtests != "" && [regexp "\[.\]\[cC\]" $runtests] } then {
if { [lsearch $runtests [file tail $testcase]] >= 0 } then {
return 1
} else {
return 0
return 1
# Provide a definition of this if missing (delete after next dejagnu release).
if { [info procs prune_warnings] == "" } then {
proc prune_warnings { text } {
return $text
# Utility used by mike-g++.exp and old-dejagnu.exp.
# Check the compiler(/assembler/linker) output for text indicating that
# the testcase should be marked as "unsupported".
# When dealing with a large number of tests, it's difficult to weed out the
# ones that are too big for a particular cpu (eg: 16 bit with a small amount
# of memory). There are various ways to deal with this. Here's one.
# Fortunately, all of the cases where this is likely to happen will be using
# gld so we can tell what the error text will look like.
proc ${tool}_check_unsupported_p { output } {
if [regexp "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*: region \[^\n\]* is full" $output] {
return "memory full"
return ""
proc ${tool}_option_help { } {
send_user "--additional_options,OPTIONS\t\tUse OPTIONS to compile the testcase files. OPTIONS should be comma-separated."
proc ${tool}_option_proc { option } {
if[regexp "^--additional_options," $option] {
global gpp_compile_options
regsub "--additional_options," $option "" option
foreach x [split $option ","] {
lappend gpp_compile_options "additional_flags=$x"
return 1;
} else {
return 0