blob: ace6c2fbcaa1a8c60beaeadcabad3f7c4158236f [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- B I N D G E N --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with ALI; use ALI;
with Binde; use Binde;
with Butil; use Butil;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Fname; use Fname;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with Gnatvsn; use Gnatvsn;
with Hostparm;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Osint.B; use Osint.B;
with Output; use Output;
with Types; use Types;
with Sdefault; use Sdefault;
with GNAT.Heap_Sort_A; use GNAT.Heap_Sort_A;
package body Bindgen is
Statement_Buffer : String (1 .. 1000);
-- Buffer used for constructing output statements
Last : Natural := 0;
-- Last location in Statement_Buffer currently set
With_DECGNAT : Boolean := False;
-- Flag which indicates whether the program uses the DECGNAT library
-- (presence of the unit System.Aux_DEC.DECLIB)
With_GNARL : Boolean := False;
-- Flag which indicates whether the program uses the GNARL library
-- (presence of the unit System.OS_Interface)
Num_Elab_Calls : Nat := 0;
-- Number of generated calls to elaboration routines
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure WBI (Info : String) renames Osint.B.Write_Binder_Info;
-- Convenient shorthand used throughout
procedure Resolve_Binder_Options;
-- Set the value of With_GNARL and With_DECGNAT. The latter only on VMS
-- since it tests for a package named "dec" which might cause a conflict
-- on non-VMS systems.
procedure Gen_Adainit_Ada;
-- Generates the Adainit procedure (Ada code case)
procedure Gen_Adainit_C;
-- Generates the Adainit procedure (C code case)
procedure Gen_Adafinal_Ada;
-- Generate the Adafinal procedure (Ada code case)
procedure Gen_Adafinal_C;
-- Generate the Adafinal procedure (C code case)
procedure Gen_Elab_Calls_Ada;
-- Generate sequence of elaboration calls (Ada code case)
procedure Gen_Elab_Calls_C;
-- Generate sequence of elaboration calls (C code case)
procedure Gen_Elab_Order_Ada;
-- Generate comments showing elaboration order chosen (Ada case)
procedure Gen_Elab_Order_C;
-- Generate comments showing elaboration order chosen (C case)
procedure Gen_Elab_Defs_C;
-- Generate sequence of definitions for elaboration routines (C code case)
procedure Gen_Exception_Table_Ada;
-- Generate binder exception table (Ada code case). This consists of
-- declarations followed by a begin followed by a call. If zero cost
-- exceptions are not active, then only the begin is generated.
procedure Gen_Exception_Table_C;
-- Generate binder exception table (C code case). This has no effect
-- if zero cost exceptions are not active, otherwise it generates a
-- set of declarations followed by a call.
procedure Gen_Main_Ada;
-- Generate procedure main (Ada code case)
procedure Gen_Main_C;
-- Generate main() procedure (C code case)
procedure Gen_Object_Files_Options;
-- Output comments containing a list of the full names of the object
-- files to be linked and the list of linker options supplied by
-- Linker_Options pragmas in the source. (C and Ada code case)
procedure Gen_Output_File_Ada (Filename : String);
-- Generate output file (Ada code case)
procedure Gen_Output_File_C (Filename : String);
-- Generate output file (C code case)
procedure Gen_Scalar_Values;
-- Generates scalar initialization values for -Snn. A single procedure
-- handles both the Ada and C cases, since there is much common code.
procedure Gen_Versions_Ada;
-- Output series of definitions for unit versions (Ada code case)
procedure Gen_Versions_C;
-- Output series of definitions for unit versions (C code case)
function Get_Ada_Main_Name return String;
-- This function is used in the Ada main output case to compute a usable
-- name for the generated main program. The normal main program name is
-- Ada_Main, but this won't work if the user has a unit with this name.
-- This function tries Ada_Main first, and if there is such a clash, then
-- it tries Ada_Name_01, Ada_Name_02 ... Ada_Name_99 in sequence.
function Get_Main_Name return String;
-- This function is used in the Ada main output case to compute the
-- correct external main program. It is "main" by default, except on
-- VxWorks where it is the name of the Ada main name without the "_ada".
-- the -Mname binder option overrides the default with name.
function Lt_Linker_Option (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean;
-- Compare linker options, when sorting, first according to
-- Is_Internal_File (internal files come later) and then by
-- elaboration order position (latest to earliest).
procedure Move_Linker_Option (From : Natural; To : Natural);
-- Move routine for sorting linker options
procedure Set_Char (C : Character);
-- Set given character in Statement_Buffer at the Last + 1 position
-- and increment Last by one to reflect the stored character.
procedure Set_Int (N : Int);
-- Set given value in decimal in Statement_Buffer with no spaces
-- starting at the Last + 1 position, and updating Last past the value.
-- A minus sign is output for a negative value.
procedure Set_Main_Program_Name;
-- Given the main program name in Name_Buffer (length in Name_Len)
-- generate the name of the routine to be used in the call. The name
-- is generated starting at Last + 1, and Last is updated past it.
procedure Set_Name_Buffer;
-- Set the value stored in positions 1 .. Name_Len of the Name_Buffer.
procedure Set_String (S : String);
-- Sets characters of given string in Statement_Buffer, starting at the
-- Last + 1 position, and updating last past the string value.
procedure Set_Unit_Name;
-- Given a unit name in the Name_Buffer, copies it to Statement_Buffer,
-- starting at the Last + 1 position, and updating last past the value.
-- changing periods to double underscores, and updating Last appropriately.
procedure Set_Unit_Number (U : Unit_Id);
-- Sets unit number (first unit is 1, leading zeroes output to line
-- up all output unit numbers nicely as required by the value, and
-- by the total number of units.
procedure Tab_To (N : Natural);
-- If Last is greater than or equal to N, no effect, otherwise store
-- blanks in Statement_Buffer bumping Last, until Last = N.
procedure Write_Info_Ada_C (Ada : String; C : String; Common : String);
-- For C code case, write C & Common, for Ada case write Ada & Common
-- to current binder output file using Write_Binder_Info.
procedure Write_Statement_Buffer;
-- Write out contents of statement buffer up to Last, and reset Last to 0
procedure Write_Statement_Buffer (S : String);
-- First writes its argument (using Set_String (S)), then writes out the
-- contents of statement buffer up to Last, and reset Last to 0
-- Gen_Adafinal_Ada --
procedure Gen_Adafinal_Ada is
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure " & Ada_Final_Name.all & " is");
WBI (" begin");
-- If compiling for the JVM, we directly call Adafinal because
-- we don't import it via Do_Finalize (see Gen_Output_File_Ada).
if Hostparm.Java_VM then
WBI (" System.Standard_Library.Adafinal;");
WBI (" Do_Finalize;");
end if;
WBI (" end " & Ada_Final_Name.all & ";");
end Gen_Adafinal_Ada;
-- Gen_Adafinal_C --
procedure Gen_Adafinal_C is
WBI ("void " & Ada_Final_Name.all & " () {");
WBI (" system__standard_library__adafinal ();");
WBI ("}");
WBI ("");
end Gen_Adafinal_C;
-- Gen_Adainit_Ada --
procedure Gen_Adainit_Ada is
Main_Priority : Int renames ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Priority;
WBI (" procedure " & Ada_Init_Name.all & " is");
-- Generate externals for elaboration entities
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Unum : constant Unit_Id := Elab_Order.Table (E);
U : Unit_Record renames Units.Table (Unum);
if U.Set_Elab_Entity then
Set_String (" ");
Set_String ("E");
Set_Unit_Number (Unum);
Set_String (" : Boolean; pragma Import (Ada, ");
Set_String ("E");
Set_Unit_Number (Unum);
Set_String (", """);
Get_Name_String (U.Uname);
-- In the case of JGNAT we need to emit an Import name
-- that includes the class name (using '$' separators
-- in the case of a child unit name).
if Hostparm.Java_VM then
for J in 1 .. Name_Len - 2 loop
if Name_Buffer (J) /= '.' then
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (J));
Set_String ("$");
end if;
end loop;
Set_String (".");
-- If the unit name is very long, then split the
-- Import link name across lines using "&" (occurs
-- in some C2 tests).
if 2 * Name_Len + 60 > Hostparm.Max_Line_Length then
Set_String (""" &");
Set_String (" """);
end if;
end if;
Set_String ("_E"");");
end if;
end loop;
-- Case of No_Run_Time mode. The only global variable that might
-- be needed (by the Ravenscar profile) is the priority of the
-- environment. Also no exception tables are needed.
if No_Run_Time_Specified then
if Main_Priority /= No_Main_Priority then
WBI (" Main_Priority : Integer;");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, Main_Priority," &
" ""__gl_main_priority"");");
WBI ("");
end if;
WBI (" begin");
if Main_Priority /= No_Main_Priority then
Set_String (" Main_Priority := ");
Set_Int (Main_Priority);
Set_Char (';');
WBI (" null;");
end if;
-- Normal case (not No_Run_Time mode). The global values are
-- assigned using the runtime routine Set_Globals (we have to use
-- the routine call, rather than define the globals in the binder
-- file to deal with cross-library calls in some systems.
-- Generate restrictions string
Set_String (" Restrictions : constant String :=");
Set_String (" """);
for J in Restrictions'Range loop
Set_Char (Restrictions (J));
end loop;
Set_String (""";");
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure Set_Globals");
WBI (" (Main_Priority : Integer;");
WBI (" Time_Slice_Value : Integer;");
WBI (" WC_Encoding : Character;");
WBI (" Locking_Policy : Character;");
WBI (" Queuing_Policy : Character;");
WBI (" Task_Dispatching_Policy : Character;");
WBI (" Restrictions : System.Address;");
WBI (" Unreserve_All_Interrupts : Integer;");
WBI (" Exception_Tracebacks : Integer;");
WBI (" Zero_Cost_Exceptions : Integer);");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, Set_Globals, ""__gnat_set_globals"");");
-- Import entry point for elaboration time signal handler
-- installation, and indication of whether it's been called
-- previously
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure Install_Handler;");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, Install_Handler, " &
WBI ("");
WBI (" Handler_Installed : Integer;");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, Handler_Installed, " &
-- Generate exception table
-- Generate the call to Set_Globals
WBI (" Set_Globals");
Set_String (" (Main_Priority => ");
Set_Int (Main_Priority);
Set_Char (',');
Set_String (" Time_Slice_Value => ");
if Task_Dispatching_Policy_Specified = 'F'
and then ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Time_Slice_Value = -1
Set_Int (0);
Set_Int (ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Time_Slice_Value);
end if;
Set_Char (',');
Set_String (" WC_Encoding => '");
Set_Char (ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).WC_Encoding);
Set_String ("',");
Set_String (" Locking_Policy => '");
Set_Char (Locking_Policy_Specified);
Set_String ("',");
Set_String (" Queuing_Policy => '");
Set_Char (Queuing_Policy_Specified);
Set_String ("',");
Set_String (" Task_Dispatching_Policy => '");
Set_Char (Task_Dispatching_Policy_Specified);
Set_String ("',");
WBI (" Restrictions => Restrictions'Address,");
Set_String (" Unreserve_All_Interrupts => ");
if Unreserve_All_Interrupts_Specified then
Set_String ("1");
Set_String ("0");
end if;
Set_String (",");
Set_String (" Exception_Tracebacks => ");
if Exception_Tracebacks then
Set_String ("1");
Set_String ("0");
end if;
Set_String (",");
Set_String (" Zero_Cost_Exceptions => ");
if Zero_Cost_Exceptions_Specified then
Set_String ("1");
Set_String ("0");
end if;
Set_String (");");
-- Generate call to Install_Handler
WBI ("");
WBI (" if Handler_Installed = 0 then");
WBI (" Install_Handler;");
WBI (" end if;");
end if;
WBI (" end " & Ada_Init_Name.all & ";");
end Gen_Adainit_Ada;
-- Gen_Adainit_C --
procedure Gen_Adainit_C is
Main_Priority : Int renames ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Priority;
WBI ("void " & Ada_Init_Name.all & " ()");
WBI ("{");
-- Generate externals for elaboration entities
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Unum : constant Unit_Id := Elab_Order.Table (E);
U : Unit_Record renames Units.Table (Unum);
if U.Set_Elab_Entity then
Set_String (" extern char ");
Get_Name_String (U.Uname);
Set_String ("_E;");
end if;
end loop;
-- No run-time case
if No_Run_Time_Specified then
-- Case of No_Run_Time mode. Set __gl_main_priority if needed
-- for the Ravenscar profile.
if Main_Priority /= No_Main_Priority then
Set_String (" extern int __gl_main_priority = ");
Set_Int (Main_Priority);
Set_Char (';');
end if;
-- Normal case (run time present)
-- Generate definition for restrictions string
Set_String (" const char *restrictions = """);
for J in Restrictions'Range loop
Set_Char (Restrictions (J));
end loop;
Set_String (""";");
-- Code for normal case (not in No_Run_Time mode)
-- Generate call to set the runtime global variables defined in
-- a-init.c. We define the varables in a-init.c, rather than in
-- the binder generated file itself to avoid undefined externals
-- when the runtime is linked as a shareable image library.
-- We call the routine from inside adainit() because this works for
-- both programs with and without binder generated "main" functions.
WBI (" __gnat_set_globals (");
Set_String (" ");
Set_Int (Main_Priority);
Set_Char (',');
Tab_To (15);
Set_String ("/* Main_Priority */");
Set_String (" ");
if Task_Dispatching_Policy = 'F'
and then ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Time_Slice_Value = -1
Set_Int (0);
Set_Int (ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Time_Slice_Value);
end if;
Set_Char (',');
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* Time_Slice_Value */");
Set_String (" '");
Set_Char (ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).WC_Encoding);
Set_String ("',");
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* WC_Encoding */");
Set_String (" '");
Set_Char (Locking_Policy_Specified);
Set_String ("',");
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* Locking_Policy */");
Set_String (" '");
Set_Char (Queuing_Policy_Specified);
Set_String ("',");
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* Queuing_Policy */");
Set_String (" '");
Set_Char (Task_Dispatching_Policy_Specified);
Set_String ("',");
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* Tasking_Dispatching_Policy */");
Set_String (" ");
Set_String ("restrictions");
Set_String (",");
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* Restrictions */");
Set_String (" ");
Set_Int (Boolean'Pos (Unreserve_All_Interrupts_Specified));
Set_String (",");
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* Unreserve_All_Interrupts */");
Set_String (" ");
Set_Int (Boolean'Pos (Exception_Tracebacks));
Set_String (",");
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* Exception_Tracebacks */");
Set_String (" ");
Set_Int (Boolean'Pos (Zero_Cost_Exceptions_Specified));
Set_String (");");
Tab_To (20);
Set_String ("/* Zero_Cost_Exceptions */");
-- Install elaboration time signal handler
WBI (" if (__gnat_handler_installed == 0)");
WBI (" {");
WBI (" __gnat_install_handler ();");
WBI (" }");
end if;
WBI ("");
WBI ("}");
end Gen_Adainit_C;
-- Gen_Elab_Calls_Ada --
procedure Gen_Elab_Calls_Ada is
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Unum : constant Unit_Id := Elab_Order.Table (E);
U : Unit_Record renames Units.Table (Unum);
Unum_Spec : Unit_Id;
-- This is the unit number of the spec that corresponds to
-- this entry. It is the same as Unum except when the body
-- and spec are different and we are currently processing
-- the body, in which case it is the spec (Unum + 1).
if U.Utype = Is_Body then
Unum_Spec := Unum + 1;
Unum_Spec := Unum;
end if;
-- Case of no elaboration code
if U.No_Elab then
-- The only case in which we have to do something is if
-- this is a body, with a separate spec, where the separate
-- spec has an elaboration entity defined.
-- In that case, this is where we set the elaboration entity
-- to True, we do not need to test if this has already been
-- done, since it is quicker to set the flag than to test it.
if U.Utype = Is_Body
and then Units.Table (Unum_Spec).Set_Elab_Entity
Set_String (" E");
Set_Unit_Number (Unum_Spec);
Set_String (" := True;");
end if;
-- Here if elaboration code is present. We generate:
-- if not uname_E then
-- uname'elab_[spec|body];
-- uname_E := True;
-- end if;
-- The uname_E assignment is skipped if this is a separate spec,
-- since the assignment will be done when we process the body.
Set_String (" if not E");
Set_Unit_Number (Unum_Spec);
Set_String (" then");
Set_String (" ");
Get_Decoded_Name_String_With_Brackets (U.Uname);
if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 's' then
Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 1 .. Name_Len + 8) := "'elab_spec";
Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 1 .. Name_Len + 8) := "'elab_body";
end if;
Name_Len := Name_Len + 8;
Set_Casing (U.Icasing);
Set_Char (';');
if U.Utype /= Is_Spec then
Set_String (" E");
Set_Unit_Number (Unum_Spec);
Set_String (" := True;");
end if;
WBI (" end if;");
end if;
end loop;
end Gen_Elab_Calls_Ada;
-- Gen_Elab_Calls_C --
procedure Gen_Elab_Calls_C is
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Unum : constant Unit_Id := Elab_Order.Table (E);
U : Unit_Record renames Units.Table (Unum);
Unum_Spec : Unit_Id;
-- This is the unit number of the spec that corresponds to
-- this entry. It is the same as Unum except when the body
-- and spec are different and we are currently processing
-- the body, in which case it is the spec (Unum + 1).
if U.Utype = Is_Body then
Unum_Spec := Unum + 1;
Unum_Spec := Unum;
end if;
-- Case of no elaboration code
if U.No_Elab then
-- The only case in which we have to do something is if
-- this is a body, with a separate spec, where the separate
-- spec has an elaboration entity defined.
-- In that case, this is where we set the elaboration entity
-- to True, we do not need to test if this has already been
-- done, since it is quicker to set the flag than to test it.
if U.Utype = Is_Body
and then Units.Table (Unum_Spec).Set_Elab_Entity
Set_String (" ");
Get_Name_String (U.Uname);
Set_String ("_E = 1;");
end if;
-- Here if elaboration code is present. We generate:
-- if (uname_E == 0) {
-- uname__elab[s|b] ();
-- uname_E++;
-- }
-- The uname_E assignment is skipped if this is a separate spec,
-- since the assignment will be done when we process the body.
Set_String (" if (");
Get_Name_String (U.Uname);
Set_String ("_E == 0) {");
Set_String (" ");
Set_String ("___elab");
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (Name_Len)); -- 's' or 'b' for spec/body
Set_String (" ();");
if U.Utype /= Is_Spec then
Set_String (" ");
Set_String ("_E++;");
end if;
WBI (" }");
end if;
end loop;
end Gen_Elab_Calls_C;
-- Gen_Elab_Defs_C --
procedure Gen_Elab_Defs_C is
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
-- Generate declaration of elaboration procedure if elaboration
-- needed. Note that passive units are always excluded.
if not Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).No_Elab then
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).Uname);
Set_String ("extern void ");
Set_String ("___elab");
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (Name_Len)); -- 's' or 'b' for spec/body
Set_String (" PARAMS ((void));");
end if;
end loop;
WBI ("");
end Gen_Elab_Defs_C;
-- Gen_Elab_Order_Ada --
procedure Gen_Elab_Order_Ada is
WBI ("");
for J in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Set_String (" -- ");
Get_Unit_Name_String (Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (J)).Uname);
end loop;
end Gen_Elab_Order_Ada;
-- Gen_Elab_Order_C --
procedure Gen_Elab_Order_C is
WBI ("");
for J in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Get_Unit_Name_String (Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (J)).Uname);
end loop;
end Gen_Elab_Order_C;
-- Gen_Exception_Table_Ada --
procedure Gen_Exception_Table_Ada is
Num : Nat;
Last : ALI_Id := No_ALI_Id;
if not Zero_Cost_Exceptions_Specified then
WBI (" begin");
end if;
-- The code we generate looks like
-- procedure SDP_Table_Build
-- (SDP_Addresses : System.Address;
-- SDP_Count : Natural;
-- Elab_Addresses : System.Address;
-- Elab_Addr_Count : Natural);
-- pragma Import (C, SDP_Table_Build, "__gnat_SDP_Table_Build");
-- ST : aliased constant array (1 .. nnn) of System.Address := (
-- unit_name_1'UET_Address,
-- unit_name_2'UET_Address,
-- ...
-- unit_name_3'UET_Address,
-- EA : aliased constant array (1 .. eee) of System.Address := (
-- adainit'Code_Address,
-- adafinal'Code_Address,
-- unit_name'elab[spec|body]'Code_Address,
-- unit_name'elab[spec|body]'Code_Address,
-- unit_name'elab[spec|body]'Code_Address,
-- unit_name'elab[spec|body]'Code_Address);
-- begin
-- SDP_Table_Build (ST'Address, nnn, EA'Address, eee);
Num := 0;
for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
if ALIs.Table (A).Unit_Exception_Table then
Num := Num + 1;
Last := A;
end if;
end loop;
if Num = 0 then
-- Happens with "gnatmake -a -f -gnatL ..."
WBI (" ");
WBI (" begin");
end if;
WBI (" procedure SDP_Table_Build");
WBI (" (SDP_Addresses : System.Address;");
WBI (" SDP_Count : Natural;");
WBI (" Elab_Addresses : System.Address;");
WBI (" Elab_Addr_Count : Natural);");
WBI (" " &
"pragma Import (C, SDP_Table_Build, ""__gnat_SDP_Table_Build"");");
WBI (" ");
Set_String (" ST : aliased constant array (1 .. ");
Set_Int (Num);
Set_String (") of System.Address := (");
if Num = 1 then
Set_String ("1 => A1);");
for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
if ALIs.Table (A).Unit_Exception_Table then
(Units.Table (ALIs.Table (A).First_Unit).Uname);
Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);
Set_String (" ");
Set_String (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - 2));
Set_String ("'UET_Address");
if A = Last then
Set_String (");");
Set_Char (',');
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
WBI (" ");
Set_String (" EA : aliased constant array (1 .. ");
Set_Int (Num_Elab_Calls + 2);
Set_String (") of System.Address := (");
WBI (" " & Ada_Init_Name.all & "'Code_Address,");
-- If compiling for the JVM, we directly reference Adafinal because
-- we don't import it via Do_Finalize (see Gen_Output_File_Ada).
if Hostparm.Java_VM then
Set_String (" System.Standard_Library.Adafinal'Code_Address");
Set_String (" Do_Finalize'Code_Address");
end if;
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
(Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).Uname);
if Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).No_Elab then
Set_Char (',');
Set_String (" ");
if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 's' then
Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 1 .. Name_Len + 21) :=
Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 1 .. Name_Len + 21) :=
end if;
Name_Len := Name_Len + 21;
Set_Casing (Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).Icasing);
end if;
end loop;
Set_String (");");
WBI (" ");
WBI (" begin");
Set_String (" SDP_Table_Build (ST'Address, ");
Set_Int (Num);
Set_String (", EA'Address, ");
Set_Int (Num_Elab_Calls + 2);
Set_String (");");
end Gen_Exception_Table_Ada;
-- Gen_Exception_Table_C --
procedure Gen_Exception_Table_C is
Num : Nat;
Num2 : Nat;
if not Zero_Cost_Exceptions_Specified then
end if;
-- The code we generate looks like
-- extern void *__gnat_unitname1__SDP;
-- extern void *__gnat_unitname2__SDP;
-- ...
-- void **st[nnn] = {
-- &__gnat_unitname1__SDP,
-- &__gnat_unitname2__SDP,
-- ...
-- &__gnat_unitnamen__SDP};
-- extern void unitname1__elabb ();
-- extern void unitname2__elabb ();
-- ...
-- void (*ea[eee]) () = {
-- adainit,
-- adafinal,
-- unitname1___elab[b,s],
-- unitname2___elab[b,s],
-- ...
-- unitnamen___elab[b,s]};
-- __gnat_SDP_Table_Build (&st, nnn, &ea, eee);
Num := 0;
for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
if ALIs.Table (A).Unit_Exception_Table then
Num := Num + 1;
Set_String (" extern void *__gnat_");
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (ALIs.Table (A).First_Unit).Uname);
Set_String ("__SDP");
Set_Char (';');
end if;
end loop;
if Num = 0 then
-- Happens with "gnatmake -a -f -gnatL ..."
end if;
WBI (" ");
Set_String (" void **st[");
Set_Int (Num);
Set_String ("] = {");
Num2 := 0;
for A in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
if ALIs.Table (A).Unit_Exception_Table then
Num2 := Num2 + 1;
Set_String (" &__gnat_");
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (ALIs.Table (A).First_Unit).Uname);
Set_String ("__SDP");
if Num = Num2 then
Set_String ("};");
Set_Char (',');
end if;
end if;
end loop;
WBI ("");
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).Uname);
if Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).No_Elab then
Set_String (" extern void ");
Set_String ("___elab");
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (Name_Len)); -- 's' or 'b' for spec/body
Set_String (" ();");
end if;
end loop;
WBI ("");
Set_String (" void (*ea[");
Set_Int (Num_Elab_Calls + 2);
Set_String ("]) () = {");
WBI (" " & Ada_Init_Name.all & ",");
Set_String (" system__standard_library__adafinal");
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).Uname);
if Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).No_Elab then
Set_Char (',');
Set_String (" ");
Set_String ("___elab");
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (Name_Len)); -- 's' or 'b' for spec/body
end if;
end loop;
Set_String ("};");
WBI (" ");
Set_String (" __gnat_SDP_Table_Build (&st, ");
Set_Int (Num);
Set_String (", ea, ");
Set_Int (Num_Elab_Calls + 2);
Set_String (");");
end Gen_Exception_Table_C;
-- Gen_Main_Ada --
procedure Gen_Main_Ada is
Target : constant String_Ptr := Target_Name;
VxWorks_Target : constant Boolean :=
Target (Target'Last - 7 .. Target'Last) = "vxworks/"
or else Target (Target'Last - 9 .. Target'Last) = "vxworksae/";
WBI ("");
Set_String (" function ");
Set_String (Get_Main_Name);
if VxWorks_Target then
Set_String (" return Integer is");
WBI (" (argc : Integer;");
WBI (" argv : System.Address;");
WBI (" envp : System.Address)");
WBI (" return Integer");
WBI (" is");
end if;
-- Initialize and Finalize are not used in No_Run_Time mode
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI (" procedure initialize;");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, initialize, ""__gnat_initialize"");");
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure finalize;");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, finalize, ""__gnat_finalize"");");
WBI ("");
end if;
-- Deal with declarations for main program case
if not No_Main_Subprogram then
-- To call the main program, we declare it using a pragma Import
-- Ada with the right link name.
-- It might seem more obvious to "with" the main program, and call
-- it in the normal Ada manner. We do not do this for three reasons:
-- 1. It is more efficient not to recompile the main program
-- 2. We are not entitled to assume the source is accessible
-- 3. We don't know what options to use to compile it
-- It is really reason 3 that is most critical (indeed we used
-- to generate the "with", but several regression tests failed).
WBI ("");
if ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Program = Func then
WBI (" Result : Integer;");
WBI ("");
WBI (" function Ada_Main_Program return Integer;");
WBI (" procedure Ada_Main_Program;");
end if;
Set_String (" pragma Import (Ada, Ada_Main_Program, """);
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (First_Unit_Entry).Uname);
Set_String (""");");
WBI ("");
end if;
-- Generate a reference to Ada_Main_Program_Name. This symbol is
-- not referenced elsewhere in the generated program, but is needed
-- by the debugger (that's why it is generated in the first place).
-- The reference stops Ada_Main_Program_Name from being optimized
-- away by smart linkers, such as the AiX linker.
if Bind_Main_Program then
(" Ensure_Reference : System.Address := " &
WBI ("");
end if;
WBI (" begin");
-- On VxWorks, there are no command line arguments
if VxWorks_Target then
WBI (" gnat_argc := 0;");
WBI (" gnat_argv := System.Null_Address;");
WBI (" gnat_envp := System.Null_Address;");
-- Normal case of command line arguments present
WBI (" gnat_argc := argc;");
WBI (" gnat_argv := argv;");
WBI (" gnat_envp := envp;");
WBI ("");
end if;
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI (" Initialize;");
end if;
WBI (" " & Ada_Init_Name.all & ";");
if not No_Main_Subprogram then
WBI (" Break_Start;");
if ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Program = Proc then
WBI (" Ada_Main_Program;");
WBI (" Result := Ada_Main_Program;");
end if;
end if;
-- Adafinal is only called if we have a run time
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
-- If compiling for the JVM, we directly call Adafinal because
-- we don't import it via Do_Finalize (see Gen_Output_File_Ada).
if Hostparm.Java_VM then
WBI (" System.Standard_Library.Adafinal;");
WBI (" Do_Finalize;");
end if;
end if;
-- Finalize is only called if we have a run time
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI (" Finalize;");
end if;
-- Return result
if No_Main_Subprogram
or else ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Program = Proc
WBI (" return (gnat_exit_status);");
WBI (" return (Result);");
end if;
WBI (" end;");
end Gen_Main_Ada;
-- Gen_Main_C --
procedure Gen_Main_C is
Target : constant String_Ptr := Target_Name;
VxWorks_Target : constant Boolean :=
Target (Target'Last - 7 .. Target'Last) = "vxworks/"
or else Target (Target'Last - 9 .. Target'Last) = "vxworksae/";
Set_String ("int ");
Set_String (Get_Main_Name);
-- On VxWorks, there are no command line arguments
if VxWorks_Target then
Set_String (" ()");
-- Normal case with command line arguments present
Set_String (" (argc, argv, envp)");
end if;
-- VxWorks doesn't have the notion of argc/argv
if VxWorks_Target then
WBI ("{");
WBI (" int result;");
WBI (" gnat_argc = 0;");
WBI (" gnat_argv = 0;");
WBI (" gnat_envp = 0;");
-- Normal case of arguments present
WBI (" int argc;");
WBI (" char **argv;");
WBI (" char **envp;");
WBI ("{");
-- Generate a reference to __gnat_ada_main_program_name. This symbol
-- is not referenced elsewhere in the generated program, but is
-- needed by the debugger (that's why it is generated in the first
-- place). The reference stops Ada_Main_Program_Name from being
-- optimized away by smart linkers, such as the AiX linker.
if Bind_Main_Program then
WBI (" char *ensure_reference = __gnat_ada_main_program_name;");
WBI ("");
end if;
if ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Program = Func then
WBI (" int result;");
end if;
WBI (" gnat_argc = argc;");
WBI (" gnat_argv = argv;");
WBI (" gnat_envp = envp;");
WBI (" ");
end if;
-- The __gnat_initialize routine is used only if we have a run-time
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
(" __gnat_initialize ();");
end if;
WBI (" " & Ada_Init_Name.all & " ();");
if not No_Main_Subprogram then
WBI (" __gnat_break_start ();");
WBI (" ");
-- Output main program name
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (First_Unit_Entry).Uname);
-- Main program is procedure case
if ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Program = Proc then
Set_String (" ");
Set_String (" ();");
-- Main program is function case
else -- ALIs.Table (ALIs_First).Main_Program = Func
Set_String (" result = ");
Set_String (" ();");
end if;
end if;
-- Adafinal is called only when we have a run-time
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI (" ");
WBI (" system__standard_library__adafinal ();");
end if;
-- The finalize routine is used only if we have a run-time
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI (" __gnat_finalize ();");
end if;
if ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Program = Func then
if Hostparm.OpenVMS then
-- VMS must use the Posix exit routine in order to get an
-- Unix compatible exit status.
WBI (" __posix_exit (result);");
WBI (" exit (result);");
end if;
if Hostparm.OpenVMS then
-- VMS must use the Posix exit routine in order to get an
-- Unix compatible exit status.
WBI (" __posix_exit (gnat_exit_status);");
WBI (" exit (gnat_exit_status);");
end if;
end if;
WBI ("}");
end Gen_Main_C;
-- Gen_Object_Files_Options --
procedure Gen_Object_Files_Options is
Lgnat : Natural;
-- This keeps track of the position in the sorted set of entries
-- in the Linker_Options table of where the first entry from an
-- internal file appears.
procedure Write_Linker_Option;
-- Write binder info linker option.
-- Write_Linker_Option --
procedure Write_Linker_Option is
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
-- Loop through string, breaking at null's
Start := 1;
while Start < Name_Len loop
-- Find null ending this section
Stop := Start + 1;
while Name_Buffer (Stop) /= ASCII.NUL
and then Stop <= Name_Len loop
Stop := Stop + 1;
end loop;
-- Process section if non-null
if Stop > Start then
if Output_Linker_Option_List then
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (Start .. Stop - 1));
end if;
(" -- ", "", Name_Buffer (Start .. Stop - 1));
end if;
Start := Stop + 1;
end loop;
end Write_Linker_Option;
-- Start of processing for Gen_Object_Files_Options
WBI ("");
Write_Info_Ada_C ("--", "/*", " BEGIN Object file/option list");
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
-- If not spec that has an associated body, then generate a
-- comment giving the name of the corresponding object file.
if Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).Utype /= Is_Spec then
(Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).My_ALI).Ofile_Full_Name);
-- If the presence of an object file is necessary or if it
-- exists, then use it.
if not Hostparm.Exclude_Missing_Objects
or else
GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Regular_File (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len))
Write_Info_Ada_C (" -- ", "", Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
if Output_Object_List then
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end if;
-- Don't link with the shared library on VMS if an internal
-- filename object is seen. Multiply defined symbols will
-- result.
if Hostparm.OpenVMS
and then Is_Internal_File_Name
(Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).My_ALI).Sfile)
Opt.Shared_Libgnat := False;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- Add a "-Ldir" for each directory in the object path. We skip this
-- in No_Run_Time mode, where we want more precise control of exactly
-- what goes into the resulting object file
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
for J in 1 .. Nb_Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path loop
Dir : String_Ptr := Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J);
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("-L");
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Dir.all);
end loop;
end if;
-- Sort linker options
-- This sort accomplishes two important purposes:
-- a) All application files are sorted to the front, and all
-- GNAT internal files are sorted to the end. This results
-- in a well defined dividing line between the two sets of
-- files, for the purpose of inserting certain standard
-- library references into the linker arguments list.
-- b) Given two different units, we sort the linker options so
-- that those from a unit earlier in the elaboration order
-- comes later in the list. This is a heuristic designed
-- to create a more friendly order of linker options when
-- the operations appear in separate units. The idea is that
-- if unit A must be elaborated before unit B, then it is
-- more likely that B references libraries included by A,
-- than vice versa, so we want the libraries included by
-- A to come after the libraries included by B.
-- These two criteria are implemented by function Lt_Linker_Option.
-- Note that a special case of b) is that specs are elaborated before
-- bodies, so linker options from specs come after linker options
-- for bodies, and again, the assumption is that libraries used by
-- the body are more likely to reference libraries used by the spec,
-- than vice versa.
-- Write user linker options, i.e. the set of linker options that
-- come from all files other than GNAT internal files, Lgnat is
-- left set to point to the first entry from a GNAT internal file,
-- or past the end of the entriers if there are no internal files.
Lgnat := Linker_Options.Last + 1;
for J in 1 .. Linker_Options.Last loop
if not Linker_Options.Table (J).Internal_File then
Get_Name_String (Linker_Options.Table (J).Name);
Lgnat := J;
end if;
end loop;
-- Now we insert standard linker options that must appear after the
-- entries from user files, and before the entries from GNAT run-time
-- files. The reason for this decision is that libraries referenced
-- by internal routines may reference these standard library entries.
if not (No_Run_Time_Specified or else Opt.No_Stdlib) then
Name_Len := 0;
if Opt.Shared_Libgnat then
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("-shared");
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("-static");
end if;
-- Write directly to avoid -K output (why???)
Write_Info_Ada_C (" -- ", "", Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
if With_DECGNAT then
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("-ldecgnat");
end if;
if With_GNARL then
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("-lgnarl");
end if;
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("-lgnat");
end if;
-- Write linker options from all internal files
for J in Lgnat .. Linker_Options.Last loop
Get_Name_String (Linker_Options.Table (J).Name);
end loop;
if Ada_Bind_File then
WBI ("-- END Object file/option list ");
WBI (" END Object file/option list */");
end if;
end Gen_Object_Files_Options;
-- Gen_Output_File --
procedure Gen_Output_File (Filename : String) is
-- Override Ada_Bind_File and Bind_Main_Program for Java since
-- JGNAT only supports Ada code, and the main program is already
-- generated by the compiler.
if Hostparm.Java_VM then
Ada_Bind_File := True;
Bind_Main_Program := False;
end if;
-- Override time slice value if -T switch is set
if Time_Slice_Set then
ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Time_Slice_Value := Opt.Time_Slice_Value;
end if;
-- Count number of elaboration calls
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
if Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).No_Elab then
Num_Elab_Calls := Num_Elab_Calls + 1;
end if;
end loop;
-- Generate output file in appropriate language
if Ada_Bind_File then
Gen_Output_File_Ada (Filename);
Gen_Output_File_C (Filename);
end if;
end Gen_Output_File;
-- Gen_Output_File_Ada --
procedure Gen_Output_File_Ada (Filename : String) is
Bfiles : Name_Id;
-- Name of generated bind file (spec)
Bfileb : Name_Id;
-- Name of generated bind file (body)
Ada_Main : constant String := Get_Ada_Main_Name;
-- Name to be used for generated Ada main program. See the body of
-- function Get_Ada_Main_Name for details on the form of the name.
Target : constant String_Ptr := Target_Name;
VxWorks_Target : constant Boolean :=
Target (Target'Last - 7 .. Target'Last) = "vxworks/"
or else Target (Target'Last - 9 .. Target'Last) = "vxworksae/";
-- Create spec first
Create_Binder_Output (Filename, 's', Bfiles);
if No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI ("pragma No_Run_Time;");
end if;
-- Generate with of System so we can reference System.Address, note
-- that such a reference is safe even in No_Run_Time mode, since we
-- do not need any run-time code for such a reference, and we output
-- a pragma No_Run_Time for this compilation above.
WBI ("with System;");
-- Generate with of System.Initialize_Scalars if active
if Initialize_Scalars_Used then
WBI ("with System.Scalar_Values;");
end if;
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
-- Usually, adafinal is called using a pragma Import C. Since
-- Import C doesn't have the same semantics for JGNAT, we use
-- standard Ada.
if Hostparm.Java_VM then
WBI ("with System.Standard_Library;");
end if;
end if;
WBI ("package " & Ada_Main & " is");
-- Main program case
if Bind_Main_Program then
-- Generate argc/argv stuff
WBI ("");
WBI (" gnat_argc : Integer;");
WBI (" gnat_argv : System.Address;");
WBI (" gnat_envp : System.Address;");
-- If we have a run time present, these variables are in the
-- runtime data area for easy access from the runtime
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI ("");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, gnat_argc);");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, gnat_argv);");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, gnat_envp);");
end if;
-- Define exit status. Again in normal mode, this is in the
-- run-time library, and is initialized there, but in the no
-- run time case, the variable is here and initialized here.
WBI ("");
if No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI (" gnat_exit_status : Integer := 0;");
WBI (" gnat_exit_status : Integer;");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, gnat_exit_status);");
end if;
end if;
-- Generate the GNAT_Version and Ada_Main_Program_Name info only for
-- the main program. Otherwise, it can lead under some circumstances
-- to a symbol duplication during the link (for instance when a
-- C program uses 2 Ada libraries)
if Bind_Main_Program then
WBI ("");
WBI (" GNAT_Version : constant String :=");
WBI (" ""GNAT Version: " &
Gnat_Version_String & """;");
WBI (" pragma Export (C, GNAT_Version, ""__gnat_version"");");
WBI ("");
Set_String (" Ada_Main_Program_Name : constant String := """);
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (First_Unit_Entry).Uname);
Set_String (""" & Ascii.NUL;");
(" pragma Export (C, Ada_Main_Program_Name, " &
end if;
-- No need to generate a finalization routine if there is no
-- runtime, since there is nothing to do in this case.
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure " & Ada_Final_Name.all & ";");
WBI (" pragma Export (C, " & Ada_Final_Name.all & ", """ &
Ada_Final_Name.all & """);");
end if;
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure " & Ada_Init_Name.all & ";");
WBI (" pragma Export (C, " & Ada_Init_Name.all & ", """ &
Ada_Init_Name.all & """);");
if Bind_Main_Program then
-- If we have a run time, then Break_Start is defined there, but
-- if there is no run-time, Break_Start is defined in this file.
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure Break_Start;");
if No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI (" pragma Export (C, Break_Start, ""__gnat_break_start"");");
WBI (" pragma Import (C, Break_Start, ""__gnat_break_start"");");
end if;
WBI ("");
WBI (" function " & Get_Main_Name);
-- Generate argument list (except on VxWorks, where none is present)
if not VxWorks_Target then
WBI (" (argc : Integer;");
WBI (" argv : System.Address;");
WBI (" envp : System.Address)");
end if;
WBI (" return Integer;");
WBI (" pragma Export (C, " & Get_Main_Name & ", """ &
Get_Main_Name & """);");
end if;
if Initialize_Scalars_Used then
end if;
-- Spec is complete
WBI ("");
WBI ("end " & Ada_Main & ";");
-- Prepare to write body
Create_Binder_Output (Filename, 'b', Bfileb);
-- Output Source_File_Name pragmas which look like
-- pragma Source_File_Name (Ada_Main, Spec_File_Name => "sss");
-- pragma Source_File_Name (Ada_Main, Body_File_Name => "bbb");
-- where sss/bbb are the spec/body file names respectively
Get_Name_String (Bfiles);
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + 3) := """);";
WBI ("pragma Source_File_Name (" &
Ada_Main &
", Spec_File_Name => """ &
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len + 3));
Get_Name_String (Bfileb);
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + 3) := """);";
WBI ("pragma Source_File_Name (" &
Ada_Main &
", Body_File_Name => """ &
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len + 3));
WBI ("");
WBI ("package body " & Ada_Main & " is");
-- Import the finalization procedure only if there is a runtime.
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
-- In the Java case, pragma Import C cannot be used, so the
-- standard Ada constructs will be used instead.
if not Hostparm.Java_VM then
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure Do_Finalize;");
(" pragma Import (C, Do_Finalize, " &
WBI ("");
end if;
end if;
-- No need to generate a finalization routine if there is no
-- runtime, since there is nothing to do in this case.
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
end if;
if Bind_Main_Program then
-- In No_Run_Time mode, generate dummy body for Break_Start
if No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI ("");
WBI (" procedure Break_Start is");
WBI (" begin");
WBI (" null;");
WBI (" end;");
end if;
end if;
-- Output object file list and the Ada body is complete
WBI ("");
WBI ("end " & Ada_Main & ";");
end Gen_Output_File_Ada;
-- Gen_Output_File_C --
procedure Gen_Output_File_C (Filename : String) is
Bfile : Name_Id;
-- Name of generated bind file
Create_Binder_Output (Filename, 'c', Bfile);
WBI ("#ifdef __STDC__");
WBI ("#define PARAMS(paramlist) paramlist");
WBI ("#else");
WBI ("#define PARAMS(paramlist) ()");
WBI ("#endif");
WBI ("");
WBI ("extern void __gnat_set_globals ");
WBI (" PARAMS ((int, int, int, int, int, int, const char *,");
WBI (" int, int, int));");
WBI ("extern void " & Ada_Final_Name.all & " PARAMS ((void));");
WBI ("extern void " & Ada_Init_Name.all & " PARAMS ((void));");
WBI ("extern void system__standard_library__adafinal PARAMS ((void));");
if not No_Main_Subprogram then
WBI ("extern int main PARAMS ((int, char **, char **));");
if Hostparm.OpenVMS then
WBI ("extern void __posix_exit PARAMS ((int));");
WBI ("extern void exit PARAMS ((int));");
end if;
WBI ("extern void __gnat_break_start PARAMS ((void));");
Set_String ("extern ");
if ALIs.Table (ALIs.First).Main_Program = Proc then
Set_String ("void ");
Set_String ("int ");
end if;
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (First_Unit_Entry).Uname);
Set_String (" PARAMS ((void));");
end if;
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI ("extern void __gnat_initialize PARAMS ((void));");
WBI ("extern void __gnat_finalize PARAMS ((void));");
WBI ("extern void __gnat_install_handler PARAMS ((void));");
end if;
WBI ("");
-- Imported variable used to track elaboration/finalization phase.
-- Used only when we have a runtime.
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI ("extern int __gnat_handler_installed;");
WBI ("");
end if;
-- Write argv/argc stuff if main program case
if Bind_Main_Program then
-- In the normal case, these are in the runtime library
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI ("extern int gnat_argc;");
WBI ("extern char **gnat_argv;");
WBI ("extern char **gnat_envp;");
WBI ("extern int gnat_exit_status;");
-- In the No_Run_Time case, they are right in the binder file
-- and we initialize gnat_exit_status in the declaration.
WBI ("int gnat_argc;");
WBI ("char **gnat_argv;");
WBI ("char **gnat_envp;");
WBI ("int gnat_exit_status = 0;");
end if;
WBI ("");
end if;
-- In no run-time mode, the __gnat_break_start routine (for the
-- debugger to get initial control) is defined in this file.
if No_Run_Time_Specified then
WBI ("");
WBI ("void __gnat_break_start () {}");
end if;
-- Generate the __gnat_version and __gnat_ada_main_program_name info
-- only for the main program. Otherwise, it can lead under some
-- circumstances to a symbol duplication during the link (for instance
-- when a C program uses 2 Ada libraries)
if Bind_Main_Program then
WBI ("");
WBI ("char __gnat_version[] = ""GNAT Version: " &
Gnat_Version_String & """;");
Set_String ("char __gnat_ada_main_program_name[] = """);
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (First_Unit_Entry).Uname);
Set_String (""";");
end if;
-- Generate the adafinal routine. In no runtime mode, this is
-- not needed, since there is no finalization to do.
if not No_Run_Time_Specified then
end if;
-- Main is only present for Ada main case
if Bind_Main_Program then
end if;
-- Scalar values, versions and object files needed in both cases
if Initialize_Scalars_Used then
end if;
-- C binder output is complete
end Gen_Output_File_C;
-- Gen_Scalar_Values --
procedure Gen_Scalar_Values is
-- Strings to hold hex values of initialization constants. Note that
-- we store these strings in big endian order, but they are actually
-- used to initialize integer values, so the actual generated data
-- will automaticaly have the right endianess.
IS_Is1 : String (1 .. 2);
IS_Is2 : String (1 .. 4);
IS_Is4 : String (1 .. 8);
IS_Is8 : String (1 .. 16);
IS_Iu1 : String (1 .. 2);
IS_Iu2 : String (1 .. 4);
IS_Iu4 : String (1 .. 8);
IS_Iu8 : String (1 .. 16);
IS_Isf : String (1 .. 8);
IS_Ifl : String (1 .. 8);
IS_Ilf : String (1 .. 16);
-- The string for Long_Long_Float is special. This is used only on the
-- ia32 with 80-bit extended float (stored in 96 bits by gcc). The
-- value here is represented little-endian, since that's the only way
-- it is ever generated (this is not used on big-endian machines.
IS_Ill : String (1 .. 24);
-- -Sin (invalid values)
if Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Mode = 'I' then
IS_Is1 := "80";
IS_Is2 := "8000";
IS_Is4 := "80000000";
IS_Is8 := "8000000000000000";
IS_Iu1 := "FF";
IS_Iu2 := "FFFF";
IS_Isf := IS_Iu4;
IS_Ifl := IS_Iu4;
IS_Ilf := IS_Iu8;
IS_Ill := "00000000000000C0FFFF0000";
-- -Slo (low values)
elsif Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Mode = 'L' then
IS_Is1 := "80";
IS_Is2 := "8000";
IS_Is4 := "80000000";
IS_Is8 := "8000000000000000";
IS_Iu1 := "00";
IS_Iu2 := "0000";
IS_Iu4 := "00000000";
IS_Iu8 := "0000000000000000";
IS_Isf := "FF800000";
IS_Ifl := IS_Isf;
IS_Ilf := "FFF0000000000000";
IS_Ill := "0000000000000080FFFF0000";
-- -Shi (high values)
elsif Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Mode = 'H' then
IS_Is1 := "7F";
IS_Is2 := "7FFF";
IS_Is4 := "7FFFFFFF";
IS_Iu1 := "FF";
IS_Iu2 := "FFFF";
IS_Isf := "7F800000";
IS_Ifl := IS_Isf;
IS_Ilf := "7FF0000000000000";
IS_Ill := "0000000000000080FF7F0000";
-- -Shh (hex byte)
else pragma Assert (Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Mode = 'X');
IS_Is1 (1 .. 2) := Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Val;
IS_Is2 (1 .. 2) := Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Val;
IS_Is2 (3 .. 4) := Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Val;
for J in 1 .. 4 loop
IS_Is4 (2 * J - 1 .. 2 * J) := Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Val;
end loop;
for J in 1 .. 8 loop
IS_Is8 (2 * J - 1 .. 2 * J) := Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Val;
end loop;
IS_Iu1 := IS_Is1;
IS_Iu2 := IS_Is2;
IS_Iu4 := IS_Is4;
IS_Iu8 := IS_Is8;
IS_Isf := IS_Is4;
IS_Ifl := IS_Is4;
IS_Ilf := IS_Is8;
for J in 1 .. 12 loop
IS_Ill (2 * J - 1 .. 2 * J) := Opt.Initialize_Scalars_Val;
end loop;
end if;
-- Generate output, Ada case
if Ada_Bind_File then
WBI ("");
Set_String (" IS_Is1 : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte1 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Is1);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Is2 : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte2 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Is2);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Is4 : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte4 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Is4);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Is8 : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte8 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Is8);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Iu1 : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte1 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Iu1);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Iu2 : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte2 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Iu2);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Iu4 : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte4 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Iu4);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Iu8 : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte8 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Iu8);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Isf : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte4 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Isf);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Ifl : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte4 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Ifl);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
Set_String (" IS_Ilf : constant System.Scalar_Values.Byte8 := 16#");
Set_String (IS_Ilf);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("#;");
-- Special case of Long_Long_Float. This is a 10-byte value used
-- only on the x86. We could omit it for other architectures, but
-- we don't easily have that kind of target specialization in the
-- binder, and it's only 10 bytes, and only if -Sxx is used. Note
-- that for architectures where Long_Long_Float is the same as
-- Long_Float, the expander uses the Long_Float constant for the
-- initializations of Long_Long_Float values.
WBI (" IS_Ill : constant array (1 .. 12) of");
WBI (" System.Scalar_Values.Byte1 := (");
Set_String (" ");
for J in 1 .. 6 loop
Set_String (" 16#");
Set_Char (IS_Ill (2 * J - 1));
Set_Char (IS_Ill (2 * J));
Set_String ("#,");
end loop;
Set_String (" ");
for J in 7 .. 12 loop
Set_String (" 16#");
Set_Char (IS_Ill (2 * J - 1));
Set_Char (IS_Ill (2 * J));
if J = 12 then
Set_String ("#);");
Set_String ("#,");
end if;
end loop;
-- Output export statements to export to System.Scalar_Values
WBI ("");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Is1, ""__gnat_Is1"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Is2, ""__gnat_Is2"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Is4, ""__gnat_Is4"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Is8, ""__gnat_Is8"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Iu1, ""__gnat_Iu1"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Iu2, ""__gnat_Iu2"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Iu4, ""__gnat_Iu4"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Iu8, ""__gnat_Iu8"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Isf, ""__gnat_Isf"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Ifl, ""__gnat_Ifl"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Ilf, ""__gnat_Ilf"");");
WBI (" pragma Export (Ada, IS_Ill, ""__gnat_Ill"");");
-- Generate output C case
-- The lines we generate in this case are of the form
-- typ __gnat_I?? = 0x??;
-- where typ is appropriate to the length
WBI ("");
Set_String ("unsigned char __gnat_Is1 = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Is1);
Write_Statement_Buffer (";");
Set_String ("unsigned short __gnat_Is2 = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Is2);
Write_Statement_Buffer (";");
Set_String ("unsigned __gnat_Is4 = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Is4);
Write_Statement_Buffer (";");
Set_String ("long long unsigned __gnat_Is8 = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Is8);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("LL;");
Set_String ("unsigned char __gnat_Iu1 = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Is1);
Write_Statement_Buffer (";");
Set_String ("unsigned short __gnat_Iu2 = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Is2);
Write_Statement_Buffer (";");
Set_String ("unsigned __gnat_Iu4 = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Is4);
Write_Statement_Buffer (";");
Set_String ("long long unsigned __gnat_Iu8 = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Is8);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("LL;");
Set_String ("unsigned __gnat_Isf = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Isf);
Write_Statement_Buffer (";");
Set_String ("unsigned __gnat_Ifl = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Ifl);
Write_Statement_Buffer (";");
Set_String ("long long unsigned __gnat_Ilf = 0x");
Set_String (IS_Ilf);
Write_Statement_Buffer ("LL;");
-- For Long_Long_Float, we generate
-- char __gnat_Ill[12] = {0x??, 0x??, 0x??, 0x??, 0x??, 0x??,
-- 0x??, 0x??, 0x??, 0x??, 0x??, 0x??);
Set_String ("unsigned char __gnat_Ill[12] = {");
for J in 1 .. 6 loop
Set_String ("0x");
Set_Char (IS_Ill (2 * J - 1));
Set_Char (IS_Ill (2 * J));
Set_String (", ");
end loop;
Set_String (" ");
for J in 7 .. 12 loop
Set_String ("0x");
Set_Char (IS_Ill (2 * J - 1));
Set_Char (IS_Ill (2 * J));
if J = 12 then
Set_String ("};");
Set_String (", ");
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Gen_Scalar_Values;
-- Gen_Versions_Ada --
-- This routine generates two sets of lines. The first set has the form:
-- unnnnn : constant Integer := 16#hhhhhhhh#;
-- The second set has the form
-- pragma Export (C, unnnnn, unam);
-- for each unit, where unam is the unit name suffixed by either B or
-- S for body or spec, with dots replaced by double underscores, and
-- hhhhhhhh is the version number, and nnnnn is a 5-digits serial number.
procedure Gen_Versions_Ada is
Ubuf : String (1 .. 6) := "u00000";
procedure Increment_Ubuf;
-- Little procedure to increment the serial number
procedure Increment_Ubuf is
for J in reverse Ubuf'Range loop
Ubuf (J) := Character'Succ (Ubuf (J));
exit when Ubuf (J) <= '9';
Ubuf (J) := '0';
end loop;
end Increment_Ubuf;
-- Start of processing for Gen_Versions_Ada
if Bind_For_Library then
-- When building libraries, the version number of each unit can
-- not be computed, since the binder does not know the full list
-- of units. Therefore, the 'Version and 'Body_Version
-- attributes can not supported in this case.
end if;
WBI ("");
WBI (" type Version_32 is mod 2 ** 32;");
for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
WBI (" " & Ubuf & " : constant Version_32 := 16#" &
Units.Table (U).Version & "#;");
end loop;
WBI ("");
Ubuf := "u00000";
for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
Set_String (" pragma Export (C, ");
Set_String (Ubuf);
Set_String (", """);
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (U).Uname);
for K in 1 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (K) = '.' then
Set_Char ('_');
Set_Char ('_');
elsif Name_Buffer (K) = '%' then
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (K));
end if;
end loop;
if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 's' then
Set_Char ('S');
Set_Char ('B');
end if;
Set_String (""");");
end loop;
end Gen_Versions_Ada;
-- Gen_Versions_C --
-- This routine generates a line of the form:
-- unsigned unam = 0xhhhhhhhh;
-- for each unit, where unam is the unit name suffixed by either B or
-- S for body or spec, with dots replaced by double underscores.
procedure Gen_Versions_C is
if Bind_For_Library then
-- When building libraries, the version number of each unit can
-- not be computed, since the binder does not know the full list
-- of units. Therefore, the 'Version and 'Body_Version
-- attributes can not supported.
end if;
for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
Set_String ("unsigned ");
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (U).Uname);
for K in 1 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (K) = '.' then
Set_String ("__");
elsif Name_Buffer (K) = '%' then
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (K));
end if;
end loop;
if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 's' then
Set_Char ('S');
Set_Char ('B');
end if;
Set_String (" = 0x");
Set_String (Units.Table (U).Version);
Set_Char (';');
end loop;
end Gen_Versions_C;
-- Get_Ada_Main_Name --
function Get_Ada_Main_Name return String is
Suffix : constant String := "_00";
Name : String (1 .. Opt.Ada_Main_Name.all'Length + Suffix'Length) :=
Opt.Ada_Main_Name.all & Suffix;
Nlen : Natural;
-- The main program generated by JGNAT expects a package called
-- ada_<main procedure>.
if Hostparm.Java_VM then
-- Get main program name
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (First_Unit_Entry).Uname);
-- Remove the %b
return "ada_" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - 2);
end if;
-- This loop tries the following possibilities in order
-- <Ada_Main>
-- <Ada_Main>_01
-- <Ada_Main>_02
-- ..
-- <Ada_Main>_99
-- where <Ada_Main> is equal to Opt.Ada_Main_Name. By default,
-- it is set to 'ada_main'.
for J in 0 .. 99 loop
if J = 0 then
Nlen := Name'Length - Suffix'Length;
Nlen := Name'Length;
Name (Name'Last) := Character'Val (J mod 10 + Character'Pos ('0'));
Name (Name'Last - 1) :=
Character'Val (J / 10 + Character'Pos ('0'));
end if;
for K in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
for L in ALIs.Table (K).First_Unit .. ALIs.Table (K).Last_Unit loop
-- Get unit name, removing %b or %e at end
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (L).Uname);
Name_Len := Name_Len - 2;
if Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) = Name (1 .. Nlen) then
goto Continue;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return Name (1 .. Nlen);
end loop;
-- If we fall through, just use a peculiar unlikely name
return ("Qwertyuiop");
end Get_Ada_Main_Name;
-- Get_Main_Name --
function Get_Main_Name return String is
Target : constant String_Ptr := Target_Name;
VxWorks_Target : constant Boolean :=
Target (Target'Last - 7 .. Target'Last) = "vxworks/"
or else Target (Target'Last - 9 .. Target'Last) = "vxworksae/";
-- Explicit name given with -M switch
if Bind_Alternate_Main_Name then
return Alternate_Main_Name.all;
-- Case of main program name to be used directly
elsif VxWorks_Target then
-- Get main program name
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (First_Unit_Entry).Uname);
-- If this is a child name, return only the name of the child,
-- since we can't have dots in a nested program name. Note that
-- we do not include the %b at the end of the unit name.
for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len - 2 loop
if J = 1 or else Name_Buffer (J - 1) = '.' then
return Name_Buffer (J .. Name_Len - 2);
end if;
end loop;
raise Program_Error; -- impossible exit
-- Case where "main" is to be used as default
return "main";
end if;
end Get_Main_Name;
-- Lt_Linker_Option --
function Lt_Linker_Option (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean is
-- Sort internal files last
if Linker_Options.Table (Op1).Internal_File
Linker_Options.Table (Op2).Internal_File
-- Note: following test uses False < True
return Linker_Options.Table (Op1).Internal_File
Linker_Options.Table (Op2).Internal_File;
-- If both internal or both non-internal, sort according to the
-- elaboration position. A unit that is elaborated later should
-- come earlier in the linker options list.
return Units.Table (Linker_Options.Table (Op1).Unit).Elab_Position
Units.Table (Linker_Options.Table (Op2).Unit).Elab_Position;
end if;
end Lt_Linker_Option;
-- Move_Linker_Option --
procedure Move_Linker_Option (From : Natural; To : Natural) is
Linker_Options.Table (To) := Linker_Options.Table (From);
end Move_Linker_Option;
-- Resolve_Binder_Options --
procedure Resolve_Binder_Options is
for E in Elab_Order.First .. Elab_Order.Last loop
Get_Name_String (Units.Table (Elab_Order.Table (E)).Uname);
-- The procedure of looking for specific packages and setting
-- flags is very wrong, but there isn't a good alternative at
-- this time.
if Name_Buffer (1 .. 19) = "system.os_interface" then
With_GNARL := True;
end if;
if Hostparm.OpenVMS and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 3) = "dec" then
With_DECGNAT := True;
end if;
end loop;
end Resolve_Binder_Options;
-- Set_Char --
procedure Set_Char (C : Character) is
Last := Last + 1;
Statement_Buffer (Last) := C;
end Set_Char;
-- Set_Int --
procedure Set_Int (N : Int) is
if N < 0 then
Set_String ("-");
Set_Int (-N);
if N > 9 then
Set_Int (N / 10);
end if;
Last := Last + 1;
Statement_Buffer (Last) :=
Character'Val (N mod 10 + Character'Pos ('0'));
end if;
end Set_Int;
-- Set_Main_Program_Name --
procedure Set_Main_Program_Name is
-- Note that name has %b on the end which we ignore
-- First we output the initial _ada_ since we know that the main
-- program is a library level subprogram.
Set_String ("_ada_");
-- Copy name, changing dots to double underscores
for J in 1 .. Name_Len - 2 loop
if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
Set_String ("__");
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (J));
end if;
end loop;
end Set_Main_Program_Name;
-- Set_Name_Buffer --
procedure Set_Name_Buffer is
for J in 1 .. Name_Len loop
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (J));
end loop;
end Set_Name_Buffer;
-- Set_String --
procedure Set_String (S : String) is
Statement_Buffer (Last + 1 .. Last + S'Length) := S;
Last := Last + S'Length;
end Set_String;
-- Set_Unit_Name --
procedure Set_Unit_Name is
for J in 1 .. Name_Len - 2 loop
if Name_Buffer (J) /= '.' then
Set_Char (Name_Buffer (J));
Set_String ("__");
end if;
end loop;
end Set_Unit_Name;
-- Set_Unit_Number --
procedure Set_Unit_Number (U : Unit_Id) is
Num_Units : constant Nat := Nat (Units.Table'Last) - Nat (Unit_Id'First);
Unum : constant Nat := Nat (U) - Nat (Unit_Id'First);
if Num_Units >= 10 and then Unum < 10 then
Set_Char ('0');
end if;
if Num_Units >= 100 and then Unum < 100 then
Set_Char ('0');
end if;
Set_Int (Unum);
end Set_Unit_Number;
-- Tab_To --
procedure Tab_To (N : Natural) is
while Last < N loop
Set_Char (' ');
end loop;
end Tab_To;
-- Write_Info_Ada_C --
procedure Write_Info_Ada_C (Ada : String; C : String; Common : String) is
if Ada_Bind_File then
S : String (1 .. Ada'Length + Common'Length);
S (1 .. Ada'Length) := Ada;
S (Ada'Length + 1 .. S'Length) := Common;
WBI (S);
S : String (1 .. C'Length + Common'Length);
S (1 .. C'Length) := C;
S (C'Length + 1 .. S'Length) := Common;
WBI (S);
end if;
end Write_Info_Ada_C;
-- Write_Statement_Buffer --
procedure Write_Statement_Buffer is
WBI (Statement_Buffer (1 .. Last));
Last := 0;
end Write_Statement_Buffer;
procedure Write_Statement_Buffer (S : String) is
Set_String (S);
end Write_Statement_Buffer;
end Bindgen;