blob: ea8dfb75da0d971015b2b76e4bff103c794fe3bd [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- M L I B . P R J --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001, Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Ada.Characters.Handling;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with MLib.Fil;
with MLib.Tgt;
with Opt;
with Output; use Output;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Table;
with Types; use Types;
package body MLib.Prj is
package Files renames MLib.Fil;
package Target renames MLib.Tgt;
-- List of objects to put inside the library
Object_Files : Argument_List_Access;
package Objects is new Table.Table
(Table_Name => "Mlib.Prj.Objects",
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 50,
Table_Increment => 50);
-- List of non-Ada object files
Foreign_Objects : Argument_List_Access;
package Foreigns is new Table.Table
(Table_Name => "Mlib.Prj.Foreigns",
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 20);
-- List of ALI files
Ali_Files : Argument_List_Access;
package Alis is new Table.Table
(Table_Name => "Mlib.Prj.Alis",
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 50,
Table_Increment => 50);
-- List of options set in the command line.
Options : Argument_List_Access;
package Opts is new Table.Table
(Table_Name => "Mlib.Prj.Opts",
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 5,
Table_Increment => 5);
type Build_Mode_State is
(None, Static, Dynamic, Relocatable);
procedure Check (Filename : String);
-- Check if filename is a regular file. Fail if it is not.
procedure Check_Context;
-- Check each object files in table Object_Files
-- Fail if any of them is not a regular file
procedure Reset_Tables;
-- Make sure that all the above tables are empty
-- (Objects, Foreign_Objects, Ali_Files, Options)
-- Build_Library --
procedure Build_Library (For_Project : Project_Id) is
Data : constant Project_Data := Projects.Table (For_Project);
Project_Name : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Data.Name);
Lib_Filename : String_Access;
Lib_Dirpath : String_Access := new String'(".");
DLL_Address : String_Access := new String'(Target.Default_DLL_Address);
Lib_Version : String_Access := new String'("");
The_Build_Mode : Build_Mode_State := None;
-- Fail if project is not a library project
if not Data.Library then
Fail ("project """, Project_Name, """ has no library");
end if;
Lib_Dirpath := new String'(Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Dir));
Lib_Filename := new String'(Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Name));
case Data.Library_Kind is
when Static =>
The_Build_Mode := Static;
when Dynamic =>
The_Build_Mode := Dynamic;
when Relocatable =>
The_Build_Mode := Relocatable;
if Target.PIC_Option /= "" then
Opts.Table (Opts.Last) := new String'(Target.PIC_Option);
end if;
end case;
-- Get the library version, if any
if Data.Lib_Internal_Name /= No_Name then
Lib_Version := new String'(Get_Name_String (Data.Lib_Internal_Name));
end if;
-- Add the objects found in the object directory
Object_Dir : Dir_Type;
Filename : String (1 .. 255);
Last : Natural;
Object_Dir_Path : constant String :=
Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory);
Open (Dir => Object_Dir, Dir_Name => Object_Dir_Path);
-- For all entries in the object directory
Read (Object_Dir, Filename, Last);
exit when Last = 0;
-- Check if it is an object file
if Files.Is_Obj (Filename (1 .. Last)) then
-- record this object file
Objects.Table (Objects.Last) :=
new String' (Object_Dir_Path & Directory_Separator &
Filename (1 .. Last));
if Is_Regular_File
(Object_Dir_Path &
Files.Ext_To (Object_Dir_Path &
Filename (1 .. Last), "ali"))
-- Record the corresponding ali file
Alis.Table (Alis.Last) :=
new String' (Object_Dir_Path &
(Filename (1 .. Last), "ali"));
-- The object file is a foreign object file
Foreigns.Table (Foreigns.Last) :=
new String'(Object_Dir_Path &
Filename (1 .. Last));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
Close (Dir => Object_Dir);
when Directory_Error =>
Fail ("cannot find object directory """,
Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory),
-- We want to link some Ada files, so we need to link with
-- the GNAT runtime (libgnat & libgnarl)
if The_Build_Mode = Dynamic or else The_Build_Mode = Relocatable then
Opts.Table (Opts.Last) := new String' ("-lgnarl");
Opts.Table (Opts.Last) := new String' ("-lgnat");
end if;
Object_Files :=
new Argument_List'(Argument_List (Objects.Table (1 .. Objects.Last)));
Foreign_Objects :=
new Argument_List'(Argument_List
(Foreigns.Table (1 .. Foreigns.Last)));
Ali_Files :=
new Argument_List'(Argument_List (Alis.Table (1 .. Alis.Last)));
Options :=
new Argument_List'(Argument_List (Opts.Table (1 .. Opts.Last)));
-- We fail if there are no object to put in the library
-- (Ada or foreign objects)
if Object_Files'Length = 0 then
Fail ("no object files");
end if;
if not Opt.Quiet_Output then
Write_Str ("building ");
Write_Str (Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower
(Build_Mode_State'Image (The_Build_Mode)));
Write_Str (" library for project ");
Write_Line (Project_Name);
end if;
-- We check that all object files are regular files
-- And we call the procedure to build the library,
-- depending on the build mode
case The_Build_Mode is
when Dynamic | Relocatable =>
(Ofiles => Object_Files.all,
Foreign => Foreign_Objects.all,
Afiles => Ali_Files.all,
Options => Options.all,
Lib_Filename => Lib_Filename.all,
Lib_Dir => Lib_Dirpath.all,
Lib_Address => DLL_Address.all,
Lib_Version => Lib_Version.all,
Relocatable => The_Build_Mode = Relocatable);
when Static =>
when None =>
end case;
-- We need to copy the ALI files from the object directory
-- to the library directory, so that the linker find them
-- there, and does not need to look in the object directory
-- where it would also find the object files; and we don't want
-- that: we want the linker to use the library.
(From => Projects.Table (For_Project).Object_Directory,
To => Projects.Table (For_Project).Library_Dir);
end Build_Library;
-- Check --
procedure Check (Filename : String) is
if not Is_Regular_File (Filename) then
Fail (Filename, " not found.");
end if;
end Check;
-- Check_Context --
procedure Check_Context is
-- check that each object file exist
for F in Object_Files'Range loop
Check (Object_Files (F).all);
end loop;
end Check_Context;
-- Reset_Tables --
procedure Reset_Tables is
end Reset_Tables;
end MLib.Prj;